Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling

Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling

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Aldelaro5 Dec 25, 2020 @ 12:13am
INFO: read this if you have controller issues with Bug Fables
There's been a lot of people that had problems using their controllers (specifically switch pro) with Bug Fables and there was a lot that was uncovered on why.

The developers originally advised to turn off steam input as it could conflict with the game's settings. What I found with other people is that it's...not necessarily true. If you use steam input, the bindings by default will be those of steam input, but the game can actually override them if it feels like it (such as if you use custom bindings or pre configured controllers). What this means is if you have issues with your controller in the first place, try to configure your controller using Steam's big picture mode (you ONLY need to go there to configure it, you can exit after you are done). Alternatively, there has been reports about issues with Steam Input around where 1.1 released and that was fixed by using steam beta, but they might have fixed the issue by the time I post this.

The point is, steam input is fine to keep on, it can actually help to support weird controllers that the game has an issue detecting. For switch pro specifically however you MUST use steam input because the controller although can be detected by windows, windows does NOT know what to do with its input meaning if you attempt to boot the game out of steam or without steam input, your switch pro WILL NOT WORK, even if you use custom bindings. Steam input uses a custom driver to allow your switch pro to work properly. What this means is you should ALWAYS keep Steam input enabled (right click the game in your library -> properties -> controller -> steam input enabled). If you STILL have issues with your controller, go in big picture mode and try to configure your switch pro controller so the bindings are properly configured. When you boot the game, your controller should work, if it has mapping issues, try to use the keyboard to set the controller to custom bindings and go to controller bindings which will allow you to manually bind everything for the game to work.

You CAN turn off steam input for controllers natively supported by windows, but for controllers like the switch pro, either it won't work, or it will go berserk (like it will do random inputs).

Hopefully it clarifies stuff and I will be linking this thread if other people runs into controller issues as it now shouldn't be a problem.

TL;DR: You may keep Steam input as it doesn't conflict with the game settings and if you still have issues, try to configure the controller using big picture mode or use steam beta. If you use a switch pro controller, you MUST keep steam input enabled for it to work.

EDIT (2023-04-10): I've been seeing some reports of controllers STILL being an issue and I seen some threads talking about what seems to be a thing where it could matter the moment which you connect/pair the controller. I discussed this with someone that had this issue and confirmed that the following fixed the problem for them: connect/pair the controller AFTER launching the game, not BEFORE. I personally can't test this extensively, but hints seems to points towards this being a key point in this issue.

EDIT 2 (2023-07-04): I found out it might help us understand the cause of these issues if you gather logs via the instructions mentioned on this post https://steamcommunity.com/app/1082710/discussions/0/2995422276377426720/?ctp=2#c3811783264381745606 If you still can't get it working, it might help me if you try that.
Last edited by Aldelaro5; Jul 4, 2023 @ 4:37pm
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
bigbooty Jan 1, 2021 @ 2:24am 
what an unintuitive work around, since i've been dealing with this for over a month or more i'm considering a refund instead
Aldelaro5 Jan 1, 2021 @ 1:35pm 
Originally posted by thisisntnick:
what an unintuitive work around, since i've been dealing with this for over a month or more i'm considering a refund instead
I don't understand where you're coming from because for the switch pro...Steam input is required in probably most games (I know for a fact it's required in Celeste for example otherwise the game thinks no controller is plugged in). It's just it's been advised to turn it off before, I am saying to no longer do that and just make sure your bindings work.

It's not the game's problem, it's actually Nintendo's problem because they could have provided better out of the box support for their controller on PC, but they chose not too. Steam is only adding a layer to allow it to work properly. There's nothing the devs can do here.
progect savior Jan 8, 2021 @ 12:48pm 
honestly, i'm just annoyed my ps4 control seems to be auto detected as an xbox controler, and even when i manuelly switch the mapping to DS4 (what a ps4 uses) the controls are completely f***ed.
Ruhenot Sep 17, 2021 @ 1:49pm 
Nothing works for PS5 controller. Controller optimization seems non existent here, sadly. I dont understand how you can have such a good looking game but dont get controllers working correctly...
Elvick Nov 9, 2021 @ 8:03pm 
Originally posted by Ruhenot:
Nothing works for PS5 controller. Controller optimization seems non existent here, sadly. I dont understand how you can have such a good looking game but dont get controllers working correctly...
Well having steam configuration on and having it auto detect to Xbox 360 has it work. Just not with PS symbols. I wish they just let you pick the displayed symbols. I do t generally have issues but with ice bug dude I accidentally hit cross (PS x) for X sometimes

Though for me it won’t let the controller be detected the first time I boot the game after turning on my controller idk what that’s about. Usually having it on before a game launches fixed most issues.

