Vaporum: Lockdown

Vaporum: Lockdown

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Her Serenity Jan 22, 2020 @ 12:52am
Any plans for workshop? I'd love to play custom campaigns aside from the main one. Such a pity the previous game doesn't have one :winter2019sadgingerbread:
Originally posted by JaseMourne:
Hey, Dancer!

No, unfortunately there are no plans for a level editor or modding support. Each of us used to make mods to many games in the past, so naturally, we would love our own games to be moddable as well. But there is one major reason why it's not the case for Vaporum or Vaporum: Lockdown:


Fatbot is just 6 guys (4 during the original Vaporum), out of which only 2 are programmers (system programmer and gameplay programmer). To develop the required tools, to make fundamental changes to the game's code so it's well usable by the public, to somehow circumvent the Unity's lighting process and potential asset licensing, to write the guides and maintain web pages, and then to support the tools after release... all this would take A LOT of time.

And all that time spent on these tools would not be spent on making another game. It's a sad reality, but adding modding support to a barely known game doesn't make any money. Releasing games does. And we have to survive.

You may argue that the authors of Grimrock, Almost Human, were also a small team of just a few guys and they still did it. Yes, but:

- They used their own engine, giving them 100% control over every process, asset pipeline, and workflow, and so it's way more straightforward to add modding support.
- The structure of Grimrock levels is simpler, with way fewer unique elements, predictable placement, lighting, etc., so the tooling can also be simpler.
- They only added the level editor after release, after an EXCEPTIONALLY successful release, so they had all the time and resources to make it happen.

TLDR: We would love to add modding support and level editor, but we can't afford that at the moment.
< >
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JaseMourne  [developer] Jan 23, 2020 @ 2:02am 
Hey, Dancer!

No, unfortunately there are no plans for a level editor or modding support. Each of us used to make mods to many games in the past, so naturally, we would love our own games to be moddable as well. But there is one major reason why it's not the case for Vaporum or Vaporum: Lockdown:


Fatbot is just 6 guys (4 during the original Vaporum), out of which only 2 are programmers (system programmer and gameplay programmer). To develop the required tools, to make fundamental changes to the game's code so it's well usable by the public, to somehow circumvent the Unity's lighting process and potential asset licensing, to write the guides and maintain web pages, and then to support the tools after release... all this would take A LOT of time.

And all that time spent on these tools would not be spent on making another game. It's a sad reality, but adding modding support to a barely known game doesn't make any money. Releasing games does. And we have to survive.

You may argue that the authors of Grimrock, Almost Human, were also a small team of just a few guys and they still did it. Yes, but:

- They used their own engine, giving them 100% control over every process, asset pipeline, and workflow, and so it's way more straightforward to add modding support.
- The structure of Grimrock levels is simpler, with way fewer unique elements, predictable placement, lighting, etc., so the tooling can also be simpler.
- They only added the level editor after release, after an EXCEPTIONALLY successful release, so they had all the time and resources to make it happen.

TLDR: We would love to add modding support and level editor, but we can't afford that at the moment.
Her Serenity Jan 23, 2020 @ 2:46am 
Originally posted by JaseMourne:
Hey, Dancer!

No, unfortunately there are no plans for a level editor or modding support. Each of us used to make mods to many games in the past, so naturally, we would love our own games to be moddable as well. But there is one major reason why it's not the case for Vaporum or Vaporum: Lockdown:


Fatbot is just 6 guys (4 during the original Vaporum), out of which only 2 are programmers (system programmer and gameplay programmer). To develop the required tools, to make fundamental changes to the game's code so it's well usable by the public, to somehow circumvent the Unity's lighting process and potential asset licensing, to write the guides and maintain web pages, and then to support the tools after release... all this would take A LOT of time.

And all that time spent on these tools would not be spent on making another game. It's a sad reality, but adding modding support to a barely known game doesn't make any money. Releasing games does. And we have to survive.

You may argue that the authors of Grimrock, Almost Human, were also a small team of just a few guys and they still did it. Yes, but:

- They used their own engine, giving them 100% control over every process, asset pipeline, and workflow, and so it's way more straightforward to add modding support.
- The structure of Grimrock levels is simpler, with way fewer unique elements, predictable placement, lighting, etc., so the tooling can also be simpler.
- They only added the level editor after release, after an EXCEPTIONALLY successful release, so they had all the time and resources to make it happen.

TLDR: We would love to add modding support and level editor, but we can't afford that at the moment.
Oh, that pains me a lot, but it's totally understandable! As long as you guys will make games, you can be absolutely sure about me supporting you by buying each of them. Even if it''s not a lot, haha, I'll do my best. Thank you very much for the explicit response. Sincerely wish you all the best!
JaseMourne  [developer] Jan 23, 2020 @ 3:21am 
Wow, thank you very much for the support! We really do appreciate it here. Basically, what helps us the most is the word of mouth -- simply sharing the news of our games and endeavors, so that more people have the chance to discover them.
Her Serenity Jan 23, 2020 @ 3:40am 
Originally posted by JaseMourne:
Wow, thank you very much for the support! We really do appreciate it here. Basically, what helps us the most is the word of mouth -- simply sharing the news of our games and endeavors, so that more people have the chance to discover them.
Noted! The word of mouth it is :yawp:
< >
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