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How to report a bug
Hey everyone!

I guess you found a bug and want to report it. Please go to the following link to make a bug report and follow the instructions below to give the developers the best chance of trying to fix the issue:

Information needed:
  • Platform (Steam / Xbox / PlayStation / GOG)
  • Is this bug reproduceable? (unknown, sometimes, always)
  • How serious is this issue? (minor, major, crash)
  • Where did this happen? (which chapter of the game)
  • Headline (One sentence)
  • Full description/steps to reproduce this bug (i.e. what was the last thing you did before it happened, does it only happen under certain conditions, etc.)
  • Game Version (in-game pause menu, bottom of the screen)
  • Screenshot/video of the issue, whenever possible (instructions further below).
  • Your savegame and relevant crash logs, if you are on PC:
    1. press Windows key + R key and paste "%localappdata%/SnowDay/", then right-click the "Saved" folder > Send To > Compressed zipped file
    2. right click game in Steam > Properties > Installed Files > Browse > SnowDay, then right-click the "Saved" folder > Send To > Compressed zipped file
  • Your dxdiag, if you are on PC and experiencing a performance, graphics or crashing issue (Press Windows key + R key and type "dxdiag", then press OK. --- Once the dxdiag is done, press "Save all information" and save it somewhere easily accessible.)

If you wish to add information after you have created a ticket, open the link, click your profile in the top right and then select "My Reported Bugs" > your bug, the leave comment/attach files.

To capture screenshots/videos:

Press Windows key + Print Screen to save a screenshot in C:/Users/[your user name]/Pictures/Screenshots, or Windows key + Alt + R to start and stop recording a video that is saved in C:/Users/[your user name]/Documents/Videos/Captures.
Last edited by Lanani; Mar 26 @ 8:54am