Magic Quest: TCG

Magic Quest: TCG

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Glycanthrope Oct 24, 2019 @ 3:25pm
PvP interaction
After 25 PvP battles against bots, I finally had the opportunity to play against a "live" player (- my first human opponent I should add for emphasis). He played well, and following the bout,I wanted to wrap up the game, by sending my rare opponent a simple "thank you for playing" greeting.

Yet, the game automatically rushed back to the starting screen, the VERY moment the duel was over, allowing no opportunity for a final hand-shake.

It would suit the game well, and add to the immersion, if some kind of post-duel interaction was possible. Nothing special, just an additional round for friendly communication, shaking hands and perhaps offering a rematch. The rushed exit does little to build a community spirit.

Surely, this is technically possible to implement for a veteran team ?