Midair 2

Midair 2

Dieu-Sama Feb 5, 2023 @ 5:25am
Doom to fail harder than Midair . . .
"We are trying to manage expectations as we're an entirely volunteer team, so going for a more focused version of the game *without* any base elements like vehicles, multiple armors, generators or deployables"

This plus 5vs5 as core gamemode will make this die faster than any Tribes-like ever, period.

I know you're a small team of volunteers, but this is a fact : for Midair 2 to be successful, IT MUST BE A REMAKE OF TRIBES ASCEND

It must have multiples armor (or even better, the balanced and well defined 9 classes of T:A), it needs 24vs24 servers, it needs *real*, Gast's Rifle-like auto (sorry spinfusor MLG elitist, but no effective auto, no new players, period), fast-paced combat (a light should be able to kill a heavy in like 3 seconds under optimal conditions), generator room, plasma turret, vehicules, unlockable air strike (yes yes yes, orbital bombardement from T:A), fractal grenades, deployables, true stealth pack, saber launcher . . . IT NEEDS TO BE THE CHAOS OF T:A

Bare bones light vs light spinfusor only 10 players ctf ? Aside 50 tribes 1 nostalgic nerds, nobody is gonna play this. No. Bo. Dy.
Last edited by Dieu-Sama; Feb 5, 2023 @ 5:35am
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Colonel Blair Feb 6, 2023 @ 2:20pm 
A few things here..

1) If you would like to finance the game so that the team can add in all the additional elements you would like, please reach out to us. Note that this would likely delay the release by a few years considering the additional work required in adding all these features in.

We're not pretending that this game is going to cater for every ex tribes player out there - those who love to play as a turret monkey or defend generators are not going to find that here. We've got a specific focus which the closed beta community has been enjoying the past 2-3 years, even yesterday there were multiple North American pick up games happening simultaneously, a mostly full EU pub and EU & Oceanic pugs at different times as well.

2) The game is faster paced than any tribes game I've played previously, and besides Tribes Aerial Assault, I've played them all competitively (except Legions if that counts, although I did play it casually for a while).

3) It's not spinfusor only. Standard loadout is chaingun, disc (Tempest) and grenade launcher with hand grenades as well. Blaster & plasma are also available with a few other potentials maybe to be added in later.

4) I don't think we're imagining this as being as big or as successful a game as Tribes Ascend. It's a niche genre & passion project for most of us on the team. The game release could see no additional players outside of the current closed beta group playing and most of us wouldn't be too upset about that as we'd still have the game we wanted to play being played on a regular basis. If we didn't do it then most of us would have no Tribes-like game to play and we'd end up scattered amongst different communities. I'm happy to still be playing this type of game with the people I've played it with for a long time. Sure, I'd love to be back in heavy armor raining down mortars - and hopefully we get that next big Tribes title somewhere in the future. This is something to tide part of the community over in the meanwhile, and hopefully bring in a few new faces while we're at it.
PJthePlayer Feb 9, 2023 @ 5:01pm 
"We are trying to manage expectations as we're an entirely volunteer team, so going for a more focused version of the game *without* any base elements like vehicles, multiple armors, generators or deployables"

Yikes... that took the last bit of excitement for this game away for me. Tribes Ascend has left a void that will seemingly never be filled.
Sarxis Feb 16, 2023 @ 6:24pm 
5x5 CTF is a good way to go for a streamlined Tribes game. I don't think it's a bad choice at all. But then again, my main role was flag chaser/midfield back in the day, so this configuration is not outside my wheelhouse.

I will miss the shocklance though :steamsad:
Last edited by Sarxis; Feb 16, 2023 @ 6:25pm
ilMasa Feb 20, 2023 @ 4:26pm 
Havent played this is an year or so. Reinstalled for a quick match todayl,to check the waters.
I do understand that this is a work done purely out of love for the genre and that's something I appreciate and i thank the devs for that.

