The Horrorscope

The Horrorscope

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
JessyBug  [developer] Jun 23, 2022 @ 12:20pm
Massive Summer Sale Bundle
Hello everyone!

We'd like to announce that our Deluxe Bundle is currently on sale so that more people can enjoy our titles this summer!

Each secret word you leave will be read and taken note of. We are still in need of more votes for The Advisor as we plan and write for Episode 2.

We would also love to hear your thoughts on The Testing Chamber and hear what directions you'd like to see our games go in!

Thank you so much for playing, and we hope you enjoy your experience!

Have a wonderful day!

- Randumb Studios

(Follow us in the link below to get a notification of when we release a new game or if your name has been selected to be in one of our games.)