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Loneminded Jun 28, 2019 @ 7:57am
Content Creation
An overview for all content creators
You are more than welcome to create content using recorded or live footage from our games (Inertia & Exertus) and monetise them if you so wish. You do not need written permission from Loneminded in order to create this type of content.

Recorded Footage
If you do decide to post videos of games developed by Loneminded, a mention of the game or a link to the developer page or store page in the description of the video is hugely appreciated.

If you broadcast games created by Loneminded to Twitch, YouTube or any other livestreaming platform then using the correct category for the specified game is hugely appreciated.

If in doubt, feel free to send over a message via the Exertus Steam Discussions.
Last edited by Loneminded; Jul 4, 2019 @ 4:57pm