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Lars Jan 11, 2023 @ 12:19pm
Lets be honest. Final Fantasy 1-6 are bad games, in compared to Phantasy Star and other RPG games
You may think i am a jerk writing this, a little bit.

But lets look at this objectively, whats the main goal of a game? To be exciting

Whats wrong with FF1-FF6?
- Few frames of bland animations and enemies blinking to attack you

Its not exciting is the issue, its boring. Even 3D remake of FF3 and FF4 has this same issue where it tries to replicate that somewhat with bland and dullness.

Now if you compare a way better game, Phantasy Star 1 on SEGA Masterssystem, that has enemies with variety of attacks with animations. Now this is awesome!

And for people who say Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 video game is repetitive and boring. I kinda feel it was made purely to troll FF1-FF6 fans, because thats what those games are. Except i kinda like the edgelord factor of Shadow the Hedgehog to make up for it.

But this is why FF7 and outwards is way better because in that one, everything moves.

- When you summon a monster in FF7, Cloud does this unholy Hell animation preparing for something, and this is different depending on the character. And enemies have different attack animation. Aka its exciting, its fun.

And this is something FF1-FF6 doesnt have, i cant believe why people seem to disregard PS1 and PS2 Final Fantasy as cringe, yet they are totally fine with the bland stuff of the past.

Even Ultima games was way more exciting, i would even argue Dragon Quest, because again enemies have different animations, and in Ultima its active RPG so you feel alive playing it.

But let me know what you think?

I just consider them games for its time, we wouldnt get FF7 without them. But they have aged horribly and i think people fell more in love with it for the asthethics of backgrounds and cover of the games. But not the games itself.
Last edited by Lars; Jan 11, 2023 @ 12:28pm
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Showing 1-15 of 115 comments
Lars Jan 11, 2023 @ 12:26pm 
Originally posted by Universal Gramarye:

To prove it

Here is gameplay footage of FF1 in gif (thats all they do. Move forward, wack the stuff and move back) this is not engaging or exciting

Here is Phantasy Star 1. (Each enemy has animation for their attacks which makes the world and stuff feel alive)

One is way more exciting to look and play in.
While the other is not

Each enemy has an attack animation in Phantasy Star 1 and so forth on Genesis/SEGA MEGA DRIVE. Its what makes the world feel alive
Universal Gramarye Jan 11, 2023 @ 12:29pm 
It seems like you just want to fight with people and because this is the internet, that's what you'll get in the next few hours.
Hope it was worth it.
Melodia Jan 11, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
Originally posted by Universal Gramarye:
It seems like you just want to fight with people and because this is the internet, that's what you'll get in the next few hours.
Hope it was worth it.

Or maybe they are farming for Steam points? *shrug*
Lars Jan 11, 2023 @ 12:42pm 
Originally posted by Melodia:
Originally posted by Universal Gramarye:
It seems like you just want to fight with people and because this is the internet, that's what you'll get in the next few hours.
Hope it was worth it.

Or maybe they are farming for Steam points? *shrug*
What would i need with Steam points? Its not like i can buy games with them
bizarre Jan 11, 2023 @ 12:57pm 
100% subjective. Some people like seeing the entire party on the battlefield, some people liked the first person perceptive only seeing the enemy.
Xhoas Jan 11, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
Well I tried Phantasy Star 4 on the official Sega Classics and I didn't like it that much compared to Final Fantasy...
Last edited by Xhoas; Jan 11, 2023 @ 1:21pm
Melodia Jan 11, 2023 @ 1:18pm 
Originally posted by Lars:
What would i need with Steam points? Its not like i can buy games with them

No idea. But considering how many people DO post bait just for them (some even admit it), it's not an unreasonable assumption to make.
Lars Jan 11, 2023 @ 2:46pm 
Originally posted by Melodia:
Originally posted by Lars:
What would i need with Steam points? Its not like i can buy games with them

No idea. But considering how many people DO post bait just for them (some even admit it), it's not an unreasonable assumption to make.
I just dont see what i would need points for to begin with. If i could get free games then i could see some arguments. But points really doesnt do me anything.

