Book of Yog Idle RPG

Book of Yog Idle RPG

NightShade Sep 23, 2022 @ 12:37pm
Tier list?
Anyone have tier list for this game?
Or some experience with it to say which heroes are worth investing in?
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Purple Sep 23, 2022 @ 6:40pm 
You want a "balanced" crew to take advantage of all the different formation buffs the game has, but those sometimes conflict with the actual hero qualities. That said, I'd probably recommend aiming for some combination of the following:

White Dragon or Galahad. Strikers, S-class, rapid charges and AoE kills/stuns, also great tanks. They will be your campaign wall 80% of the time or more.

Northland Princess or Frozen Heart. Mages, S and SS-class, mapwide freeze and damage. Very fragile though. I picked NP first cause she's easier to rank up, but plan on switching later.

Miloni or Succubus or Laraak. Hunter/Hunter/Mage, S-class, spectacular single-target DPS and crit rate. Can delete just about anything with one ult, properly geared/. Laraak is a special case as she doesn't get the crits, but her super can and will obliterate an entire crew if you let her get it off at higher stages.

Pure Slime or Spartan(General Li). Guardian, S-class, very high durability/damage mitigation. Pure Slime decks 10% off her health every ultimate but drops a horde of bomblet slimes on the field, which hard counters most single-target DPS monkeys. Spartan's ult is a reflect, which might kill him but will certainly kill whoever chonked him.

Reaper of Soul or Claw of Seal or Hedalet. Assassins, S-class, teleports and fast movement, usually high melee DPS as well. Claw comes with a self-rez, Hieyae has a delayed single-target nuke and steals ult energy, and Reaper has more teleports than Nightcrawler.

I don't use healers, but I can tell you they're either useless or incredibly annoying to see on the field.
Last edited by Purple; Sep 23, 2022 @ 8:33pm
MinenSpecht Sep 23, 2022 @ 11:42pm 
Originally posted by Purple:
I don't use healers, but I can tell you they're either useless or incredibly annoying to see on the field.

I am new and dont have as much insight as others but definately switched to a party composition with a healer because its necessary to survive boss fights that are 50+ lvls above party level.
DeltaOmikronNy Sep 24, 2022 @ 12:51am 
Personally I recommend Vicky (Mystic Instructor; Mage; S-Rank).
With lifesteal and chaining attacks she is both tanky for her class and can melt opponents. Gearing her with the equipment that supports lightning damage makes her chew through almost anything alone
srongthiencos Sep 24, 2022 @ 3:55am 
At first, tier list means jack sht. The reason is that you want as high level of a character as possible. And character quality will limit a character max level. for example, purple has max lvl of 174?? gold is 199. So, to start, dont care about tier or meta comp. just yeet for character S or SS that you have pulled so many times :D
NightShade Sep 24, 2022 @ 6:51pm 
Originally posted by srongthiencos:
At first, tier list means jack sht. The reason is that you want as high level of a character as possible. And character quality will limit a character max level. for example, purple has max lvl of 174?? gold is 199. So, to start, dont care about tier or meta comp. just yeet for character S or SS that you have pulled so many times :D
Even tho you cant really "choose" your team, this game has wish list for increased odds for pulling, so you get better odds for getting 4 heroes of your choosing every day. So even tho i get your point i also think knowing which 4 are above avarage or better than others isn't entirely useless.
srongthiencos Sep 24, 2022 @ 9:23pm 
Originally posted by NightShade:
Originally posted by srongthiencos:
At first, tier list means jack sht. The reason is that you want as high level of a character as possible. And character quality will limit a character max level. for example, purple has max lvl of 174?? gold is 199. So, to start, dont care about tier or meta comp. just yeet for character S or SS that you have pulled so many times :D
Even tho you cant really "choose" your team, this game has wish list for increased odds for pulling, so you get better odds for getting 4 heroes of your choosing every day. So even tho i get your point i also think knowing which 4 are above avarage or better than others isn't entirely useless.

The problem is that "wish list" increase the chance just a bit. you will still run into other chars many times before actually pulling 1 wish list char :D. Also, a lvl 200 non meta char will beat lvl 150 meta char always
Last edited by srongthiencos; Sep 24, 2022 @ 9:25pm
Zenithzerk Sep 25, 2022 @ 1:21am 
1. Frozen heart = always OP . Can freeze AOE targets. High DMG. must have.
2. General blazing sun = reflect damage is too strong. can turn table of fights.
mr.LeROy Sep 28, 2022 @ 5:55am 
You can join official discord, there are a lot useful information and kind community.
Remilio Oct 6, 2022 @ 2:25pm 
Originally posted by mr.LeROy:
You can join official discord, there are a lot useful information and kind community.
Invite again? Link is invalid
mr.LeROy Oct 6, 2022 @ 6:15pm 
Originally posted by mystica*☪:
Originally posted by mr.LeROy:
You can join official discord, there are a lot useful information and kind community.
Invite again? Link is invalid
mr.LeROy Oct 10, 2022 @ 5:32am 
Originally posted by Sick Of It All:
Originally posted by mr.LeROy:
Unable to accept invite WTF?
seems there is official invite for discord from their twitter try it
Metzli Oct 11, 2022 @ 12:04am 
I've found Pure White Wing to be pretty busted. She does a ton of healing and often keeps up with my white dragon on dps even though she is less than 1/3 of white dragon's power.
shawnreed343 Oct 16, 2022 @ 5:09am 
The sad thing about trying to create a tier list is that ascended S rank heroes are more powerful than baseline SS rank heroes. Especially when you're liable to ascend an S rank hero multiple times before ascending an SS rank hero once. That said, of the SS rank heroes, Endylion/Pure White Wing would probably be the strongest presently. Especially because Usilotti/The Winter Witch is bugged right now to show up as only the A-class variety instead of the S or SS. T_T And Sakura/Asura's Katana is for some reason just weaker than the S tier assassins, even counting that she's a little better at mob clearing, and at high levels has the potential to be much tankier. Her damage scaling is just lower, rather than higher- I suspect this too is bugged.

So right now, the S rank heroes are simply better than SS heroes, as long as you ascend them. Of them, Vina/White Dragon is SS tier- her basic AND ulti skills have a built in stun effect, and also make her amazing at mob clearing, as well as any other fights. Mioni/Eye of the Jungle is either bottom SS or top S tier, in that her single target damage output can't really be beat, and she has a very high skill crit chance. Any hero whose ulti skill is capable of stunning falls into the S tier, also. Eg, Luta/Exotic Merchant, Flo/Northland Princess, Usilotti/The Winter Witch if she wasn't bugged. Special note: The player character would also fit as S tier, from having so many skills that can stun/disrupt opponents, though using them takes skill books which have a limited supply/day, and from the fact the player character levels equal to the highest level character. Characters capable of doing AoE damage from basic skill attacks would fit into the A tier, such as Galahad/Sword of Empire, Sakura/Asura's Katana, Fitch/Claw of Steel, and Diocletian/General Blazing Sun (who for other reasons might be S tier worthy). On the flipside, certain team compositions may elevate the capabilities of certain heroes through synergistic effect, such as Buzz/Construct Guard paired with strong healing, or heroes paired with legendary gear that works specifically for them. Some will also be stronger in PVE battles while others will be stronger in tower/arena battles.
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Date Posted: Sep 23, 2022 @ 12:37pm
Posts: 13