Knights of the Chalice 2

Knights of the Chalice 2

Nearly $55 CDN? Nope.
Yeah, this looked somewhat interesting until I saw the price tag. There is no way this is worth more than about $15 CDN. I can't understand why this costs the same as Divinity: Original Sin 2 given it's graphics, sound, and overall gameplay. Am I missing something? Is there really something here that's worth that much?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Macdallan; máj. 4., 0:31
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It has got some of the best tactical combat I've ever seen in decades of playing all kinds of cRPGs, RPGs, and many many other strategy/tactical/etc games. The AI actually does intelligent things, which is shockingly rare and creates an actual challenge.

It's definitely not for everyone, but if it clicks for you it'll be worth it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: night4; máj. 4., 22:35
I payed full price, even got the guidebook, still think it's cheap compared to how good the mechanics are, this game is pure gold.
Graphics and sound are fair enough points, though I don't think anyone really plays a hardcore cRPG for either of those things.

But how can you judge the gameplay of a game you haven't played? I love DOS2 but KotC2 is a totally different game. The AI is probably the best I've ever seen in a game of this type, and it does a better job of implementing many 3.5e rules (such as combat maneuvers) than any other cRPG out there. There's a lot of thought and depth hiding behind the simplistic presentation. The encounters are well thought-out and the balance is surprisingly good considering how faithful it tries to be to such an unforgiving system. It's also a long running, one-man project with an inherently niche appeal, the developer has to make some money somehow.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: fulf; máj. 9., 17:30
Macdallan eredeti hozzászólása:
Yeah, this looked somewhat interesting until I saw the price tag. There is no way this is worth more than about $15 CDN. I can't understand why this costs the same as Divinity: Original Sin 2 given it's graphics, sound, and overall gameplay. Am I missing something? Is there really something here that's worth that much?

The game is incredibly well crafted just like Divinity is. Gameplay wise, both games are incredible.

However, you will find Knights of the Chalice 2 to be very engaging for its encounter design, ability to craft all of your magical items and design a party just how you want, and for the challenge the AI presents.

Finally, the module editor and arch-mage guide for Augury of Chaos are incredibly well written and fun to use.
If you like this type of game, Dnd focused on hard combat, it is worth it.
Regarding the price, it is a one man job and he decided to put the price he considered fair from his point of view.
No way to compare to big AA+ games price like Larian with lots of employees and sales in the million.
Macdallan eredeti hozzászólása:
Yeah, this looked somewhat interesting until I saw the price tag. There is no way this is worth more than about $15 CDN. I can't understand why this costs the same as Divinity: Original Sin 2 given it's graphics, sound, and overall gameplay. Am I missing something? Is there really something here that's worth that much?

Was just thinking this as well. People will say it is done, but the dev is still updating sprites and there is only a tutorial and one campaign (even though I keep reading he promised two more).
In my opinion, if all the sprites/other placeholders were ALL updated to what the dev intends, and he has the 3 total campaigns as well as the tutorial, the game is worth TOPS $35. As it stands right now, I'd buy the game for $25 in its current state, but for the last two years the only sale the dev has discounted it for is 15% or less.
For reference, I bought it on GOG 2 years ago at the full price and it was nowhere near finished with all the cosmetic stuff and crashed a fair amount. I refunded it and two years later am still waiting for the game to have a significant sale as it is most definitely not worth its current asking price.
IsoCRPG eredeti hozzászólása:
People will say it is done, but the dev is still updating sprites and there is only a tutorial and one campaign (even though I keep reading he promised two more).

From what i understood, the two others campaign will be sold as separate games.
And the 2nd one is currently in dev (there were some post about it on the dev site or his patreon )
Basically, the dev built his own "engine" and is now creating campaign with it : This game was the first and he plan to dev 2 others campaigns.
However, it wont be quick as the first one (this game) took many years before being released
Zzyl_tsw eredeti hozzászólása:
IsoCRPG eredeti hozzászólása:
People will say it is done, but the dev is still updating sprites and there is only a tutorial and one campaign (even though I keep reading he promised two more).

From what i understood, the two others campaign will be sold as separate games.
And the 2nd one is currently in dev (there were some post about it on the dev site or his patreon )
Basically, the dev built his own "engine" and is now creating campaign with it : This game was the first and he plan to dev 2 others campaigns.
However, it wont be quick as the first one (this game) took many years before being released

Thanks for that information. Lets see how that works out for him!
Please look at price for LATAM/MENA regions and maybe other not adjusted.
it's definitively one of the best game I played. I had so much fun for the first 200 hours or so. Maybe Pierre should lower the price from time to time to 50%, as core players already bought the game. It's too bad that many people who would enjoy it be denied because of the high price. But still the game is regularly updated, and there will be more content so the game still has some attention.
Macdallan eredeti hozzászólása:
Yeah, this looked somewhat interesting until I saw the price tag. There is no way this is worth more than about $15 CDN.

Powers Booth voice: Well, bye
You will play this game and be just amazed at how well the encounter design is! There is nothing like it.
There is no game that you create any party you want and then go through the game and it' still fun an challenging with the most amazing encounter design.
Also you are going to be putting 100s of hours into this with out even realizing it.
Yea it's worth the price. The Developer keeps on adding an updating too.
The only campaign worth playing is Hearkenwold.

Also, the game would have been MUCH more popular, and had a larger modding community, if the price were half what it was priced at.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: SpiralRazor; aug. 24., 0:39
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