Ultimate ADOM - Caverns of Chaos

Ultimate ADOM - Caverns of Chaos

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Non Binary Character Gender ?
That says it all. I won't spend my hard earned money to promote this nonsense.
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Cons be like "cAnCeL cUlTuRe Is CaNcEr"

Also cons:
Postat inițial de Bam-Bam-Boom:
That says it all. I won't spend my hard earned money to promote this nonsense.

Guess it really goes to show you - y'all were the real snowflakes all along.

And you can't even argue to the contrary - if you weren't so emotionally frail, you wouldn't have made this post in the first place.
Jimeh 17 febr. 2021 la 21:22 
Yeah, it's very strange.

It should be you pick your sex, M/F, then have a list of perks like neutered and tentacled which have balanced effects like +1 stat and -1 another stat.

Maybe if you cut your genitals off you are immune to kicks in the balls and can sing like a young boy? But, wait, that's really silly and probably shouldn't be in the game.

Non-binary doesn't sound like something that applies to a standard race like human, dwarf, elf, etc. Might work for a monster race like if you could be a jelly or fungus race?

Having both sexes is a bit silly too. What are these guys smoking? It's legal there isn't it?! I can just picture these euro guys sitting around, stoned as fk, laughing like 11 year olds as they add silly crap to the game.
Editat ultima dată de Jimeh; 17 febr. 2021 la 21:29
DaviddesJ 17 febr. 2021 la 22:18 
Wait, the complaint is that you know for sure that all dwarfs are either male or female? This is because you inspected lots of them personally? Do I have this right??
Jimeh 17 febr. 2021 la 23:31 
Well, I'm not sure much has been written on the reproductive cycles of dwarves. There's certainly room to get creative with your creatures where it might add to the storyline. Say, your type of magical Rock Dwarf actually forges stone eggs and they're being stolen by an evil goblin and raised as soldiers. But, I think in a more classical tolkienesque sense, when you have Gimli, son of Gloin it's just something that's instantly relatable to people, as we all understand what a son is, so the rest can be safely assumed. There's probably someone out there who's interested in the daily lives of fantasy creatures but Tolkien didn't feel it was really relevant to the adventure. I'd say it's probably the same for ADOM. But if you wanted to write a fan fiction that goes into detail about dwarf reproduction I'm sure there's someone out there who'd get off on it. :)
Jimeh 18 febr. 2021 la 0:14 
I think maybe the best idea is to replace picking your sex with just picking your character graphic. Then the player can roleplay whatever they like without it making the lore feel so messy.

Then have a list of perks to pick from like having a tentacle arm and all that. That way it's more fair because you could have a male graphic but pick a perk to have +1 dex so it would be however you like it.

In ADOM, I always picked male because of the awful carry weight system. But I might like to roleplay a female if I could have +1 str. Maybe even a tentacled one!

What would a tentacle do, anyway? Is it supposed to only replace your genitals only or could it replace an arm so you can use one less item but gain a powerful tentacle slap? I mean, really, having a tentacle penis is such a silly idea. Surely it can't make the full release, right? xD
Editat ultima dată de Jimeh; 18 febr. 2021 la 0:27
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