Wheel of Fate

Wheel of Fate

Jesse Dylan Feb 12, 2021 @ 2:10pm
So how is the AI?
While a lot of this game's features really interest me, they can be found elsewhere; the AI to my mind is the chief concept, yet no reviews talk about it, and I don't see any discussions.

So, how is the AI? Is it meaningfully different, interesting, or new compared to what we see in most games? Or is this just a normal RPG with interesting combat and a promise of adaptive AI that doesn't end up impacting gameplay or feel?

Full disclosure, Kickstarter backer, but I forgot about it until now. I did not back at a high enough level to get the game, but it's on sale. :D
Last edited by Jesse Dylan; Feb 12, 2021 @ 2:13pm
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Mundane Rena  [developer] Feb 16, 2021 @ 9:47am 
Hey Jesse,
In response to your question about the game's AI, the AI acts as a game master on the backend by changing the world with different loot, armor, dungeons and even ambience. It affects game play in just about every aspect such as the degree of stats and leveling you can do, as well as weapon buffs or loot available.
For more clarity, you can see a full explanation of the AI in this blog post https://www.wheeloffate.com/2020/10/how-does-the-ai-work/

Hope this helps!
ricky.brooks Feb 21, 2021 @ 12:37pm 
That is a pretty abstract overview. Can you give an example of what player choices are observed by the AI? There’s also mention of quests being altered? Are these pregenerated and chosen by the AI, or are they procedurally generated by the AI? How about the main quests, Characters, etc.?

I’m also not sure what kind of choices would alter the amount of levelling or stat increases you can do. Can you give some examples of how that may come about?

PS, I understand AIs are not deterministic, so when I say example I mean in the hypothetical sense, or testimonial.
Jesse Dylan Feb 22, 2021 @ 10:36am 
Also hoping for some comments from players! I'm super curious about this kind of thing. It seems like it could go on to be a feature in almost all games eventually, sort of an AI game master.
Vian  [developer] Feb 22, 2021 @ 11:02am 
Hello, thanks for your question!

Our A.I. using a proprietary learning algorithm mixed with neural nets to develop a decision matrix. That decision matrix is affected by several things: What you chose to equip, what choices you made in dialogue, what enemies you chose to kill, what what previously given to you, what skills you use, what stats you apply to your character, etc.. There are approximately 50 - 100 variables that effect the neural nets decision matrix.

Once the decision matrix is built it's culminated into the Wheel Spin, all those choices have now altered all the possible states that the AI can choose but significantly weights your neural net decision matrix based on the actions of the player. Once the wheel has spun the worlds state has been altered and now the new "normal" is the new world, as you continue through the game it happens over and over. You have to option to force change your world if you don't like by using certain items in game or completing quests, etc to spin the wheel again.

The end result is that the AI now has a predetermined set of choices is can make:
Quests: The AI has pre-generated set of quests currently it can choose from. With enough support we could have the AI generate it's own quests but for now think of it as the "Dungeon Masters catalogue". You've rolled the dice now the AI is making an "intelligent" decision on what to give you next.

The Main quest is not altered by the AI right now, although several variables are stored for the AI to use in later chapters.

Stats: the stats are rolled in the same way, if you choose to play much more aggressively you will see more often certain stats be higher or lower dependent on the AI personality you're playing with. Meaning you could have the AI in a good mood and it will help you get higher stats based on your choices. Or in a bad mood and offer you lower stats.

The AI generates all the NPC's around town with their name and stats as well. Which can help or hinder in the town building element.

Additionally, things like Gear.... I'll give you a testimonial from testing. I purchased several "of the Giant" type gear which boosts your HP from the stores in the game and I had put my last 3 levels stats into HP. I equipped several pieces and held several duplicates. On my next generated dungeon run I received in chests and loot 12 pieces of the giant. This was for too much for a typical RNG to give me in a row. Not to mention it gave me each of the pieces I wanted or needed.. meaning I didn't get a duplicate for the first 5 pieces. This has since been corrected because it was actually a benevolent AI going "too far" in trying to help.