Still to me it looks more like a project being done just to "play with your current closed beta group of friends" rather than a game made to be released on the market at any point in the future.
Like a nostalgic bubble in which take refuge.

Public servers are most of the time empty,so it is difficult to stream this game just for the sake to advertise it. Most of my viewers knows the tribes franchise,they have played at least one version of it BUT noone knows midair even exist unless im the one talking about it. And when i try to show them the game the server list is sad to look at: 1/14 or 0/14 but then you see a pug server with 10/14 people playing: wtf.

NGL I've always been of the opinion that locked servers(PUG) aren't the best choice during any state of development. (to be honest dunno if you still have to join those via discord)
They have no use in promoting the game other than giving that dozen players a private room to play with "their group" in a " competitive " enviroment with comms.

This an alpha/beta access: just use public servers at least to give the idea of ​​a healthy and big community.Then you can push for the "la creme della creme mlg no scope 360 more competitive than public server "5v5 server

Speaking about the game i only find annoying 3 things:

1) disk boosting and the combo nade takes way too much hp.
2) jetpack energy is to little

I understand that tribes ascend cemented the idea that skiing should be the bulk of moving around the map,but in starsiege disk boosting ,NADE boosting and the jetpack were a huge part aswell.

3) Give me the possibility to set a loadout with only 2 weapons.
I dont care to have a chaingun (title => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poVPgJlu3EE :) ) or a blaster: if i wanna go brrr brrr i just play any other fps on the market....

Im fine to just use disk and a nade launcher
Last edited by ilMasa; Feb 20, 2023 @ 4:57pm
ilMasa Feb 20, 2023 @ 4:37pm 
Oh i forgot

4) set as DEFAULT your team= green - enemy team = red

Spent the first 10 minutes shooting my teammates and got called names for it because it showed them red... jesus lol

green=teammates red=enemy it's common sense in gaming lol
Colonel Blair Mar 1, 2023 @ 6:27pm 
Originally posted by ilMasa:
Public servers are most of the time empty,so it is difficult to stream this game just for the sake to advertise it. Most of my viewers knows the tribes franchise,they have played at least one version of it BUT noone knows midair even exist unless im the one talking about it. And when i try to show them the game the server list is sad to look at: 1/14 or 0/14 but then you see a pug server with 10/14 people playing: wtf.

We have scheduled events in the MA2 discord for public games to assist players finding times to jump in when others are on. There's also a 'pub' role which gets pinged when public games are happening (and I know about it to ping the role).

Pick up games are not like pub games - they are games designed so that somewhat balanced teams are picked and players are assigned set positions. Those players, who have all played hundreds of hours of MA2 beta, mostly want to play in that structured way - with voice comms, set positions and generally fair competition between the teams. In a pub server you lose most of that.
That's not to say that playing in the pub games are bad or isn't fun, it's simply that there is a dedicated group who prefer the pug setup. When they play, they know there'll be 10 players on the server with them... with a pub it could be 2 people skiing around, or 14... people will jump in and out, swap teams, go afk... and that's fine for the pub / casual scene, but that's not what they're after.

NGL I've always been of the opinion that locked servers(PUG) aren't the best choice during any state of development. (to be honest dunno if you still have to join those via discord)
They have no use in promoting the game other than giving that dozen players a private room to play with "their group" in a " competitive " enviroment with comms.

If we made all the servers public those people wouldn't just play pubs instead, they'd probably find another game to play. Some would probably just move back to the T1 or T:A pugs.

Speaking about the game i only find annoying 3 things:

1) disk boosting and the combo nade takes way too much hp.

The balance for this may shift a bit, but there needs to be significant cost for the speed boost the combo nade provides.

2) jetpack energy is to little

I understand that tribes ascend cemented the idea that skiing should be the bulk of moving around the map,but in starsiege disk boosting ,NADE boosting and the jetpack were a huge part aswell.

