Death Taxi 3000
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Amazerfulify Jun 22, 2020 @ 1:49pm
Linux port is borked?
Hey there dev, just bought the game on linux and yeah had similar issues mentioned in your patch note. Tried re-launching the game, no music, windowed and ran "sudo apt-get install dosbox" but still nothing.
Running proton works but the game is really laggy.

Should I wait until the next patch or is there anything else I can try in the meantime ?
Originally posted by Coconut Pizza:
Hey Amazerfulify, so the problem with your Mint release is that it is based on the older LTS Ubuntu packages (18.04), which yeah, sadly is bound to cause lots of incompatibilities. Keeping your packages "updated" on a Linux environment usually only means security fixes, to get the latest software you need to "upgrade". Luckily Mint 20 will be based on 20.04 so I believe it will be all set to run DT3K, I will add this to the minimum requirements on the store page.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to try some of the workarounds I recommended on the other topic, it has been reported you can get at least the launcher and the DOSBox version to work natively. If libtinfo really is the only culprit, I can study removing it completely from the compiler environment in favor of some alternative so older OSes will be supported. Other devs have recommended me some unorthodox solutions to package Linux games which create a sort of sandbox, I don't know if it would work for this case in particular but it's on my radar as well.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Coconut Pizza  [developer] Jun 22, 2020 @ 5:04pm 
I develop and test on Linux on a variety of setups so it definitely is not borked. I will need to know your OS details (distro, version, 32-64, whatever hardware specs you can spare) and the exact error messages you had along the way.

If the window just closes down, please run the game through a terminal window so you can get the output. It should be located in ".steam/steam/steamapps/common/Death Taxi 3000/x64". You most likely have a dependency missing somewhere, we need to know if it's for the launcher, taxi or taxigl.

Note that the game is built against the latest GCC stack and there is a requirement for a somewhat up-to-date distribution. We can try finding out ways to work around that, or there can be a patch I can apply to users in the same situation as you. No need to leave a negative review to get my attention, I've been here replying to everyone.
Last edited by Coconut Pizza; Jun 22, 2020 @ 5:08pm
Coconut Pizza  [developer] Jun 22, 2020 @ 5:30pm 
Just another thing: the "apt-get install dosbox" requirement is only for running the game via the DOSBox emulator. I am not sure by your report if you were able to make it to the launcher, but if so you need to select "Launch on DOSBox" under the "mode" option to run the game like that.
Amazerfulify Jun 22, 2020 @ 6:10pm 
I see. Unfortunately, even after installing dosbox, that said without using Proton, I cannot get to the launcher. Sorry for not being specific earlier.
Coconut Pizza  [developer] Jun 22, 2020 @ 6:26pm 
Have you checked if your issue is related to this?
ZeroAffex Jun 22, 2020 @ 6:31pm 
Just popping in to say it's pretty ridiculous you gave these guys a negative review because the game doesn't work on your Linux setup--which is notorious for giving people grief, devs and players alike.

I understand your frustrations but for a game with such limited exposure and resources, a negative review is massively detrimental. I mean so far this game has 2 whole reviews man.. you just wrecked this poor dev for no reason other than issues getting it to run on your system--that is Linux.

He's been uber polite, willing to build the game better just for you all the while spending years potentially making peanut wages (indie devs typically make nothing) creating this game only for you to bash it for issues that are solely due to your machine and aren't even related to gameplay or the studio. It's heartbreaking stuff.

Sorry.. just had to speak up.

This game holds a special place in my heart already and seeing such injustice towards it bothers the hell out of me. Hopefully your willing to change your review or simply not give a review (which is usually what I do if I don't like games because even a single bad review can be hugely detrimental to development and future updates meaning the game you dislike will probably never get better).

Not trying to flame you. Just letting you know as another patron and fan of the game, I am disappointed that you went to such an extreme for something so trivial. There's LOTS of bad games on Steam that deserve bad reviews, this isn't one of them. Regardless, have a great rest of your week and hopefully you can get the game working soon enough. It's awesome.
Coconut Pizza  [developer] Jun 22, 2020 @ 6:50pm 
Thanks, ZeroAffex, but it's ok. They're within their rights and I want to see if there's something I can do on my side to fix it, as a Linux enthusiast I'd really like to see it work for most users. If it does turn out they have a system older than minimum requirements, then they can ask Steam for a refund and that's perfectly cool too.
Last edited by Coconut Pizza; Jun 22, 2020 @ 6:55pm
Amazerfulify Jun 22, 2020 @ 6:51pm 
Originally posted by ZeroAffex:
Just popping in to say it's pretty ridiculous you gave these guys a negative review because the game doesn't work on your Linux setup--which is notorious for giving people grief, devs and players alike.