Hopefully I've answered your questions!

Vian  [developer] Feb 22, 2021 @ 11:05am 
Originally posted by Jesse Dylan:
Also hoping for some comments from players! I'm super curious about this kind of thing. It seems like it could go on to be a feature in almost all games eventually, sort of an AI game master.

Exactly! This is what we are working on and while it isn't perfect in this version of Wheel of Fate we have learned ALOT and are looking to implement it in all future games we create improving it every time!

It requires support from individuals such as yourself (THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR KICKSTARTER!!) So we can make it better and much deeper with more features in our future games.
Jesse Dylan Feb 25, 2021 @ 9:32am 
This sounds hilarious and amazing! I can't get enough of this kind of stuff, for whatever reason (I was too young to play "Little Computer People"--can't remember if that was an Amiga game). I really believe this type of AI has a RICH future and potential in the industry, and I don't understand why there aren't more developers going at it like you guys are.

I saw a Batman movie script written by an AI. I don't know if it was fake, but it made me think how funny it would be to write an AI, then have it design a game, and then humans sort of filter it so it's not totally broken (or unfun)... And then of course the adaptive AI would still exist in the canned game, so from that canned design made by AI and humans, the AI now has additional choices and things it can do based on that design (like what you guys have going here).

Maybe it is not realistic, but you guys have taken many steps that developers seem fear to tread.
Mundane Rena  [developer] Feb 25, 2021 @ 11:16am 
Lol I know exactly the batman movie script you're talking about. I had found another AI script for a Friends episode on Reddit as well.
Definitely it's a realistic concept but it requires a fair amount of time and resources to implement. Especially since gaming incorporates multiple elements from art and music to game mechanics and story.
Jesse Dylan Feb 26, 2021 @ 1:05pm 
Good point. It is just not a priority for big developers, out of reach of most indie developers, and a game has to be made around it as well. I hope you guys get some attention for this. Again, it could, and would, change gaming entirely for the better, every genre. Almost every game has AI in it, and this could impact any and all game AI.
Mundane Rena  [developer] Mar 1, 2021 @ 8:26am 
For sure it's as you said. The thing about any technology is it should not be incorporated unless it's necessary or relevant to the core vision. For most big developers, they already have their big name brands or game play style which don't necessarily require AI. As for most indie developers, they tend to be small studios of only 2-3 devs or even just single developers so it doesn't make sense to incorporate this whole new technology when they're still focused on developing the game content itself.
For our particular game studio, we're incredibly lucky to live in an area (Ontario, Canada) that greatly supports this type of game development. Thankfully, our studio focuses on AI gaming so Wheel of Fate will not be the final game you'll see from us :)
Jesse Dylan Mar 1, 2021 @ 2:22pm 
Originally posted by Mundane Rena:
For sure it's as you said. The thing about any technology is it should not be incorporated unless it's necessary or relevant to the core vision. For most big developers, they already have their big name brands or game play style which don't necessarily require AI. As for most indie developers, they tend to be small studios of only 2-3 devs or even just single developers so it doesn't make sense to incorporate this whole new technology when they're still focused on developing the game content itself.
For our particular game studio, we're incredibly lucky to live in an area (Ontario, Canada) that greatly supports this type of game development. Thankfully, our studio focuses on AI gaming so Wheel of Fate will not be the final game you'll see from us :)

All of that is great news, especially when other developers follow along-- and yet more reason to want to move to Canada! ;) I have my eye on Brandon, Manitoba, because it's not too far from my family in the States here, but, hmm, I could see Ontario...
Mundane Rena  [developer] Mar 2, 2021 @ 8:01am 
I can't speak for how well Brandon, Manitoba is but I just gotta say, that you absolutely cannot go wrong with the gaming/arts scene in Toronto, Ontario. One of the most supportive creative community I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
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