Fences 5

Fences 5

Bug fixed in Fences 5? And telemetry/spyware question
There was a bug in Fences 3 and Fences 4 that was supposedly fixed in 4 but still exists. Namely that icons appear through the surface of other programs.


According to the statement in the related product forums here on Steam, the error was fixed, but that was a lie. There were some discussions about this to which I got some cheeky answers from your support.


I would also like to know if you have turned off your spyware in Fences 5? Fences 3 and 4 send regular callbacks to Google Analytics and a supposed crash report system (without a crash, of course) and the use of unique data such as the SID and other sensible data?

https://gameindustry.eu/gallery/crashlytics/ (Stardock Fences 3 & 4)

Connection Overviews:

Reviews (german but with translator no problem):

Have you improved your product and behavior in the meantime or are customers paying for the same bugs and mechanics again, just with a different version number?
Last edited by ペンギン; Feb 8 @ 6:49pm
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
basj66  [developer] Feb 9 @ 2:59am 
Sorry to hear you are having issues.
No icons see through application. Would like to see those discussion please. Also, has you post your issue in Stardock Fences official forum Thread? https://forums.stardock.com/forum/501

From what I know, I have saw few threads with similar issue post by others, it usually involved with Windows scale turn up to 200% and above. Is the issue the same as what your're having?

With regards on Spyware on Fences, I don't see similar issue from others on it anywhere. Link it please.

Stardock Community Assistant.
basj66  [developer] Feb 9 @ 3:01am 
BTW, you can do 30 days free trial on Fences 5 and see if the issue still there or not. Before you decide to purchase. https://www.stardock.com/products/fences/
Hello basj66

1. The scaling issues were always at 100%, i.e. normal. Different Fences versions were tested on different Windows versions. Regardless of whether freshly installed or running for some time. And there were and are (still related to 4) still problems (e.g. positioning of the portal folders) when using multiple monitors and resolution changes.

2. In terms of data collection and spyware, I am probably be the only one who has taken a closer look at Stardock software. As mentioned, you can find summarized information in the linked articles. If you have difficulties with the translation, please contact me here via Steam or via the contact form on the linked project page.

3. Thanks for the link. I will definitely test the new version for behavior over the weekend. Feedback will follow.
basj66  [developer] Feb 9 @ 9:08pm 
Moving forward please create a thread in Official Stardock Fences forum, https://forums.stardock.com/forum/501. It easier to post picture and video over there. We will try to help you from there.
Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant
Originally posted by basj66:
Moving forward please create a thread in Official Stardock Fences forum, https://forums.stardock.com/forum/501. It easier to post picture and video over there. We will try to help you from there.
Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant
Thank you, but for whom is this easier? Not for me. I had to enter additionally data, copy images, copy descriptions, rephrase texts, the display of the graphics is also suboptimal, descriptions are not shown.

But well...

Tested v5 during the weekend and I'm posting this here again because if you sell products on this platform and even have your own product forums, moderate them, but don't offer any help or support for your own products, what's the point?

Luring people with problems to your own platform and taking it for granted that they enter their data everywhere is not exactly the fine art for customers.

Either way, there's still a bug with the overlap.

I don't need any help, I just think it's a shame that you can't fix your software bugs since many years. Stardock employees seems to be unable to give clear statements about other things that have been asked for and found out about, especially when it comes to dealing with sensitive data and tracking services in your software and games.

To be honest - Stardock earn about 15 million dollars a year, for that one can actually expect a certain foundation and professionalism in dealing with customers and transparency when it comes to program and data behavior and the elimination of errors and bugs. From that perspective, one really has to wonder where the money goes that you're taking from the customers

Last edited by ペンギン; Feb 11 @ 10:06am
basj66  [developer] Feb 11 @ 4:43pm 
It is easier your both parties. Since in Stardock Forum, it is easier for you and us to post pictures and/or video if needed. Also, in Stardock forum, there will be more exposure since there are lots more viewer/users/Support/Dev etc.
Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant
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