Manually selecting DS4 just breaks it and seems every input is flipped. Up and down are left and right, square is select it’s all weird.

Took me a few tries to actually successfully fix my controller after trying the DS4 settings.
Last edited by Elvick; Nov 9, 2021 @ 8:04pm
Ruhenot Nov 10, 2021 @ 7:50am 
Ah I forgot I posted this. I gave up on the PS5 controller eventually, tried everything, even the stuff you mentioned.
However, as soon as I plugged in my PS4 controller it worked on the first try and I could play this absolute gem!
chicoweax Dec 3, 2022 @ 6:25pm 
it's 2022 and this issue hasn't been fixed, is so sad :(:steamthumbsdown:
Magikarp Dec 11, 2022 @ 12:37am 
The game doesn't recognize DInput which is what bluetooth'd Ps4 controllers, and presumably the same for ps5, use. Using Ds4windows makes it work, though it shows xbox buttons.

I am exceedingly annoyed both that I had to dig through the discussions to find this, and that it is neither fixed this long after release, nor is the actual problem listed here, until now I guess.
progect savior Dec 11, 2022 @ 5:07am 
Originally posted by Magikarp:
The game doesn't recognize DInput which is what bluetooth'd Ps4 controllers, and presumably the same for ps5, use. Using Ds4windows makes it work, though it shows xbox buttons.

I am exceedingly annoyed both that I had to dig through the discussions to find this, and that it is neither fixed this long after release, nor is the actual problem listed here, until now I guess.
it's especially annoying when you consider all that they needed to do was have Manuel override for displaying which button set you prefer.
Aldelaro5 Dec 13, 2022 @ 12:48am 
Originally posted by progect savior:
Originally posted by Magikarp:
The game doesn't recognize DInput which is what bluetooth'd Ps4 controllers, and presumably the same for ps5, use. Using Ds4windows makes it work, though it shows xbox buttons.

I am exceedingly annoyed both that I had to dig through the discussions to find this, and that it is neither fixed this long after release, nor is the actual problem listed here, until now I guess.
it's especially annoying when you consider all that they needed to do was have Manuel override for displaying which button set you prefer.
I am not sure what you mean because the game does have the option. You need (using the keyboard) set the controller to custom binding, enter the custom rebinder and at the end, it will ask the button style you want.

ig they thought it only made sense to use it if it was custom, but tbf, this game has just really weird inputs handling in general, It's just that the styling isn't one of them.
Marcade Jan 4, 2023 @ 10:23am 
I'm using a generic controller with DualShock 2 format for PC and it's weird that X is recognized as triangle and same thing for opposite case.
Can someone help me with this issue?
Ness_and_Sonic Feb 24, 2023 @ 1:19am 
Originally posted by Marcade:
I'm using a generic controller with DualShock 2 format for PC and it's weird that X is recognized as triangle and same thing for opposite case.
Can someone help me with this issue?
I wrote up a guide years ago, but the way things work are a bit different now, so it's a bit dated. If you want to look at it, here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1165768235
Last edited by Ness_and_Sonic; Feb 25, 2023 @ 3:26pm
Aldelaro5 Apr 3, 2023 @ 4:54pm 
I just saw 2 threads implying it might have something to do with timing (as if the order you connect/launch the game matters).

It's worth nothing, but if people still has issues, you can try to launch the game BEFORE connecting the controller. If that solves it, pls signal it because that would be new to me.
Aldelaro5 Apr 10, 2023 @ 12:42am 
I just amended the OP mentioning this because I just tested this with someone in the discord which seemingly solved their issue.

Hopefully this will help people :)
Magiquito Apr 13, 2023 @ 7:25am 
I tried connecting my Switch Pro Controller AFTER the game had launched, it still gave me the same issues, with and without the steam input.
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