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CHAOS???!!!! WTF???
I never remember him being this difficult.

Constantly insta-gibbing my warriors with one hit even with protection on. I have maxxed gear, and I'm level 46 LMAO...

This is truly stupid!
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Showing 1-15 of 51 comments
Zunnoab #931 Aug 27, 2021 @ 8:47pm 
Red mages can hit pretty hard with the various physical attack buffs as well. My biggest hit in my playthrough was my red mage getting a critical hit for over 2,000 HP on Chaos.
shadowmpire Aug 27, 2021 @ 11:33pm 
buffs stack aside from null spells which will fail if u already have protections from element or status like ribbons. if ur getting one shot by melee stack a few protera and invisra. then start stacking a few saber spells on your melee guys.
Pack 4 Potatoes Aug 28, 2021 @ 3:56am 
He was given 20,000 hp in this version, opposed to the 2,000 hp he had in the original. He also casts spells randomly in this version, so he could nuke your team twice in a row.

He also had 20,000 in the GBA version, but that version was even easier and had more powerful gear added to the game.

It's probably an oversight to give Chaos so much health.
Last edited by Pack 4 Potatoes; Aug 28, 2021 @ 3:56am
Aleddra Aug 28, 2021 @ 5:56am 
Considering you can save in the guy's door and the skills he uses are random. You can keep gambling until you get him.
Ithurtswhen_ipee Aug 28, 2021 @ 6:42am 
You're level 46, seems like thats the problem.
NeoRizer Aug 28, 2021 @ 8:23pm 
In the original NES game the max level was 50, you needed to be on level 27 to stand a chance against the O.G. Chaos... He only had 2000 HP and you could make him actually run from the fight if you were on the max level.

In every other version released after NES (GBA, PSP, Wonderswan) They raised the level cap to 99 as per tradition and Chaos has 20,000 HP and can heal himself for 9999 HP.

This means your characters at level 46 are only on like level 23 if we're speaking relative to the original... you need to gain a few more levels, like 10 minimum.

In the new version you need to be on at least level 60 to even stand a chance against surviving Chaos' attacks. Also make sure your Monk, and Mages are all equipped with Protect Rings and Ribbons, equip the White Robe on the White Wizard and the Black Robe on the Black Wizard... cast NullAll on your warrior as his magic defense will be the weakest.

I'd recommend being on level 65 -70 though... and the grind isn't nearly as insane as it was on the original NES game either.... Just go to the 2nd or 3rd floor of the Chaos Shrine and walk around getting in battles with Green Dragons & Chimera's, you'll level up pretty quickly here... on average you'll gain about 7500 XP per fight for every character.

Also if you want to finish the fight in like 5 rounds, have the Monk use The Giant's Gloves on himself to cast Sabre (Temper) and have your Black Mage / Red Mage / Ninja cast Haste on him.

Every other subsequent round have your Monk Fight, White Mage should use Healaga every round and have your support class keep using Temper on the Monk...

If you have a Warrior just have him Sabre himself with the Giant's Gloves and just attack with the Masamune equipped... He'll do a paltry amount of damage (like 1200 per round) but it'll help the Monk DPS Chaos down quicker...

Just make sure your White Mage is casting Healaga every round and you'll win... If you don't have a White Mage you'll have to sacrifice 2 other characters turns to use the Heal Staff & Heal Helmet to keep everyone topped up.
SC_Nikki Aug 28, 2021 @ 8:41pm 
Nah, 65-70 is way overdoing it. Have a look-see...
Party was Level 39.
Last edited by SC_Nikki; Aug 28, 2021 @ 8:43pm
Ithurtswhen_ipee Aug 29, 2021 @ 6:45pm 
Personally idk, i just finished the game around the same level... maybe you missed the epic level gear on your journey...? either way spells should help
Raikoh Aug 29, 2021 @ 9:08pm 
I beat him at level 44 with a Knight/Red/White/Black team, the big problem is that they axed enemy scripting in these ports for some reason so Chaos is pure RNG on whether he slaps you, nukes you, or heals himself repeatedly and the like. Combine that with his balancing intended for the later releases where you got the bonus dungeon gear and this makes him especially brutal. Not that I mind, the rest of the game becomes too easy with Ether abuse.
TestZero Aug 30, 2021 @ 12:40am 
Originally posted by SC_Nikki:
Nah, 65-70 is way overdoing it. Have a look-see...
Party was Level 39.
What's your first language?
SC_Nikki Aug 30, 2021 @ 6:19am 
Originally posted by TestZero:
Originally posted by SC_Nikki:
Nah, 65-70 is way overdoing it. Have a look-see...
Party was Level 39.
What's your first language?
Very funny.
Indioman200 Sep 11, 2021 @ 8:55pm 
If you have a low level, this strategy can help.
1.- Have about 10 Giant tonic, 10 Strength Tonic, 10 Protect Drinks and 10 Speed Drinks
2.- Look for a fight with the Medusa monsters and wait for them to petrify one of your characters (non-magical ones are the most likely for this to happen). Put the petrified character in front of the group, he will absorb most of the physical attacks, he turns practically in a shield. (This way you also have the 3 ribbons for the other party members)
3.- Choose one of the remaining 3 and put the best equipment you have including Masamune and place him in the third space of the party (It is the least likely to be the target of attacks)
In the battle with Chaos:
Concentrate all efforts on assembling your character with Masamune: Use Giant Tonic to elevate his HP to 999, also use Haste, Temper, Saber, etc, (With magic or items) on him. Minimum 4 of each effect, without neglecting your own HP.
The shifts would be more or less like this:
-Petrified Character (Do nothing but block)
-Recover HP (With item or magic) in general
-Assembling himself
-Assembling the 3rd one, or recover the HP of the 3rd one

