Infinity: Battlescape

Infinity: Battlescape

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
INovaeFlavien  [developer] May 31, 2020 @ 4:36am
Known technical issues and solutions

The game's user / settings files are located in your Documents -> I-Novae Studios -> Infinity Battlescape folder.

In there you'll find a few important files and directories. Let's start with the "Logs" directory which contains logs and crash files:

Ex.: C:\Users\XXX\Documents\I-Novae Studios\Infinity Battlescape\Logs

  • If you suffer from a crash, make sure you send us the log .txt and .dmp that are the most recent ( the file names include the creation date ) to contact (at) inovaestudios (dot) com . Thank you !
  • The log file ( .txt ) contains context-sensitive information about a crash as well as statistics about your computer / its specifications.
  • The dump file ( .dmp ) contains the memory stack of the crashing process which helps us located where in the code the crash happened, and for what reason.
  • To help us investigate a crash, both the log ( .txt ) and dump ( .dmp ) files are needed. Sending the log alone, or the dump alone, might not be helpful. We always recommend you send both of these files together.

The "Screenshots" directory is where the game will copy screenshots ( F11 in game ). Note that Steam can also record screenshots, and it goes in a separate Steam-specific folder.

The "Profiles" directory contains input / joystick profiles and customized keybindings. If you encounter issues with keybindings, you can delete this directory and the game will re-copy the original one.

Finally, the "UserClientConfig.xml" file contains your user settings - basically everything that you can change in the Options / settings menu.

If you experience crashes or issues or want to reset the game to its default state, you can delete this UserClientConfig.xml file.

Note that uninstalling the game from Steam does not delete this folder.

The game does not launch

You click on the PLAY button and nothing happens.

This is usually caused by a missing dependency library problem: the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) runtime.

When a game ( any game, not necessarily Battlescape ) requiring this library is launched, Steam automatically installs this library if needed. However, Steam has a weird well-known behavior where it'll install this library once, but if the library gets uninstalled ( either manually or accidentally, or by another program ) later on, it will not perform the check again - never ever. In that case, the game will silently fail to launch.

Steam's behavior is totally out of our control, but should only affect a minority of users that for some reason, have uninstalled the MS Visual Studio 2015-2019 Redistributable.

You can verify that this is indeed your problem by trying to launch the game's executable from your hard drive manually ( it'll be in XXX\Steamapps\common\Infinity Battlescape\Bin ). If you get a windows error saying that "vcruntime140_1.dll" is missing, then this is your problem.

Solution: install the VS 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) runtime manually:

The game requires administrator privileges

The game itself does not require administrator privileges, but if it's the first time you run the game and the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015-2019 Redistributable ( which the game is dependent upon ) isn't installed yet, Steam will prompt you for admin mode in order to install that library.

More details in this thread:

Solution: either let Steam install the library, or install that library manually yourself:

Undetected joysticks / devices

If you have plugged joysticks / HOTAS / other devices, but they don't appear in the keybindings menu ( you try to scroll the list of devices but nothing is displayed in here ), it is possibly a conflict with Steam input.

The game's default settings is to not use Steam input, as we use Direct Input to support as many HOTAS as possible.

However, Steam users can override the default settings and force their games to use Steam Input. In that case, Direct Input will return an empty list of devices, and the list will be empty in the game's keybindings menu.

Solution: force Steam Input off for Battlescape only. In your Steam library, right-click on Infinity Battlescape, open Properties, and in the General tab, change "Steam Input Per-Game Setting" to "Forced Off". Restart the game.

DirectX errors or E_OUTOFMEMORY issues in the log file after a crash

Make sure your system specifications are above the minimum.

The game is pretty video-ram (VRAM) hungry at this Early-access stage. In theory your video card (GPU) drivers will automatically swap off memory if you don't have enough, but sometimes old drivers will not cope well and simply crash the game.

Solution: reduce the graphical quality settings, especially if you're running on an old / lower-end video card. You need about 3 GB of VRAM for low, 4 GB for medium, 6-8 GB for high and 8+ for extreme settings.

Make sure you update your gpu drivers to the latest.

Mouse events / clicks stop working after entering the game

This problem seems related to Windows's IME. Are you using a non-latin language like Chinese and you cannot click buttons in the in-game menu (or fire your ship's weapons) any more ?

Solution 1: switch your input keyboard to English. This will disable the IME and no longer conflict with the game.

Solution 2: revert to a previous version of the IME (especially if you suddenly had a Windows update and the mouse inputs stopped working in game):

Also of interest, see this thread:

Audio devices are not all listed in game, whereas they properly appear in Windows. Using Voicemeeter as a virtual device.

In the log file, FMOD (our audio library) reports an FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_INIT error and silently falls back to no audio. If audio was working previously, there might have been a Windows update that messed up the Voicemeeter configuration.

Solution: confirm that Voicemeeter is the problem by disabling or uninstalling it. If the audio now properly works in game, reinstall and reconfigure Voicemeeter.

The game client is not able to connect to any of the servers. Any server chosen results in a return to the root menu.

Possibility 1: Your out-going traffic is being blocked for some reason by your computer or your ISP. If you have a (Windows ?) firewall, open incoming/outgoing UDP ports 7778 to 7788 . If you have a router and it blocks traffic, do the same. Make sure you can ping one of the servers (ex.: US East at IPv4

Possibility 2: Make sure your Anti-virus is not blocking UDP traffic for security reasons. In case of doubt, disable your AV (temporarily) to try to join one of the server and see if it's the cause of your connection problem.

Possibility 3: Make sure you have the latest Windows update.

Possibility 4: if everything above fails, open the log file (see instructions at the top of the post to locate it) and scroll at the bottom. You'll probably see a line like "Connecting to server '' port 7778 range 5". Check below this line what happens and what is the reason for failure to establish the connection. See in the errors list below if you find anything related to your error.

Log file error: "SSPI Client Error: Cannot acquire credentials 80090331"

"The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm".

Solution: This error happens because the encryption protocol TLS 1.0, which is required to communicate with the game server, is not enabled in your Windows version. It is normally enabled by default, so a program (or yourself) probably disabled it for security reasons. Enable it back. Check this article to verify in the Windows registry if it is enabled or disabled:

The game pops up the error "Failed to initialize Steam API" right after launching it

Solution 1: restart Steam. Sometimes Steam seems to suffer from a desync issue, especially if you bought the game very recently.

Solution 2: make sure you launch the game from the same user account you installed it with. Give a try to run it in admin mode, if you're not in admin mode yet.

Solution 3: do you have an anti-virus ? Maybe the .exe got flagged/quarantined ? Try temporarily disabling your AV and run the game to see if it could be the cause of the issue. Of course, don't forget to enable back your AV after the test, and add an exception rule if it was the cause of the problem.

Also of interest, see this thread (for another game):

The game crashes after launching

The initial settings dialog box pops up, then you start the game and it instantly crashes. Open the log file (see instructions at the top of this post), and see if you can find a line, towards the end, starting with "Exception" and with details "Cannot create directory <example_path>".

The game needs to have write access to that directory and for some reason it cannot create it, or does not have write permission.

Solution 1: Do you have OneDrive ? Is your documents folder hosted on OneDrive ? If so, you need to go in the Windows OneDrive application settings and allow write permissions for Battlescape.
Last edited by INovaeFlavien; Nov 25, 2022 @ 7:34am