Jagged Alliance 3

Jagged Alliance 3

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Where to find remote detonators (and then a rant about the end game with spoilers starting at the 6th comment)
As the title says - I've looked all over online, and everything keeps pointing me back to some chest in the fort on Ernie Island, which has proximity detonators, C4, and a REMOTE TRIGGER, but not a single remote detonator. Is it something that has to be created by combining some other detonator type with something else... or what? I'm totally lost.
Last edited by Dr. LoveStrange; May 29 @ 4:13pm
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Ernie Fort chest is randomly generated. It can sometimes contain remote detonators.

Try secret loot chests in sectors. They have random loot.

Bobby Ray's shop. Also Bobby restocks every 5 days.
I'm not sure if shop has them from the start of the game but I just checked on earlier save when I had only two mines. They appear in shop in Other window.
Save your game. Unpause the time so hours and days are passing. Look at what date Bobby will have restock. Write that date and hour on paper. Reload the game and play normally until you are close to that day. Save and Quick save the game 2 hours before the restock. See if there are some remote detonators in the shop? There are none? Quick Load and check again until you find them in store.
Not a bad idea about saving right before the restock occurs. So far I've had insanely bad luck, because in the last like 10 or so days that I've been bingeing on this game I've yet to stumble on a single one. And that's included 4 restarts because of mod issues / me being stupid, but point being I've opened that chest 4 times in the last few days and each time its been proximity detonators, some C4, and a remote trigger but no remote detonators. I'll have to try your Bobby Rays trick, though I'm not hopeful because they never seem to ever have anything in the 'other' tab. In fact, I've yet to see them stock a single thing in that category. Could be related to a mod I'm using... but if its the one I'm thinking of screw it, I can live without the remote detonators. I'd rather keep the mod.
Kernest May 10 @ 11:25pm 
Another trick you could try is load a save before you enter the map for the first time.

Loot for chests and what have you is generated when you enter tactical view for the sector.

So next time you attack the fort, save in satellite view, enter, check the box and then reload if necessary.

I can't remember off the top of my head where the next closest guaranteed explosives are, but you could try there too, of course.
After you find your first one, ...next, you will see more and more popping up everywhere. RNG is a real ♥♥♥♥♥.
Originally posted by Dr. LoveStrange:
I've opened that chest 4 times in the last few days and each time its been proximity detonators, some C4, and a remote trigger but no remote detonators.

once you enter the tactical view of the sector all the loot will be generated. You can't change it anymore.

Trick for getting items that you want, but it requires a lot of reloading (in my mind not worth it. just play the game) is to find a sector with lots of chests and having sector intel. Move your squad to that sector on satellite map. Save the game. Enter tactical view. Open all the chests and see what equipment you will get. You don't like it? Reload. Try again.

Also almost every chest on Ernie Island is pregenerated loot and not random drops.

If you really want to try it out I would suggest these sectors if you have intel for them

H10 - tons of chests (one is booby trapped (explosive trap). Middle of the cave, next to radio that can be hacked)
i7 - 2 secret stashes and 1 backpack (there is an explosive mine planted where there is no fence. You can cut the wire if you have no demolition man)
j10 - 2 secret stashes and van (van has a higher chance to drops weapons).

Originally posted by Dr. LoveStrange:
Could be related to a mod I'm using...

definitely mod making problems.
Damn - it ate my rant lol. I had a whole off topic rant but I should have saved it first before changing the title.

Long story short (and SPOILERS alert): I just noticed there's a way to Fort Brigand from the underground, so you could in theory get the drop on the 'evil' colonel dude that Corazon uses against you to blame you for the genoicide.

The Meeting at the camp is such an obvious trap. They're all wearing gas masks, all the civilians died from some kind of gas attack, and Corazon isn't even there. But you have no choice but to walk up to him and be like 'sup - Corazon said she wanted us'.

Did they really not program a way to strike at them first - given the obvious amounts of evidence, and the obvious trap at the camp. I have a mod that has 'zip ties' in the game, or maybe those are vanilla, IDK. Anyway. I thought it'd be a great way to get rid of the main organizing force behind the coup by knocking him out, tying him up, and dragging him back underground.

But nooo. NOTHING you do can make them hostile until you've walked into their obvious trap. Just by GOING at ALL makes it easier for them to pin it on you, in theory, right? Not only can you not just knock out the colonel, you can't make ANY of his forces hostile at Fort Brigand until you've been 'betrayed'. I started all stealthily, thinking I'd zip tie him and his bodyguard. But he just keeps waking up like nothing happened. So then I got increasingly aggressive, and before long was using a combo of explosives, mortar fire, 40mm grenades, and their own MG placements against them. All to no effect.

When you accidently hit some other neutral faction in a fight with a stray bullet, you usually get enemies for life. But not these guys - not these guys planning on framing you for mass genocide. They don't mind if you literally level their entire fort.

UNLESS of course you've met with them first at the refugee camp- then they get aggro on sight.

Like I get that they REALLY wanted there to be a twist ending, and a betrayal - but I mean come on. There should always be more than one way to handle these things. But the only options I've found are to walk into the trap - or ignore it, but then eventually get a message from Emma saying it's all over the TV that we gassed all the refugees to death for no reason. The same ones we'd been helping defend against the Legion for weeks, etc.

I Know there's not going to be any changes made to the ending at this point, but damn wouldn't it be nice if just for ONCE we could roleplay a group of MERCs that weren't completely naive as ♥♥♥♥ lol. Like if you have enough evidence, then some new options open up to you, like surprise attacking Fort Brigand and capturing the colonel, or some ♥♥♥♥. Or maybe just beating Corazon to the media with your evidence instead of waiting for her to frame you first. I dunno. ANYTHING other than being the town dunce every play through. And besides, be real, how many of you were really that shocked that Corazon turned out to be a traitor??

OK -off soap box now. Sorry, rant over. Otherwise - its an awesome game and I hope to see a lot more mods and official content both.
Last edited by Dr. LoveStrange; May 29 @ 4:39pm
Originally posted by Dr. LoveStrange:
.....The Meeting at the camp is such an obvious trap. They're all wearing gas masks, all the civilians died from some kind of gas attack, and Corazon isn't even there. But you have no choice but to walk up to him and be like 'sup - Corazon said she wanted us'.....

The meeting at the camp is optional, you do not need to attend the meeting when you receive the meeting invitation from Corazon.

After the military invasion event, whenever you visit the refugee camp, there will be no more ambush scenario with the colonel.
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