Paper Beast

Paper Beast

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Unity SDK update potential for DFR on PS VR2?
A couple days ago we heard from the developers of the game Madison that due to an update to the Unity SDK they can now use the eye-tracked dynamic foveated rendering in their game, when they could not before.

If I'm remembering correctly, Paper Beast on PS VR2 was unable to use DFR because of Unity issues. I'd love to know if the new SDK resolves the issue and if we can expect an update that brings DFR and it's wonderful benefits to the PS VR2 version of Paper Beast!
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Kookyoo  [developer] Apr 3 @ 7:58am 
Hi :)

We also had cool expectations regarding DFR and you're right we had issues with Unity's implementation back then.

Unfortunately even if we really wanted to use that technology to enhance performances and overall quality, DFR was not an option when porting PaperBeast for PSVR2. This is not only because of Unity but also because implementing the feature would not solve any of our performances issues. On PS5 the games MUST be able to run WITHOUT eye tracking. This is to allow everybody, even people with eye diseases, to be able to play the games on that console.

So we decided not to waste more time implementing it also because this optimisation would have a very limited impact on the finished product :(
Originally posted by Kookyoo:
Hi :)

We also had cool expectations regarding DFR and you're right we had issues with Unity's implementation back then.

Unfortunately even if we really wanted to use that technology to enhance performances and overall quality, DFR was not an option when porting PaperBeast for PSVR2. This is not only because of Unity but also because implementing the feature would not solve any of our performances issues. On PS5 the games MUST be able to run WITHOUT eye tracking. This is to allow everybody, even people with eye diseases, to be able to play the games on that console.

So we decided not to waste more time implementing it also because this optimisation would have a very limited impact on the finished product :(

Hi thank you for responding! Sorry that I am noticing only now, I am not using Steam very much right now.

Before I follow-up I want to say, regardless of your answer I totally appreciate if it just cannot be done and I love the game <3

With that said, I am a bit confused about what you said and I wonder if maybe you misinterpreted Sony's rule?
Many games on PS VR2 utilize DFR eye tracking, both for visual/resolution improvement and for gameplay.

For visual/resolution, for those who cannot use eye tracking due to some impairment or preference, they simply turn off eye tracking in the PS5 menu system and the game adjusts accordingly - they do not receive the visual upgrade. Meanwhile people who do use eye tracking will receive the visual upgrade. It is still playable either way, but as an improved experience for those with eye tracking. Kind of like how they approached PS4 Pro vs PS4 back in the day.

For gameplay, an example is Synapse. In Synapse you can use eye tracking to control your telekinesis powers. However, they have an option to use regular stick control instead, for those who do not use eye tracking. Again, this way it is playable both ways.

I think absolutely Paper Beast on PS VR2 would benefit a lot from eye tracking, especially DFR! We have seen many releases now, especially now that there are fewer issues with Unity and DFR and also in Unreal games, using DFR on PS VR2, and it makes a huge difference, allowing a massive increase in clarity.

Again, all that said, I understand if it cannot be done whether due to budget or time or Unity issues or whatever else. But maybe this will be helpful.
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