Monaco Disconnect Problem
Hello everyone. I have just bought this game. I tried to enter a lobby my friend created and we played through most of first level until I disconnected from his game. Then he joined my game, and he disconnected. I then tried to join a random person's lobby and was disconnected. Whats going on?
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AndyN.  [dezvoltator] 7 mai 2013 la 22:30 
There have been other reports of this as well. We did a recent change that fixed a lot of the matchmaking, but dropping during a game is a different story. Have other games ever given you any problems?
No I play starcraft online almost everyday. I have rarely, rarely had disconnects from starcraft... infact, I cant remember the last time I had an issue of disconnect with any other game I have been playing online.
having the same problem , cant do co-op
NoRepro [dev]  [dezvoltator] 8 mai 2013 la 15:06 
I'm starting to suspect this might have something to do with the built in voice chat. It's on my radar. Sorry about the issue!
7grain 10 mai 2013 la 23:01 
I am having the same problem with my group of players, too. It doesn't seem to matter which of us hosts the game -- some of us get dropped after about 5 minutes of playing together.

We play other multiplayer games together regularly without any problem. Our computers are modern and bandwidth is good, both up and downstream.

Meantime we're loving the game, and sometimes if we're patient we get a good solid connection going and can play together for an hour with no disconnects.

If I can answer any other questions or help troubleshoot, let me know. We all want to see Monaco be the best game it can be. Thanks for your efforts and it's awesome to see Developer support in the forums.
Editat ultima dată de 7grain; 10 mai 2013 la 23:02
Same issue for me with a friend. We did coop last week with no problem and could'nt do it this weekend; lots of lag/disconnection. Guild Wars 2 & Shootmania were running fine, only the issue was with Monaco. Ping using F2 was between 500-800ms; way too high...

No clue how to solve this. Any idea ? Any port to open ? usually all plays fine with any other games...

Just played 2hours of shootmania with a friend, ping 30 ms. Switched to Monaco. 400ms.
It was all fine at release of the game, was there a patch ? can we undo it ?

Need a fix please >_<
Bilbotorm, how are you getting a ping value? I did not see anything on the information screen when you bring that up. I'd like to check my ping values when playing coop.
AndyN.  [dezvoltator] 14 mai 2013 la 22:30 
As a test, could you all turn off voice chat and see if the game still gets busted?

And you can test ping by pressing F2
Editat ultima dată de AndyN.; 14 mai 2013 la 22:31
Anything special to do to turn off voice chat ? Cause I never use it; I use a third party soft to chat with my friends. So except putting it to "muted" in the option settings, do i miss something ? it did not change anything :/

Porkfist : F2 in game. you have FPS (constant 60 / sync on for me); and avg ping, a disaster since the recent patch (400+ms)
Just tried the BETA branch, it worked flawlessly !!! Ping 90ms ! Rather than 400+ms it's perfect ! So for those facing disc issue, try Beta !!!
Thanks for pointing out F2. I agree the BETA is darn near flawless from a network connection standpoint. I played one round of the gold version and it dropped me after a few minutes. I must have played ten rounds if not more with the BETA and no network issues. I know you said before it might have something to do with in game voice, but the voice chat seems to work as it should, so whatever got changed seemed to fix it.
7grain 23 mai 2013 la 22:15 
Thank you - I will try again with the beta version this weekend.
How can I use the beta too? I'm having some of these problems as well.
7grain 25 mai 2013 la 13:30 
Rush Rage: In your Library, locate Monaco. Right-click on it, choose "Properties". Select the tab named "betas". You can opt in to beta versions here.
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Data postării: 7 mai 2013 la 20:19
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