I understand your frustrations but for a game with such limited exposure and resources, a negative review is massively detrimental. I mean so far this game has 2 whole reviews man.. you just wrecked this poor dev for no reason other than issues getting it to run on your system--that is Linux.

He's been uber polite, willing to build the game better just for you all the while spending years potentially making peanut wages (indie devs typically make nothing) creating this game only for you to bash it for issues that are solely due to your machine and aren't even related to gameplay or the studio. It's heartbreaking stuff.

Sorry.. just had to speak up.

This game holds a special place in my heart already and seeing such injustice towards it bothers the hell out of me. Hopefully your willing to change your review or simply not give a review (which is usually what I do if I don't like games because even a single bad review can be hugely detrimental to development and future updates meaning the game you dislike will probably never get better).

Not trying to flame you. Just letting you know as another patron and fan of the game, I am disappointed that you went to such an extreme for something so trivial. There's LOTS of bad games on Steam that deserve bad reviews, this isn't one of them. Regardless, have a great rest of your week and hopefully you can get the game working soon enough. It's awesome.

I think I see from where you're coming from: You like said product and as soon as someone else may express something different or opposite, you'd feel defensive. Fair enough.
But you point out a few indications that do not make any sense.
-Yes the dev has been polite and I've been as well. I don't see how I've bashed* on the guy.
-In the review I mentioned that I would change it stance as soon as it is resolved.
-Widely exposed or not at all, the store page says one thing and I do have to wonder how come it doesn't run. The review is also one of the few tools that can direct people with info on potential purchases.
-Just like you, I was super psyched to see that game being released and couldn't wait to play it.
But I can't and I just reach out for help.
-I did follow all indications I could find to resolve on my own this issue, with no luck.
-I think that if one has to add more notes to instruct how his product has to work, maybe this could've been implemented instead, i don't know, I'm not a dev.
-You even add that my thing is"Something so trivial"? I'm a customer and the product is labelled Linux ready, I do think it would. I played a lot of Indie titles who also provided Linux port with no issue whatsoever.
-You say "injustice" so gratuitously. What you invite me to do is to silence my simple trivial thing. Why does it bother you so much then? Just do what you usually do, don't say anything.

Thanks for your wishes, I wish you a great week as well. And I can't wait until we can both chat about how this game is rad.
Coconut Pizza  [developer] Jun 22, 2020 @ 7:03pm 
Originally posted by Amazerfulify:
-I think that if one has to add more notes to instruct how his product has to work, maybe this could've been implemented instead, i don't know, I'm not a dev.
-You even add that my thing is"Something so trivial"? I'm a customer and the product is labelled Linux ready, I do think it would. I played a lot of Indie titles who also provided Linux port with no issue whatsoever.
And while I totally get your sentiment here, please remember most Linux games on Steam are Unity and they have the backing of a huge company with a bajillion-user install base to make sure things "just work". I am coding my own engine and the game is not even a week out of a very limited beta.
Amazerfulify Jun 22, 2020 @ 7:06pm 
Originally posted by Coconut Pizza:
Have you checked if your issue is related to this?

My system is fully updated, I keep everything up to date. With the Dos box installed, i still can't make the game launch.

Here's the specs :
Processor Information:
CPU Vendor: AuthenticAMD
CPU Family: 0x15
CPU Model: 0x70
CPU Stepping: 0x0
CPU Type: 0x0
Speed: 1500 Mhz
2 logical processors
2 physical processors

Operating System Version:
Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia (64 bit)
Kernel Name: Linux
Kernel Version: 5.3.0-59-generic
X Server Vendor: The X.Org Foundation
X Server Release: 12008000
X Window Manager: Mutter (Muffin)
Steam Runtime Version: steam-runtime_0.20200505.0

Video Card:
Driver: X.Org AMD STONEY (DRM 3.33.0, 5.3.0-59-generic, LLVM 9.0.0)
Driver Version: 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 19.2.8
OpenGL Version: 4.5
Desktop Color Depth: 24 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 59 Hz
VendorID: 0x1002
DeviceID: 0x98e4
Revision Not Detected
Number of Monitors: 1
Number of Logical Video Cards: 1
Primary Display Resolution: 1366 x 768
Desktop Resolution: 1366 x 768
Primary Display Size: 13.54" x 7.60" (15.51" diag)
34.4cm x 19.3cm (39.4cm diag)
Primary VRAM: 256 MB

