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T-Bull S.A.  [developer] Apr 2, 2020 @ 6:54am
How can you play?
To play you can use a keyboard, mouse or gamepad. Moving the card to the right/left shows the possible answer. Decide what choice you want to make, minding the five statistics. Keep in mind: every choice you make will have future consequences.

How can you play using a keyboard?
Keyboard allows you to see an answer by using [Left Arrow]/[Right Arrow] or [A]/[D]. You can confirm the decision by clicking the same decision button again. You can also reset the answer using [Down Arrow] or [S] and delay it using [Up Arrow] or [W].

How can you play using a mouse?
Mouse allows you to see an answer by dragging the card to the Left or Right, dropping the card there will result in confirmation of the answer. Dragging the card to the center will reset it, to the top will delay it.

How can you play using a gamepad?
Gamepad allows you to see an answer by using [LT]/[RT] or [L2]/[R2]. You can confirm the decision by clicking the same decision button again. You can also reset the answer using [LB] or [L1] and delay it using [RB] or [R1].

Does the game always start with the same set of cards?
Each loss causes the start of a new game in which the player gets slightly different cards but the goal remains the same.

Why is there sometimes a different amount of decisions per round?
Each week (round) starts with the same amount of cards, but after making a decision new cards can be added. With that being said it may cause longer rounds.

Why am I not always losing when statistics are empty?
The statistics that reached ‘0’ do not cause the game over. Ending a week with an empty statistic is the main threat, which still can be delayed by some items.

How to unlock new characters?
New characters and NPCs are unlocked by achieving milestones or making certain decisions. Once unlocked they are available forever.

Why can’t some cards be delayed?
Specific cards can not be delayed if they require immediate response, are the first part of an email or were already delayed.

How does the categorization of items work?
The items are divided into two groups: ‘passive’ and ‘active’. ‘Passive’ ones always grant some bonuses (negative or positive). On the other hand, there are ‘active’ items that have to be used to do something. Blue items are used automatically, where yellow have to be used manually.

Can you beat this game?
There is no victory condition that ends the game. Playing the game you can unlock and finish new storylines, which can drive the main story arc to the end.