Port Royale 2

Port Royale 2

Failure to Load
So I just bought and installed this game. I have played it previously on a windows XP system using an install disk.
Playing it on Windows 7 it just won't load. It appears to load, then stops and hangs. It shows up in my processes, where I have to cancel it when it still does not load several minutes later.
Is there any fix for this? Personally if Steam is going to release something, why is it not fixed and ready to go? I have read multiple posts on other sites about this game's failure to run on Vista etc. If I had known this beforehand, I would not have bothered until there was a set fix in place.
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I'm also having this error. Game appears to load then nothing appears, steam believes the game is running and I have to manually end the process if I want to try it again. I've tried running it in compatibility mode too but that didn't change anything. I'm also running Windows 7.
Strange part is the fact that I had the game on cd but the cd kept on claiming he wasn't authentic although I played the game for 3 years on my previous pc. So I bought it on steam cause I like this game (and its cheap) but it just wont start (running win7). The thing that worked on the cd was the launchmenu and the installation but this doesn't work at all... Need help, bigtime....
Same thing. Damn it STEAM.
Port Royale 2 isnt compatiable with windows 7... RIP
I have since bought Port Royale 3, which runs beautifully and is a great game and certainly worth buying. However, i still can't help but feel a little ripped off that I have paid for Port Royale 2 for no reason at all. I may as well have burned that money. Disappointing.
I was having the same issue. I fixed it though. I have windows 7 64bit, and an ATI Radeon 5870. Simply rolling back the drivers to version 12.3 from version 12.8 fixed the problem. Game loads right up now.
the_buffalo1 původně napsal:
Port Royale 2 isnt compatiable with windows 7... RIP

It is compatible. I'm running it on Windows 7 64 as I write this.
FknMeh 25. říj. 2012 v 17.50 
Why would anyone want to roll back their video drivers to play an old game? That is not a very good solution...
FknMeh 25. říj. 2012 v 17.53 
Another person posted that the 98/Me compatability worked for him. Tried it and it works for me as well. Win7/Radeon6900
Stick 26. říj. 2012 v 0.28 
I am installing it now, will let you know what I experience and how I fix it. :)
Stick 26. říj. 2012 v 0.32 
OK, worked first load. Did you run the configuration tool within steam? Launch it from there with the play buttonn and goof with the settings.

Also, look in your Event Logs (Windows Application/System) for clues. Post here are send me an email stickbender@gmail.com with any error codes you may find.
@()NS. Hey, look here buddy. I'm just mother fugging posting what worked for me. I didn't say it was a viable solution, but when there are NO OTHER solutions, it damn well is the most viable, now isn't it? If you don't give a ♥♥♥♥ enough to do it, then don't fugging do it. At least know anyone wondering will have a clue.

In other words, get bent ()NS. Get bent.
Oh, and your solution to run compatibility mode is not a 100% solution either. It didn't work for me, and you're certainly not the first one it has failed for. So gtfo with your words of gospel.
Thank you Steam forum thread. Setting compatability to 98/ME worked for me as well. I actually thought to try the XP compatability, since that's what I was using around 2004 if I recall. That didn't work, and I'm sure I wouldn't have tried 98/ME if you guys hadn't suggested it. Luckily, it was a Steam sale, so only $1.75 was at risk. :)
I wish people wouldn't blame Steam when they buy a game that is 10+ years old. It is a gamble you are taking, the fact that games designed for 32bit 9x systems even work occasionally on 64bit NT systems is a wonder into itself.
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 28. zář. 2012 v 4.47
Počet příspěvků: 46