We Stay Behind

We Stay Behind

NoWayPedro Jul 16, 2022 @ 10:02am
Almost nothing works
First attempt:

Spoke to the first lady, then got in to the van, then it got stuck next to the road block signs. and it would not more at all.

Then I tried to quit; Escape key ? Nothing. Space ? Nothing. Tab ? Nothing. I pressed every key - nothing.

So then I tabbed out and closed the window and restarted.

Second attempt:

This time I got as far as Mr Lovell. He said a few words and then stood by his pickup. No more interaction. I tried walking around and can get almost nowhere, not into the house for example, not back into the van. I can't do anything.

So I gave up after 10 minutes - what am I missing ?
Date Posted: Jul 16, 2022 @ 10:02am
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