Blocks That Matter
I can't get the green star!
In the lock level I was trying to get the green star like in this video I watched but no matter
how fast I is impossible....

I have xpadder which has rapid-fire...I made it so IT IS FASTER THAN HUMANLY POSSIBLE YET I DID NOT GET THE GREEN STAR!!!

Just to clarify the rapid fire is set to 50 taps per second...That is pretty slow don't you think?

The video in question.
Dernière modification de Laid; 8 oct. 2013 à 22h10
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Ugh, I remember that green star giving me some issues too. Apparently, it won't count if the screen starts fading out before the star icon in the lower-left turns green, so you have to be super fast. I know it took me a few dozen tries before the game finally counted it for me, so just keep trying, I guess. (And wow, maybe it's a frame-perfect thing if even rapid fire isn't working for you! Man, why did this one green star have to be possible, but only just barely?)
Dernière modification de SomeGuy712x; 9 oct. 2013 à 10h57
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