Book of Travels

Book of Travels

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Hora 3 nov. 2020 às 0:24
List of similar media to Book of Travels ?

Meanwhile the early access of Book of Travels. Does anyone know any media (games, movies, books...) that has a very close feeling of exploration and contemplation to this game ? I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online or The Longest Journey which I think are similar in some ways but I'm still looking for other sources.
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A mostrar 1-7 de 7 comentários
Bomoo 30 nov. 2020 às 10:30 
Hmm, maybe the Earthsea series by Ursula LeGuin? I feel like that has a similar vibe.
Bomoo 3 dez. 2020 às 4:34 
Let me also throw in the anime Mushi-shi and, to a lesser extent, Kino's Journey as media sharing a similar vibe as BoT.
Genghis Pawn 4 dez. 2020 às 5:33 
Well, there are previous games from Might & Delight that share part of the vibe:

Meadow has similar non-verbal communication, emergent roleplaying, and self-driven exploration elements:

Tiny Echo's world, art, and lore are similarly mellow and meditative to BoT, though it is a more linear Point-and-Click:


At that point I start focusing on Point-and-Clicks, despite the fact that they are more linear and less exploratory. (Incidentally, I've considered playing The Longest Journey many times, but have not done so yet). Here are 2 with relatively deep worldbuilding and roots in table-top gaming, which has similarities to BoT:
And the sequel, which is a little more contemplative considered as a whole


Here's one I haven't played, but whose style reminds me of Tiny Echo for some reason:

As for books, the first 2 books of Patrick Rothfuss' The Kingkiller Chronicle are popular, and there's a lot of exploratory worldbuilding built into them. There's also a very strange "spinoff" short novella focused on one character from the books that's kind of experimental and not really a narrative, but it's very contemplative in its own way: The Slow Regard of Silent Things. It might not make much sense if you don't read the other books, but it might not make much sense either way. It's unique and polarizing.

There's a very unique story told in a series by David Zindell, Neverness and Requiem for ♥♥♥♥ Sapiens. They have a feel all their own, and characters slip into discussing a lot of rich topics. Part Sci-Fi, part Fantasy. He's also got some other books I haven't read but that might be interesting. <EDIT: Oh, how ridiciulous, Steam is censoring the title. It's the Latin name for humans' species. Ignorant people use part of is as a homophobic slur.>

More Sci-Fi than Fantasy, but ya gotta love Frank Herbert's Dune, especially the later books in the series that don't get a lot of love, like God Emperor. Dude explores a lot of big themes like religion, prophecy, politics, sexuality, and humanity's place in the universe.

Cerebus is an extremely long-running series of graphic novels that eventually explore some similar themes. Haven't read all of them myself.

Bone is another graphic novel that's a more coherent whole, more traditional fantasy. Not as "mature" as some of the books above, but good wholesome fun, and has a kind of exploratory vibe as you follow some lost characters (the "Bones") who are encountering new corners of the world for the first time.
Última alteração por Genghis Pawn; 4 dez. 2020 às 6:02
Mister Wekonu 14 dez. 2020 às 19:54 
I shall throw a "few" more game ideas here, as a lover of exploration, art, and travel, but also sometimes mystery and emotional feels-trips. :meadowgoat:

These are the first two that came to mind, one because of the glaring visual similarity and love for visual dialogue! The other for the grounded yet also metaphysical way the world and the people in it get encountered and the natural fluidity of your journey. No connection feels forced or too scripted, just the right amount of fantastical... and adorable.


For those that fancy a little more animalistic vibe to their wholesome, musical, artistic travels... here is a plethora to choose from!:


A few on the more human side, and one that captured my eye for the more minimalistic approach to art style <3:


Some of these are a bit more "adventure" focused and others are a bit more "narrative" focused, emotional as hecc, or even a smidgen puzzle-y:


And lastly, three more last but veeery much not least powerful suggestions from the community I'd like to add that I feel truly capture the atmosphere of solo embarking as well as scale in the world or universe:


In regards to authors, I might just squeeze Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Jose Saramago, Paulo Coelho into this rant of mine, with their strange poetic prose and the hollowing (and hallowing) starkness mixed with beauty they tend to evoke. :mug:
Última alteração por Mister Wekonu; 14 dez. 2020 às 19:57
Jules 13 jan. 2021 às 21:42 
Disclaimer: These will be all over the board in terms of age range.

Books this game has reminded me of include:

-the Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce
-The Tea Dragon Festival by Katie O'Neill (this is a children's graphic novel, but it has some similar ideas and is a very peaceful read)
-The Pellinor Series by Alison Croggan
-Chalice by Robin McKinley

Other books that have less similarity to book of travels but are high on exploration and/or comtemplation:

-the Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander
-Sunlight and Shadow by Cameron Dokey
-Tales of the Frog Princess by E. D. Baker
-almost everything Tamora Pierce has written--especially the Immortals series
-Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
-Graceling series by Kristin Cashore
-Howl's Moving Castle, The Castle in the Air, and The House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones
-The Vine Witch by Luanne G. Smith
-Safe-keeper's series by Sharon Shinn
-Vows and Honor series by Mercedes Lackey
-the Forgotten Realms books by R. A. Salvatore
-the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
-Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher
-if you've read and liked books by JRR Tolkien, try his Smith of Wooton Major. If you've never read Tolkien do not start with this one. Start with the Hobbit or the Fellowship of the Ring. Maybe even Farmer Giles of Ham.
MaD_Helen 15 jan. 2021 às 1:13 
Hi Everyone, it's really interesting to see the range of touchpoints you have collectively supplied! I wonder if you saw that this question inspired our inspirations Steam post last week? So, thank you lots :) You can see it here...
Hora 8 mar. 2021 às 0:57 
Hi, thanks for all the references. I will check them one by one thoroughly ;)
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Postado a: 3 nov. 2020 às 0:24
Comentários: 7