ledrobi 2020년 10월 7일 오전 5시 40분
Steam Game Festival Demo || Known issues and feedback
Starting today, October 7th at 10 AM PST you will all be able to play the free demo of ICBM. The demo includes the tutorials and the standard multiplayer mode. It doesn't feature the single player mode. If you wish to practice before you play multiplayer, you can create a multiplayer match against the AI as well. Also, the advanced settings for multiplayer matches won't be available in the demo.

Please note that this game is still in development and there may be some issues. We have a list of those here:

- If you cannot join a faction, quit the network game and wait a little until the Leaderboard button appears in the Network menu. If the Leaderboard button does not appear after a long wait, please check your Steam account and ensure Steam is running. Also please check your Steam username (display name) is more than 2 characters long and does not include special characters. If none of this works, we suspect that the demo, unlike the full game, may not work correctly on Win 7. We are investigating what may be causing this bug, so every detail/report helps. Please note that we have confirmation that this issue won't happen with the full game.
- The demo ranking system won’t be compatible with the full game. Players will lose their multiplayer ranking switching from the demo to the full game.
- Sound and music settings as well as key bindings are not saved when you exit the game.
- When a MP game is started in a region different from the EU region, spectators will not be able to connect during the match. Also, if the server disconnects, they won't be able to reconnect.
- In some cases when you distribute starting points your selection can be reset. To avoid this it is recommended to leave one point not distributed.
- The Strike Planner occasionally shows the wrong target assignment when the same unit is listed as an attacker in more than one Strike Plan.
- Online games might have issues when the host disconnects and the host migrates to player that has the game minimized.

We're looking forward to your feedback. If you have suggestions or any issue to report, feel free to reply to this thread or to join the dedicated Discord server (https://discord.gg/jqsKXPx) to chat with the developer.
ledrobi 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 10월 7일 오전 8시 29분
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7개 댓글 중 1-7개 표시
Asmodian 2020년 10월 8일 오전 5시 36분 
Is the windows 7 issue something that you are trying to resolve for the demo or should I not hold my breath? I can play all the tutorials no problem I just can't choose a nation in the game lobby. So wouldn't that imply the problem is just some kind of UI issue in the game lobby?
Ufnv  [개발자] 2020년 10월 8일 오전 5시 46분 
The issue is with the check of whether it is possible to choose the faction.

To do this check the Demo uses the connection to Microsoft Cloud. And It looks like Microsoft after dropping Win7 does not have support for this connection to work under Win7.

The full game does not have such checks so everything works fine.

The only way to add the support for Win7 to Demo is to bring the new build to Steam and this is hardly realistic within the Festival time frame.
Asmodian 2020년 10월 8일 오전 7시 47분 
Understandable, thanks for replying
TheGhost 2020년 10월 26일 오후 4시 26분 
I have a few notes from my time with the demo.

The easiest is the name of the attack planes on the aircraft carriers. Calling them attack bombers strikes me as weird. I think it would be more fitting to call them fighter bombers, in reference to them carrying AAMs in addition to their bombs. Having them named attack bombers, I didn't even think to look for air to air weapons on them until after a few games.

One thing that I noticed was once the ASMs were unlocked, there was little reason to go back to regular bombs for your non nuclear needs. I was curious if this was intentional or not

Another thing that I wasn't able to fully figure out was what assigning a lower priority to targets in a strike plan means. Obviously it means the strike plan will prioritize those targets less, but more the nuts and bolts of how that works.

I thouroughly enjoyed my time with the demo, the full release cannot come soon enough
Ufnv  [개발자] 2020년 10월 26일 오후 11시 50분 
TheGhost님이 먼저 게시:
One thing that I noticed was once the ASMs were unlocked, there was little reason to go back to regular bombs for your non nuclear needs. I was curious if this was intentional or not
Yes, this is intentional. No much use of regular bombs when ASM is available.

Another thing that I wasn't able to fully figure out was what assigning a lower priority to targets in a strike plan means. Obviously it means the strike plan will prioritize those targets less, but more the nuts and bolts of how that works.
Just some mathematics. Each priority level means about 2-3K kilometers difference in distance. Like lower priority means the target is "virtually" further away. However for the cities it works differently - there points matter.
TheGhost 2020년 10월 29일 오후 12시 47분 
So with the priority thing, I can set a low priority to something like sam sites and a higher one to something like airbases, and my units will go for the airbases and closer sam sites first, then hit the far away sams later on if they get the chance?
Ufnv  [개발자] 2020년 10월 29일 오후 1시 35분 
TheGhost님이 먼저 게시:
So with the priority thing, I can set a low priority to something like sam sites and a higher one to something like airbases, and my units will go for the airbases and closer sam sites first, then hit the far away sams later on if they get the chance?
Yes, the closer and mid-range airbases first, then closer SAMs then distant airbases then mir-range and distant SAMs
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7개 댓글 중 1-7개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2020년 10월 7일 오전 5시 40분
게시글: 7