BreadedCat May 7, 2013 @ 3:49pm
Anyone still playing Achron ?
It's a shame that a game with so much potential doesn't have a larger audience. I'm just beginning to learn the basics - even tough I own the game since its release - but I'm sure that I will be able to do crazy stuff with a bit of training.

But unfortunately the bot is not a very good sparring partner, so I was wondering if a group with all the remaining players could be created ? This would be great - playing occasionally, practice, have fun and stuff :)
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Showing 1-15 of 47 comments
Carighan May 8, 2013 @ 2:47pm 
It doesn't have a larger audience because the game is fundamentally unplayable due to a plethora of bugs and issues. This was sadly what drove people away (not the graphics or the complex gameplay, we can live with the former and we bought it for the latter).

I really regret this purchase. The idea was good, but they should have let someone else do the implementation.
The-Shadow May 23, 2013 @ 6:00pm 
I still play this game, and i haven't run into the plethora of bugs and issues the supposedly plauge the game. Sure, it doesnt look as fancy as some, but it is the only gave ive seen that tries to do time travel as more than a gimmick
Shadowfury333 May 25, 2013 @ 5:35pm 
If you want to play, come to #achron on (or just start the game and click "Connect" in the community chat window on the right). That's where we all hang out
Boson Collider Sep 13, 2013 @ 12:57pm 
Originally posted by The-Shadow:
I still play this game, and i haven't run into the plethora of bugs and issues the supposedly plauge the game. Sure, it doesnt look as fancy as some, but it is the only gave ive seen that tries to do time travel as more than a gimmick

Most of the bugs have been ironed out by now, the problem is that the game was launched way too early. In particular, pathing was extremely laggy and made the game unplayable beyond a very small number of units. This and a large number of serious bugs that plagued the game was fixed within a few months of launch, but by then a large part of the target audience had been scared off.
Chomp Sep 14, 2013 @ 3:00am 
Originally posted by BreadedCat:
It's a shame that a game with so much potential doesn't have a larger audience. I'm just beginning to learn the basics - even tough I own the game since its release - but I'm sure that I will be able to do crazy stuff with a bit of training.

But unfortunately the bot is not a very good sparring partner, so I was wondering if a group with all the remaining players could be created ? This would be great - playing occasionally, practice, have fun and stuff :)

I would be happy to play a bit of multi with you sometime, your absolutely right about the AI being pretty poor.
ZenMonkey Nov 28, 2013 @ 4:18pm 
Originally posted by BreadedCat:
It's a shame that a game with so much potential doesn't have a larger audience. I'm just beginning to learn the basics - even tough I own the game since its release - but I'm sure that I will be able to do crazy stuff with a bit of training.

But unfortunately the bot is not a very good sparring partner, so I was wondering if a group with all the remaining players could be created ? This would be great - playing occasionally, practice, have fun and stuff :)
I'm still playing and I feel the same way, but then I think to myself; I'm glad I found and own this gem of a game. I know a lot of gamers who just don't get how great this game is, and the potential in the game engine. We can have games with real time travel mechanics! I guess it's one of those games that's a head of it's time, or maybe gamers live to much in the gaming past.
I cant even play the damn game, it freezes on the capmaign intro video :/
Serikos Mar 1, 2014 @ 5:02pm 
i think the only thing that stopped me was the visuals, but tbh if they just put awesome visuals in aswell it would likely have caused terrible FPS issues at the time of release...

if they make an Achron 2 on the other hand... im sure they will have learned alot from this and it would gather a much stronger following, that paired with stronger computers these days to handle the crazy calculations of the past and present events simultaniously with better graphics
Decker Jul 25, 2015 @ 5:03am 
haven't been able to play since last update...kept hoping another fix would come out, so I hadn't posted... tried to find an older version but all I found was an ancient 1.0 version and don't want to go quite that far back.
vonflare Oct 23, 2015 @ 2:11pm 
I would buy this game if it didn't have all of these reviews saying it was unplayable.

It just looks so fun.... but I don't want to waste my money on an unplayable game.
ZenMonkey Oct 23, 2015 @ 5:07pm 
It's very playable for me. I don't know what the reviews are talking about.
TrinityCodex Oct 24, 2015 @ 11:12am 
im just playing around on the clone chalange :/
ZenMonkey Oct 25, 2015 @ 1:19pm 
@Toriel, Not enjoying it?
Doc Scratch Dec 27, 2015 @ 6:21am 
I love it
Memento Dec 29, 2015 @ 11:18am 
The game is great, I enjoyed the campaigns more than the Starcraft 2 one.
For multi I don't know, havent logged in for ages. Now I only play friendly matches vs real life friends.
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