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CoolUsernameBro  [dezvoltator] 25 ian. la 3:52
Hi everyone,

We're very happy and humbled by the reception Enshrouded has received. We've managed to solve the critical issue with the server list crashing the game, as well as a handful of other show stoppers. We are immensely grateful for your dedication to helping us make Enshrouded a great game.

We're hard at work working the next patch, and will continue to make stability a priority to ensure that everyone can enjoy Enshrouded. Once we have these out of the way (we estimate that it will take us 2-3 weeks to feel confident), we will look into sharing with you our first roadmap for Enshrouded. In the meantime, make sure you share your suggestions on the game, ideas, and balance feedback on FeatureUpvote[enshrouded.featureupvote.com]!

Having said that, here are some issues we are aware of.

Stuck in Flame Temple
We are aware of some users being stuck in the temple and unable to leave the room the player appears in. We are investigating the issue. In the meantime, restarting the game should fix the issue.

Status: fix coming soon.

The game client can sometimes feel limited to 60FPS despite running at higher framerates (fps counter)
Sometimes players can feel like their client is limited to significantly lower framerates than it should be. I.E camera movements feeling like they are 60fps, even though the game is running at 200. This issue is known by the team and we are actively investigating, this was not intentional nor is it an engine limitation. In the meantime, some players have reported that manually limiting the game client to 60FPS can actually make the client feel smoother, if you are personally impacted by this issue.

Status: we are actively working on a solution. Due to the complexity of the topic, an exact E.T.A is not yet possible. We will post updates when we know more.

Cannot find a dedicated server
Finding dedicated servers currently takes very long because there are so many servers active.

The current best workaround is to define the servers as "favorite" in Steam.

Status: We are working on improvements for the server list. It is currently difficult to say when we can merge first improvements into the live build. We need to be careful with testing any changes.

Dedicated Server does not appear in the server browser
There are a few reasons why this would be:

1) The Server and the Game Client versions have a mismatch. If you have a dedicated server that appears to be running, please ensure that your game client and server have been updated to the latest versions.

2) Could be that the Query Port is blocked. Please double check that the QueryPort is GamePort+1 and that you have those ports open through your firewall for both TCP/UDP.

3) Lastly, if all above check out, you might just give the Server Browser in-game, 1-2 minutes to fully load, before attempting to use the Search to find your Dedicated Server

The software "GPU Tweak III" can result in an error that causes the game to be unable to launch.
Users have reported that the Asus software GPU Tweak 3 can result in the game being completely unable to launch, clicking the play button has no impact. Disabling this software seems to fix this issue. The team has been alerted and is currently investigating.

Status: The team is aware and is looking into this

Stability issues
• With the current version of Enshrouded there can be some stability issues with multiplayer, dependent on the amount of players in the session, the hardware used for hosting and the quality of the internet connection used for hosting the session. We are constantly working on improvements and we will update the version when new fixes are available. Some useful information, should you encounter issues:

• Players have some UI information in the game to judge if the server (host) is managing the load well and to get information on the current latency of the client.
- Just press ESC. If the dot for the server (Hosting load) is yellow or red it is better to host on a different machine or to play with fewer players.
- It is also possible to check the latency to the server at this location in case the game experiences lags or rubberbanding.

Invisible session host
• When the user profile of the session host is set to private in the Steam client, the session will be invisible for any player (also for Steam friends). In this case, connecting to this host session can be achieved by visiting the Steam profile of the host player in the Steam client and click on the [Join Game] button.

Snapping building pieces to existing buildings
• In building mode, when building with template-shapes, snapping doesn’t work against existing structures in the game world, it only recognizes structures placed by players.
o An updated snapping system is in the works that can detect all snappable edges, regardless if the structures have been created by players or were pre-placed in the game-world.

Status: There is currently no ETA yet for the new snapping system.

Entering character names when using controllers
• The game generally supports playing with controllers. Entering names for fresh characters or game worlds requires running the Steam in “Big Picture Mode” for a virtual keyboard. Entering and exiting writing mode with controller can lead to being stuck in an unresponsive screen.
o Switching to mouse & keyboard allows continuing through the menus. Once the issue has been resolved, switching back to controllers is possible.

Status: we are planning to have a fix soon

Respawn rate (resources and mobs / bosses not respawning)
The world is split into chunks (kind of like Minecraft if you played that? But bigger ones), that have a 2 hours respawn timer that resets them as soon as the chunk is unloaded. The chunk is loaded if people are somewhat near it, a distance that goes between 256 to 400 meters. If anyone loads the chunk back by going near it, the timer resets.
We are aware that this is feeling too long for a lot of players and are looking into possible solutions. For the time being, you can either reload the map/restart the server, or stay far away for two hours. Restarting is probably much easier especially if you are playing solo.

Status: fix coming in soon

Server progress vs personal progress is confusing
Currently if a player is not present when a boss is killed or the end of a quest is triggered, they miss out on quest completion. We will continue to investigate issues when personal quests and world progress are at odds and resolve them with high priority.

Status: Investigations are on their way, a fix is coming as soon as possible

This list is not exhaustive, and we will keep updating it as well as updating you on progression towards fixes. Some of these issues will take time to address. In the meantime, let me drop the link to FeatureUpvote[enshrouded.featureupvote.com] one last time. Your feedback is what will help us make the difference between a good and a great game.

Thanks for being part of our journey to reclaim Embervale!
Editat ultima dată de CoolUsernameBro; 25 ian. la 10:17
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CoolUsernameBro  [dezvoltator] 6 febr. la 2:49 
"Not enough system memory available" error message on game start
This error message triggers when your machine has under 16GB of RAM. It is there to warn you that your experience will probably be pretty bad.
You can bypass by adding "--disable-ram-check" to the game's launch options via Steam to ignore the warning. Keep in mind that if your computer is below specs, it might not be able to run the game in the long run, once we've added all the features we have in mind for Enshrouded!
Editat ultima dată de CoolUsernameBro; 6 febr. la 6:53
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