DaoNayt May 26, 2018 @ 10:21am
I suck at Le Mans
Im pretty good in most races, can play on Savage without much problems, EXCEPT Le Mans. I get overtaken in long fast corners like a total noob and I am almost always last. They just fly past me, but I can't do anything to help it. If I use the throtle, I understeer to the gravel. Guess I could lower the difficulty and turn on assists, but why is it so much different from other races?
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
feprice May 26, 2018 @ 6:02pm 
The easy answer is to change Difficulty level to Serious. That will slow down the AI. The other answer is, keep on practicing. I've always had to run more restarts in the season-end 24 Hours of Le Mans. Still. And I've been playing the career since 2008. The aliens will laugh, but that's how it is. Good luck.

P.S. As for understeer, start your turn in earlier. The turns where you can't see the apex until you're past the turn in point are tricky - it's mostly just trial and error.
Last edited by feprice; May 26, 2018 @ 6:05pm
DaoNayt May 28, 2018 @ 12:58pm 
Knocking down the difficulty just makes me faster in a straight line (or everyone else slower), but doesnt do anything for the grip. Turning in blind might be a good idea, assuming I know exactly how the track is laid out, and how my car is going to behave. This is one of the most random racing games I ever played, when it comes to car control. I'm sort of hoping that the car will do what I expect but there's no guarantee.

One more thing, in downhill drift and togue, how do I know the opponent's time/score BEFORE the race is over? Again, I just have to hope that I did good, and if the score shows differently - tough luck, you're out, no restart! I don't think I've ever seen a racing game where you don't know the result until after the race.
SlimShanks Jun 2, 2018 @ 11:09pm 
I had this exact same problem, the solution is a bit counter intuitive. Go to driving options, turn on stability control, problem solved. I know normally stability control causes more understeer, but not in this game and the AI follow lines that are impossible with this assist off.
DaoNayt Jun 4, 2018 @ 8:31am 
But I already have braking and traction assists on, since I use a keyboard. I don't want to be a *total* noob :P I'll try it I guess.
feprice Jun 4, 2018 @ 5:38pm 
In my own experience it took a LOT of practice to not feel like a "total noob." The challenge is one of the things that makes GRID great. Keyboard, always. No room for anything else. Don't give up. Whatever combination of settings works for you is best. Don't sweat it, just drive. It's all about the Race.
Inardesco Jun 8, 2018 @ 11:19am 
The last 4 times I did Le Mans 24hours I was crashed into by the AI multiple times (hardest difficulty, no flashbacks, no ttraction control/abs) and just retired because well....Why bother with it. The last 24hours I was like...Let's just finish this sh*t and I ended up 2nd. The circuit part I'm quicker but on the long straight into the chicanes I lose a lot of time.

Still, the main issue in this game remains that hte AI is more of a roadblock than an actual competitor. Once you're out in front you can easily create a 5 second gap.
Huhnsohn Jul 5, 2018 @ 3:05pm 
The only race I struggle with is the Prototype one in the Global series in Milano , all others can be completed on expert with a keyboard pretty easily tbh
ON_RusH Jul 13, 2018 @ 1:52pm 
If you're still looking for tips, I had a bit of problems with it too, played just normal difficulty with all assists on, except for the automatic gearbox. The first half of the track was really easy for me and I always got a big lead in there, I was good in chicannes on straight and first two chicannes of the track, only problem was was the corner before the straight, I always had to slow down and down shift to get through (and also had problems with Audis on the straight, I was being smashed so I was just trying to block them). The last part of the track was a problem for me, especially Porsche esses (series of corners right in front of the final chicanne). The trick for me was to enter them at sixth gear and hold the steering and gas. Letting go of either caused me to get out of control or get overtaken. On exit of the last corner of that section, I went down to 4th or 5th gear to get good acceleration on the straight before final chicanne. Hard thing was the first corner, as you cant see the apex over the horizon and getting the first done right is necessary to get through the rest of them in optimal way. This trick worked everywhere except for LMP1 cars, where I had to slow down and down shift. I found out holding both gas and steering overall really helps getting through corners and makes the turning more effective, likely due to bigger speed and better traction
necrogoatlord Jul 15, 2018 @ 9:36am 
Turn stability control on.
Samurai-Fiatoh Jul 18, 2018 @ 11:02am 
- How not to retire from a race, turn OFF Pro Mode. I didn't realize what it was until I started messing around with those setiings. (Maybe you knew already, but I cannot know that)
- And yes, the AI seems to be glued to the track in both the Chicanes and the Porsche esses. Where in the latter I usually shift down and just max rev the h$ll out with break twitches here and there. Luckily, compared to other cars, the Le Mans racing cars seem to have Military grade gearboxes. Next to that, this game does not give penalties for cutting corners, if you have seen the IRL Le Mans 2018, the cars there always cut those Chicanes while going out. AND use almost all of the track width available
- Stability control doesn't always guerantee you won't go straight out of a corner(or its just my driving style) Some cars do benefit from Stability control and a bit of awareness, like for me the C6 Corvette GT3 and Aston Martin GT3
-Also, there was an 'mod' (simply change a few in game codes) explained here on Steam where you can DISABLE the AI drivers outside Career mode(they will appear on the starting line but won't race, it's fully explained in that section). Try that trick and have fun ;)
DaoNayt Aug 1, 2018 @ 12:22pm 
I think I'll jsut keep skipping it :)
What do I even gain by finishing it? It's such a weird change of pace... What is even the goal of the game and how does Le Mans help me attain it, I'm really not seeing it?
feprice Aug 1, 2018 @ 2:16pm 
Le Mans is (in the game) an optional opportunity at the end of each season to win a nice chunk of cash and reputation points. Your leader board position and that of your team and team mate is thereby moved up. The drivers who choose to skip Le Mans don't lose anything except the chance to win more before moving on to the next season.

The goal of the game is to win enough cash and reputation points to reach the top of the leader board, and fill your garage with the rest of the cars. Which are then available to race online, I think. Which is another story, me being strictly a single player.
Last edited by feprice; Aug 1, 2018 @ 2:18pm
DaoNayt Oct 20, 2018 @ 12:04pm 
Stability control helped and I keep winning on Savage with the Audi. So yea.

Decoy® Nov 7, 2018 @ 1:01pm 
my friend have same problem and he play with gamepad.
did you ever try to play with steering wheel ?
i personnaly use trustmaster sterring wheel make Le Mans is so easy without any assist and max difficult lvl.
i only use gamepad for drift where the throttle is mutch more important than the steering is for race..
Last edited by Decoy®; Nov 7, 2018 @ 1:04pm
feprice Nov 7, 2018 @ 5:20pm 
kb here, for everything.
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