If one of the other two dies (2nd or 4th Characthers), let the other one concentrate on defense (use white recover magic or hi potions) while the member with Masamune remains armed and accumulating effects from spells and items until Chaos uses Curaga.

From that moment, you begin to attack with the character with Masamune. You must do an approximate damage of between 2000 and 2500 per turn (means that with 8 or 10 attacks you kill Chaos). If the other character also falls, use x potion or elixir to keep your last member at 999 HP and just keep attacking until Chaos falls
Last edited by Indioman200; Sep 11, 2021 @ 8:57pm
shsrpr Sep 11, 2021 @ 9:13pm 
That sounds like a lot of work. Or you can cast haste and saber (via Giant's Gloves) onto your melee characters, and keep stacking temper onto them as they wail Chaos into oblivion, with protera once from your WW and then Healaga/ara, and Invisira via another party member once with the White Robe, and everyone all equipped with their best weapon/armor.

No tonics or any other new item necessary. I did that at Level 29 in the Origins mod with Chaos still at his 20k HP level. He did end up knocking out one of my Knights though. And my WW had the Masamune, barely used it. Excalibur and Sun Sword are better options for my Knights.
Last edited by shsrpr; Sep 11, 2021 @ 9:15pm
Indioman200 Sep 11, 2021 @ 11:11pm 
Originally posted by shsrpr:
That sounds like a lot of work. Or you can cast haste and saber (via Giant's Gloves) onto your melee characters, and keep stacking temper onto them as they wail Chaos into oblivion, with protera once from your WW and then Healaga/ara, and Invisira via another party member once with the White Robe, and everyone all equipped with their best weapon/armor.

No tonics or any other new item necessary. I did that at Level 29 in the Origins mod with Chaos still at his 20k HP level. He did end up knocking out one of my Knights though. And my WW had the Masamune, barely used it. Excalibur and Sun Sword are better options for my Knights.

That's assuming you use Knights and/or White Wizards. My strategy works for any combination of group with low level (Even with Warrior, Thief, Black-White-Red Mages or Monk).
shsrpr Sep 11, 2021 @ 11:57pm 
Originally posted by Indioman200:
That's assuming you use Knights and/or White Wizards. My strategy works for any combination of group with low level (Even with Warrior, Thief, Black-White-Red Mages or Monk).

You could give the Masamune to the any of them and consider them a melee character, and Monk/BB works fine if not better than Knights with my strategy. If you're going up against him with a Red and no White Wizard, you'd be missing out on all the Heal-all spells, so yeah, that'd be a tougher fight. But Haste, Saber and then repeated Temper on a strong melee character or two will kick the crap out of Chaos more often than not.

Your strategy is good, no doubt, but it's a lot of work and risky losing one of your party that could be actively helping by having them enter the fight as stone. You include casting those three spells on melee characters, which is the key thing to do to take him down. But I don't think Haste stacks so only 1 is needed per melee character.

Plus using tonics takes valuable turns. Yes, there are decent benefits using them but he'll be pounding you while you're using them. Better to focus on the other things with each turn, 1 protera, 1 invisira (white robe), 1 haste per melee, 1 saber (giant's gloves) per melee, repeated temper, and be attacking.
Last edited by shsrpr; Sep 11, 2021 @ 11:59pm
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