Nirvana Noir

Nirvana Noir

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
TheManStark  [developer] May 10 @ 2:56pm
Nirvana Noir FAQ
In this thread we will post some information on frequently asked questions. This is also a great thread to ask a general question about the game.

Who is making Nirvana Noir?
We’re Feral Cat Den, a small team based in NYC, Chicago, and consisting of Evan Anthony [], Jeremy Abel [], Marcin Zeglinski [], Evan Stark [], Noah Sablan[], and Andri Arason [].

Feral Cat Den started out as Evan Anthony and Jeremy Abel, and they released Genesis Noir as their first game. Over the course of development, Feral Cat Den accumulated a number of other contributors and some of them came on for this, their second game, Nirvana Noir.

Skillbard[] is a team of composers and sound designers in London who specialize in animation and motion graphics. They did the music for Genesis Noir, and we’re terribly excited to have them back for Nirvana Noir.

Fellow Traveller[] is an indie game label based in Australia who help narrative focused games come to life and reach an audience. They were our publisher for Genesis Noir, and we're also happy to have them on board again!

What controller support is implemented in Nirvana Noir?
Nirvana Noir's demo has full controller support. We recommend mouse and keyboard heartily as feasible alternative. The full game will have full controller support on release as well.

Will we be able to remap keys?
Yes, on release of the full game. We will not be implementing that for this demo. If you’re uncomfortable using WASD, the arrow keys can be used as well.

Will there be achievements in Nirvana Noir?
Yes, there will be achievements in Nirvana Noir.

What languages will Nirvana Noir be localized into?
We’re still talking about it! There are some technical challenges we need to address before we can be certain about how many languages we’re going to localize for.
It’s worth noting we’d love to localize into most languages!

Are there autosaves in Nirvana Noir, or can I save the game at any point?
Nirvana Noir autosaves at a number of places and manages all of that itself.
Last edited by TheManStark; May 10 @ 2:58pm
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Add two achievements to the demo, one for completing each scene.
Very cool and original game, btw. Tense.
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