Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Crosshair problem.
Crosshair is inaccurate, when i shoot it shoots away from the center of the crosshair. Is anyone else having this problem?
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I am also having this problem. I would like to find the answer, until then just aim a little left and down... :/
Same here
This is old trouble with widescreen mode. Just turn it off. I still have not found another solution to this problem
oh well already completed it now :L
how come I cant aim with my mouse ?? I looked through the controls im having no luck .
just try to turn off or turn on widescreen
Turning off widescreen fixed it, however all the objects became really wide. I wish there was another fix.
Can you call my lawyer? His name's Rosenberg.
There are apparently are few fixes online but none of them seem to work and all result in an "unhandled exception error". I wish steam would actually notify its customers if a game was in a poor state
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. szept. 13., 20:52
Hozzászólások: 10