I like to discuss though
m_brent Jan 11, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
I respect your opinion. I never had the opportunity to play the first Phantasy Star, I thoroughly enjoyed 2, 3 and 4. They are odd and quirky and charming in their own way. I also enjoyed most of all the FF titles, and the first being my first console RPG experience along with Dragon Warrior will always be dear to me.
jsbtheITguy Jan 11, 2023 @ 5:47pm 
Originally posted by Lars:
You may think i am a jerk writing this

Pack 4 Potatoes Jan 11, 2023 @ 6:56pm 
I think the still images of the FF games is a stylistic choice. These games were meant to emulate RPG board games, where the pieces of course don't move. If all that matters to you is animation, then there is no convincing you, but FF games have the best pixel art, music and stories of the 16 bit era.

Phantasy Star 4 is a great game, though, and I recommend everyone buy it on steam. It's a classic and costs a dollar.
Last edited by Pack 4 Potatoes; Jan 11, 2023 @ 6:57pm
Lars Jan 12, 2023 @ 2:17am 
Originally posted by Pack 4 Potatoes:
I think the still images of the FF games is a stylistic choice. These games were meant to emulate RPG board games, where the pieces of course don't move. If all that matters to you is animation, then there is no convincing you, but FF games have the best pixel art, music and stories of the 16 bit era.

Phantasy Star 4 is a great game, though, and I recommend everyone buy it on steam. It's a classic and costs a dollar.
But even so. You probably would get bored by just looking at chess pieces for... months if thats all you had. This doesnt affect real life people because there is other stuff to distract you. But digitized world... would just be so uninteresting
Pack 4 Potatoes Jan 12, 2023 @ 4:51am 
I'm sure I would get bored of any game if it was all I had to do for months. Irregardless of if it had moving sprites.

I always felt that the sprites, especially in FF6, were so highly detailed that it wasn't reasonable to give them movement. The spells are beautiful to look at, though, in regards to animation.
Last edited by Pack 4 Potatoes; Jan 12, 2023 @ 5:04am
Lars Jan 12, 2023 @ 5:12am 
Originally posted by Pack 4 Potatoes:
I'm sure I would get bored of any game if it was all I had to do for months. Irregardless of if it had moving sprites.

I always felt that the sprites, especially in FF6, were so highly detailed that it wasn't reasonable to give them movement. The spells are beautiful to look at, though, in regards to animation.

Thats debatable. I would call it bad art design

Because on one hand, you fight Vargas who looks realistically drawn, and then you have midget Sabin talking as if they were the same size. It takes you out of the game if you know what i mean?

Its not like Oddworld on PS1 where it feels legit real and gritty. In FF6 it feels more like a parody of how overly seriously it tries to be. But then again. Final Fantasy 3-5 has this whimsical design to it, like it is Benny Hill theme playing over the games or something.

I feel Final Fantasy 2 is the closest to a epic proportion of a fun FF game, like that of NeverEnding Story book or movie. But the limited frames in battle is what bores me overall, which is why FF7 and outwards is more fun that way because lots of fun stuff happens in battle
Pack 4 Potatoes Jan 12, 2023 @ 5:40am 
Originally posted by Lars:
Thats debatable. I would call it bad art design

Because on one hand, you fight Vargas who looks realistically drawn, and then you have midget Sabin talking as if they were the same size. It takes you out of the game if you know what i mean?
I know what you mean, but it's not a bad art design, it's a chibi art design. Very popular in Japan.

You're right that it's not gritty, but grit isn't what they are going for. It's more like a classic Disney adventure. You have your whimsical moments, but also dark moments within the same story.
Last edited by Pack 4 Potatoes; Jan 12, 2023 @ 5:44am
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