Starsiege Tribes also had floating bases that were challenging for new players to jetpack onto even using all of their jets. There were shafts and obstacles that required significant amounts of jets. That is not the case for MA2.
This video shows some basic routes for most of the popular maps in MA2 - with good jet management these routes can be run while rarely exhausing your jets.

3) Give me the possibility to set a loadout with only 2 weapons.
I dont care to have a chaingun (title => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poVPgJlu3EE :) ) or a blaster: if i wanna go brrr brrr i just play any other fps on the market....

Im fine to just use disk and a nade launcher

I'll pass this along as a suggestion, I'm not a big fan of chaingun mains myself :)
Last edited by Colonel Blair; Mar 1, 2023 @ 6:28pm
Colonel Blair Mar 1, 2023 @ 6:41pm 
Originally posted by ilMasa:
Oh i forgot

4) set as DEFAULT your team= green - enemy team = red

Spent the first 10 minutes shooting my teammates and got called names for it because it showed them red... jesus lol

green=teammates red=enemy it's common sense in gaming lol

Def agree with this
yeaunome Mar 24, 2023 @ 5:12pm 
Not sure why it wont let me quote ilmasa and blair but....

"If we made all the servers public those people wouldn't just play pubs instead, they'd probably find another game to play. Some would probably just move back to the T1 or T:A pugs."

in response to this statement is so cringe in the fact that it just proves his point.

"Still to me it looks more like a project being done just to "play with your current closed beta group of friends" rather than a game made to be released on the market at any point in the future.
Like a nostalgic bubble in which take refuge."
yeaunome Mar 24, 2023 @ 5:18pm 
Just FYI. There are 26 people playing right now. 25 are in locked servers... lol
yeaunome Mar 24, 2023 @ 7:57pm 
someone joined the server i was in and opened with this.


Colonel Blair Mar 26, 2023 @ 3:51pm 
Originally posted by yeaunome:
Just FYI. There are 26 people playing right now. 25 are in locked servers... lol

This is not uncommon - the majority of people once they've played a decent amount of public games start looking at playing pick up games.
Chilla PUGs (pick up games for casual players) have been happening again more regularly, and those players also make up the majority of our pub regulars. So you'll often see them mucking around in public servers until there's 10-12 of them on, and then they decide to do a pick up game so they're all in voice channels together and have set positions.

Essentially if you want to play MA2 more casually and primarily in pubs then
1) Get the 'pub' role from the #public-games channel on the MA2 discord, you'll get pinged from devs when public games are happening.
2) Sign up for the weekly scheduled pub events, also from the MA2 discord - here's a link to tomorrow's one: https://discord.gg/U3sNcAUx?event=1077019903053275198
3) Join the 5* / Chilla Discord: https://discord.gg/PGUFTAWMtP - you'll get pinged from other community members when pubs are starting up.
4) Can always keep a lookout on pub activity here as well: https://midair.gg/servers/

Also, at the time of this post there's more in pubs than pugs.
yeaunome Apr 3, 2023 @ 7:36pm 
Alamar May 25, 2023 @ 8:44am 
Originally posted by yeaunome:
Just FYI. There are 26 people playing right now. 25 are in locked servers... lol
And? You would force people not to play the game the way they want so you could have more people to pub with??? Weird take tbh. I love pubs but much prefer a pug. It has nothing to do with exclusivity as you elude to. I'm friends with many of the people that pub as well. Some people just prefer a more competitive play style then pubs offer.
Vassago Rain May 29, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
This looks like an experiment to see what happens when the hardcore nolifer arena FPS dads finally acquire their dream game, and start creating weird tribes and rituals for who can play where.
picky baby Nov 12, 2023 @ 7:40am 
I play light spinfusor and had the same impression. The whole game is narrowed down to capping; there is no silliness, it is boring. I tried really hard to enjoy both games, but kept getting slapped in the face because I wanted them to be TA. Also I'd never do this Discord nonsense. I'd rather play with the bots. I will wait 2 more years and play with AGI.
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Date Posted: Feb 5, 2023 @ 5:25am
Posts: 15