Sacred Gold

Sacred Gold

Goblins speak german!?
So im german and I play Sacred in english... I just realized that the goblins speak german XD
They commonly say
"Schlag ihm den Kopf ab" (=rip his head)
"Schniepel" (=p3n1s)
Last edited by One Winged Angel; May 4, 2019 @ 6:59am
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Showing 31-41 of 41 comments
Originally posted by One Winged Angel:
Originally posted by donkongger:
[GERMAN]Warum Spielst du auf Englisch und nicht auf Deutsch ?

Ich will aus Deutschland auswandern, deshalb mache ich so viel wie möglich auf Englisch...
[GERMAN]Was steht in der Settings.cfg und STEAM_Settings.cfg bei LANGUAGE ?
Last edited by Admiral Fleischwinter[ger]; Jun 16, 2019 @ 4:08am
One Winged Angel Jun 15, 2019 @ 7:39pm 
Originally posted by donkongger:
Originally posted by One Winged Angel:

Ich will aus Deutschland auswandern, deshalb mache ich so viel wie möglich auf Englisch...
Was steht in der Settings.cfg und STEAM_Settings.cfg bei LANGUAGE ?
EN wahrscheinlich
Originally posted by One Winged Angel:
Originally posted by donkongger:
Was steht in der Settings.cfg und STEAM_Settings.cfg bei LANGUAGE ?
EN wahrscheinlich
[GERMAN]Du hast also nicht reingeschaut ?
.cfg dateien kann man nämlich mit dem Editor oder besser mit notepad++ öffnen .
Oakshield Aug 30, 2019 @ 12:40am 
Originally posted by Staufen:
It's because the original version was German. English translators didn't have much time to translate all enemies, so they did voicing partially.

Thanks for the information about how their stuff is meant to be read! Russian version saved the same Goblin phrases, and back then forums were full of jokes about "schniepels".

Originally posted by One Winged Angel:
Originally posted by Staufen:
It's because the original version was German. English translators didn't have much time to translate all enemies, so they did voicing partially.
I rather think that they intentionally didnt translate creatures.

In fact, the Dev's got so many positive feedback about the things the Goblins said from the German community, it was decided to keep the German lines over the translated versions.
And just like the German community, the International communty - in general - liked the Goblins being a bit more "raw" as well.

So yes, it was done intentionally and not because there wasn't enough time.

Thorin :)
dARKbLUE Dec 9, 2019 @ 9:37am 
I got the original Version on Disc. There are so many audio-details in the background. thats one of the things, i love the game for. In the town: "Kannst Du nicht - keine Ahnung - in' Wald sch3iss3n gehn?" - means: "Can't you - don't know - go into the wood to poo?" xD or "Schlagt ihm den Kopf ab, ich brauch 'n neu'n Aschenbecher." - "Cut his head off, i need a new ashtray"
belgarathmth Apr 30, 2020 @ 9:36am 
The frost giants always sound to me like they're saying "Stupid quiche!", as though they don't like eggs and meat for some reason.
pjthesagely May 15, 2020 @ 2:18am 
The goblins also say something that sounds like "Donderdag", which is Dutch for Thursday; i.e., day of thunder.
Stealth May 15, 2020 @ 3:05am 
you sure they dont say "donnerstag"? because why should they speak german and dutch at the same time
One Winged Angel May 15, 2020 @ 4:17am 
Does somebody remember "Rakanishu"?
Wrong game, but still a goblin :D
Merx May 15, 2020 @ 6:00am 
I may remember...
pjthesagely May 15, 2020 @ 9:41am 
Originally posted by Stealth:
you sure they dont say "donnerstag"? because why should they speak german and dutch at the same time

Lol I was implying that they say the German one, which I don't know as I'm not German. But thanks...
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Date Posted: May 3, 2019 @ 1:24pm
Posts: 41