Bully: Scholarship Edition

Bully: Scholarship Edition

Sound bugs
I have extreme sound bugs, i hear footsteps from ALL npcs, cant turn the volume down and the rats in the boys dorm squeek loud as hell, anyone knows a fix?
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I have the same bug don't know how to fix it :(
Yeah, I've been experiencing the same. I have a Logitech G35 headset and I found switching it to stereo mode on the headset and then changing the in game audio options to stereo helped a little. It still occassionally gets a little overwhelming, but it seems better.
I have a 5.1 system with an Xonar D1 (unixonar driver) and put the ingame audio options to Sorround + set 8 channels in the driver ---> no more footsteps from all NPCs . i turned the volume down with the Windows mixer. Game is playable now.
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 14. čvc. 2013 v 3.58
Počet příspěvků: 3