Costume Quest

Costume Quest

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d3adf1sh Sep 28, 2022 @ 2:20pm
how to disable rumble
so i was having a problem with my controller disconnecting sometimes when it rumbles and was looking for a way to disable rumble and there was nothing in options menu. well i figured out a way to do it.

you just need to find your game files where ever they're stored and go into
costume quest/data/config in there there should be a file named BuddhaDefault.cfg *open with* notepad then you can search for "rumble" or just scroll down to you find a line that says enableRumble=true and change it to enableRumble=false and save. when you restart the game rumble will be disabled. hope this helps someone. ✌️and have a happy halloween
Last edited by d3adf1sh; Oct 12, 2022 @ 1:57am