I do have to apologize to both of you, for the dev, I understand that there are , gosh, an absurd amount of stuff to understand/learn about linux that making something work for all the distros must be hell. So I'll remove the review.
And to @ZeroAffex , for my tone.
A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Coconut Pizza  [developer] Jun 22, 2020 @ 7:31pm 
Hey Amazerfulify, so the problem with your Mint release is that it is based on the older LTS Ubuntu packages (18.04), which yeah, sadly is bound to cause lots of incompatibilities. Keeping your packages "updated" on a Linux environment usually only means security fixes, to get the latest software you need to "upgrade". Luckily Mint 20 will be based on 20.04 so I believe it will be all set to run DT3K, I will add this to the minimum requirements on the store page.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to try some of the workarounds I recommended on the other topic, it has been reported you can get at least the launcher and the DOSBox version to work natively. If libtinfo really is the only culprit, I can study removing it completely from the compiler environment in favor of some alternative so older OSes will be supported. Other devs have recommended me some unorthodox solutions to package Linux games which create a sort of sandbox, I don't know if it would work for this case in particular but it's on my radar as well.
Amazerfulify Jun 22, 2020 @ 7:35pm 
Originally posted by Coconut Pizza:
Hey Amazerfulify, so the problem with your Mint release is that it is based on the older LTS Ubuntu packages (18.04), which yeah, sadly is bound to cause lots of incompatibilities. Keeping your packages "updated" on a Linux environment usually only means security fixes, to get the latest software you need to "upgrade". Luckily Mint 20 will be based on 20.04 so I believe it will be all set to run DT3K, I will add this to the minimum requirements on the store page.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to try some of the workarounds I recommended on the other topic, it has been reported you can get at least the launcher and the DOSBox version to work natively. If libtinfo really is the only culprit, I can study removing it completely from the compiler environment in favor of some alternative so older OSes will be supported. Other devs have recommended me some unorthodox solutions to package Linux games which create a sort of sandbox, I don't know if it would work for this case in particular but it's on my radar as well.

I understand. Well, like I mentioned earlier, I removed the review and now will try again with different ways. Otherwise I'll look forward Mint 20.
ZeroAffex Jun 22, 2020 @ 7:52pm 
Hey Amazerfully, I accept your apology. I was actually about to come back here to apologize myself but you beat me to it. :D I am invested in this game, not just financially having paid for it but also emotionally for numerous reasons. I've also been in the trenches for many years working behind the indie dev scene so there's that too and know first hand what a single bad review can do to small guys in this business that are trying to get their footing.

I am sorry if you felt I was attacking you with my post when I spoke out about the bad review. I just wanted you to know my disappointment one patron/fan to another is all and after some reflection realized I probably could of articulated myself better in doing so, just got caught up in the moment. Seems we are on the same page, understand each other now and got to say am just stoked to hear you are removing the negative review.

Very cool and kind of you Amazerfully! Am also looking forward to talking about the game when the time comes and you're able to dig into it. Hopefully soon now that the dev has your specs and all the important details to code something up for you to run it :) Anyways, best wishes and take care!
Amazerfulify Jun 22, 2020 @ 8:39pm 
Originally posted by ZeroAffex:
Hey Amazerfully, I accept your apology. I was actually about to come back here to apologize myself but you beat me to it. :D I am invested in this game, not just financially having paid for it but also emotionally for numerous reasons. I've also been in the trenches for many years working behind the indie dev scene so there's that too and know first hand what a single bad review can do to small guys in this business that are trying to get their footing.

I am sorry if you felt I was attacking you with my post when I spoke out about the bad review. I just wanted you to know my disappointment one patron/fan to another is all and after some reflection realized I probably could of articulated myself better in doing so, just got caught up in the moment. Seems we are on the same page, understand each other now and got to say am just stoked to hear you are removing the negative review.

Very cool and kind of you Amazerfully! Am also looking forward to talking about the game when the time comes and you're able to dig into it. Hopefully soon now that the dev has your specs and all the important details to code something up for you to run it :) Anyways, best wishes and take care!

Ya man, like you've read, Im also sorry. I honestly hate fighting and, the way I reacted surprised myself.
I understand where you're coming from and I really respect the indie scene, and I did remember that a negative/thumbs down review here on steam or anywhere does hurt a lot more than the consumer would ever imagine.
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