Knights of the Chalice 2

Knights of the Chalice 2

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Archmage Edition worth it?
i wanna score the archmage edition is it worth it for this game, thanks and what is the state of the game as well, tyty.
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The Archmage edition description is pretty straigthtforward, so if you are interested by the game guide, creating your own module with the editor manual, or the music/additional art : go for it ,)
Definitely. If you're a huuuge 3.5 nerd like me, I can't recommend it enough. Buy it yesterday.
Support the effort put into Knights of the Chalice 2 and go Hardcore with Achmage!
If it was a finished game with multiple campaigns then maybe, otherwise you're just doing it to "support the developer" with more money on top of already supporting them by buying the game.
the game guide makes this absolutely worth it! so much effort went into it.
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