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Lt_Miles  [developer] Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:02am
[] Version Notes
  • Removed the Endless mode from beginner and advanced tutorials.
  • Added subtitles to the last 4 tutorial videos.

  • Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when an Independent People ransack a Ruin.
  • Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when a Contemporary Russian Emblematic District is built on a Point of Interest which is not a Resource Deposit.
  • Fixed an issue where a crash can occur at start while having Epic Game Launcher installed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cloud saves system is not working.
  • Fixed an issue where one Territory is removed by the Map Editor each time a save is performed.

  • Fixed an issue where a wrong value is displayed when the player has not enough War Support to declare a war.
  • Fixed an issue where the default Avatar is displayed in game on the First Time User Experience scenario and not the player's customized Avatar.
  • Fixed an issue where an error can be encountered during a battle against Deers which uses the Automatic Battle feature.
  • Fixed an issue where Resource icons could be no longer displayed on Deposits after being exploited.
  • Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the Attack Prediction panel when the Ferocious bonus is applied on Units.
  • Fixed an issue where a debug text could be displayed in the Narrator's subtitles when creating the first Emblematic Unit.
  • Fixed an issue where "?" character is displayed in numerous event descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the tooltip of the Luxurious AI Persona Bias.
  • Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the Diplomacy log for White Peace proposals.
  • Fixed an issue where the fail message when joining a modded Multiplayer lobby isn't clear enough.
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Showing 1-15 of 69 comments
Legendskiller76 Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:14am 
There is a bug with Civics in my opinion. Sometimes i reached the requirements to unlocks a civic and nothing happens. Sometimes it does...
For exemple: i had 10 followers in my religion and nothing happens. Now i have 125 follower and still no religion civic unlocked.

Same problem with Legitimacy and Founders myths, they get unlocked at era 4....... Even if i met the requirement at era 1
Dracil Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:29am 
"Removed the Endless mode from beginner and advanced tutorials."

Is this retroactive to games started before or will we need to start a new game?

Crystal Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:32am 
Roughly when you posted this, my game crashed and I lost all my data. I'm still early in, but I wanted to know if you think fixing cloud saves while I was mid-game could have resulted in this? Perhaps if my computer performed an auto-save at the wrong time?

Bug report on your website;

PS: I'm a little sad since I was doing really well that game and was really in the swing of it. I don't mind starting again but.. Do you have absolutely any idea where those saves could have gone? I just wish I could resume from where I was
"The Canadian" Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:47am 
EXTREMELY MINOR Bug but I did notice this on launch day:

Change the Font Color of the Version # on the Main Menu. Perhaps to #FFFFFF extreme white or some kind of border isolated color.

The grey that it is now is extremely hard to read when the model on the right has certain attire (such as white or beige colored dresses/robes).

Even better?
Move the Version # from the bottom right corner to the bottom left corner, if possible with Unity.
That way the background is statically controlled as always the dark green of the bushes.

Last edited by "The Canadian"; Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:51am
FLESZU Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:52am 
Game freezy within few turn too. It's the same:(
lt29081998 Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:59am 
I cannot launch the game - i play on PC, but it is saying i am missing humankind.exe . I have redownloaded the game and this issue still occurs.
Is there anything else I can do?
dg55 Aug 18, 2021 @ 9:02am 
When are you going to post the English version of the game manual on Steam? Thanks.
Satoru Aug 18, 2021 @ 9:06am 
Originally posted by lt29081998:
I cannot launch the game - i play on PC, but it is saying i am missing humankind.exe . I have redownloaded the game and this issue still occurs.
Is there anything else I can do?

Your anti-virus is likely deleting the exe

Or you may not have a 64-bit OS
Ren Aug 18, 2021 @ 9:07am 

Right now the map editor ignores the slot number (start positions) when saved, and rearranges the starting positions from bottom to top, left to right. Can you make it so it does not rearrange the start positions?
Also, it only lets you put 8 spawn points but a normal game lets you put up to 10 AI.
Jornas Aug 18, 2021 @ 9:15am 
Originally posted by Legendskiller76:
There is a bug with Civics in my opinion. Sometimes i reached the requirements to unlocks a civic and nothing happens. Sometimes it does...
For exemple: i had 10 followers in my religion and nothing happens. Now i have 125 follower and still no religion civic unlocked.

Same problem with Legitimacy and Founders myths, they get unlocked at era 4....... Even if i met the requirement at era 1

I played for almost eight hours yesterday and only unlocked 3 civics in a multiplayer game.
foundthefloor Aug 18, 2021 @ 9:33am 
not a bug but.....the UI is very....clunky looking. just in general. with most aplitude games it seems more...i can't quite explain it like in endless space 2 the pop ups and even your little menu buttons all seem thematically correct. the pop-ups in this game feel just like that.....a pop-up that all i want to do is get it off my screen.....honestly i want to play longer but the UI annoys me so much i'm annoyed that I bough it at this point. love your games. thanks.
lt29081998 Aug 18, 2021 @ 9:34am 
Originally posted by Satoru:
Originally posted by lt29081998:
I cannot launch the game - i play on PC, but it is saying i am missing humankind.exe . I have redownloaded the game and this issue still occurs.
Is there anything else I can do?

Your anti-virus is likely deleting the exe

Or you may not have a 64-bit OS

I have a 64 bit OS, completely disabled my AV and I got to the first loading screen before it crashed. and now the exe has been deleted again.
Honestly about to get a refund..
Calmien Aug 18, 2021 @ 10:04am 
Thank you
cloak124 Aug 18, 2021 @ 10:08am 
Please fix the turn pending bug. I can only continue my game after ending my turn then saving and then reloading to force the game to go to the next turn. My civ has no outstanding units that need to move or idle cities etc. Please make the patch compatible with older saves as I have already had to start a new game 3 times due to this bug.
Last edited by cloak124; Aug 18, 2021 @ 10:09am
EzePz Aug 18, 2021 @ 10:25am 
Turn 266, the game is stuck forever pending the turn....
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Showing 1-15 of 69 comments
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Date Posted: Aug 18, 2021 @ 8:02am
Posts: 69