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h1pnotic 17 jun. 2021 às 11:00
First battle crash
Before I can even enter first battle, reinstalled game, verified files etc.. nothing helps. What is this?

Game version: 1.2.7838.22357
Current state: BATTLE

20:59:49,769 ERROR GameboxEngineService:0 - Could not initialize GameBox (-4): check logs in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Abrakam Entertainment SA\Roguebook\gamebox_logs

Previous log entries:
20:59:49,258 INFO AppStateService:0 - ChangeState[<color=yellow>Abrakam.Common.States.OverworldState</color>]->[<color=green>BATTLE</color>]

20:57:59,500 INFO AppStateService:0 - [AppStateService] - Initialize[<color=green>Abrakam.Common.States.EngagementState</color>]

20:57:59,473 INFO AddOnService:0 - Owned DLCs: HEROIC_PACK, APEX, TIME_OF_LEGENDS
Última alteração por h1pnotic; 17 jun. 2021 às 11:05
Originalmente postado por HeliosAFlame:
Hey, Dev here. The error seems to be caused by steam losing track of files, leading to duplicates with the same ids.
The fix is to either move it to a different drive or to manually delete the folder and then reinstall.

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Scabclan 17 jun. 2021 às 11:42 
yea, here as well:

Game version: 1.2.7838.22357
Current state: BATTLE

DllNotFoundException: Frogue
Abrakam.Battle.Gamebox.GameboxEngineService.TryInitializeEngine (System.String resourcesPath) (at <7457586c5e66408f929032b998eed794>:0)
Abrakam.Battle.Gamebox.GameboxEngineService.TryConnect (System.String resourcesPath) (at <7457586c5e66408f929032b998eed794>:0)
Abrakam.Battle.Gamebox.GameboxEngineService.Initialize () (at <7457586c5e66408f929032b998eed794>:0)
Zenject.InitializableManager.Initialize () (at <a519c35b29824a258afc1ea93a6a9790>:0)
Rethrow as ZenjectException: Error occurred while initializing IInitializable with type 'GameboxEngineService'
Zenject.InitializableManager.Initialize () (at <a519c35b29824a258afc1ea93a6a9790>:0)
Zenject.MonoKernel.Initialize () (at <a519c35b29824a258afc1ea93a6a9790>:0)
Zenject.MonoKernel.Start () (at <a519c35b29824a258afc1ea93a6a9790>:0)

Previous log entries:
21:37:36,549 INFO AppStateService:0 - ChangeState[<color=yellow>Abrakam.Common.States.OverworldState</color>]->[<color=green>BATTLE</color>]

21:36:42,311 INFO AppStateService:0 - [AppStateService] - Initialize[<color=green>Abrakam.Common.States.EngagementState</color>]

21:36:42,274 INFO AddOnService:0 - Owned DLCs:

Wok 17 jun. 2021 às 13:19 
I have an error similar to the one in the OP.

When I check game logs at

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Abrakam Entertainment SA\Roguebook\gamebox_logs

It is this error:

2021-06-17@22.15,37 ERROR [logError@66] Received unhandled exception with code 0x00000015: Multiple files match the format for script of entity id 9: C:\Applis\Steam\steamapps\common\Roguebook\Roguebook_Data\StreamingAssets\GameBoxResources\cards_scripts\0009.blood_gift.xlb C:\Applis\Steam\steamapps\common\Roguebook\Roguebook_Data\StreamingAssets\GameBoxResources\cards_scripts\0009.grim_siphon.xlb

If I delete one of the two files, there is another similar error:

2021-06-17@22.22,50 ERROR [logError@66] Received unhandled exception with code 0x00000015: Multiple files match the format for script of entity id 29: C:\Applis\Steam\steamapps\common\Roguebook\Roguebook_Data\StreamingAssets\GameBoxResources\cards_scripts\0029.daggerstorm.xlb C:\Applis\Steam\steamapps\common\Roguebook\Roguebook_Data\StreamingAssets\GameBoxResources\cards_scripts\0029.stock_up.xlb

I think it is a case of old files having the same id as the most recent ones.

There are actually 67 such files, with the following ids:
['0009', '0029', '0032', '0033', '0038', '0039', '0043', '0047', '0051', '0053', '0056', '0057', '0062', '0072', '0092', '0096', '0103', '0107', '0120', '0123', '0124', '0158', '0162', '1009', '1020', '1025', '1034', '1051', '2018', '2020', '2045', '2305', '2319', '2335', '2340', '2343', '2346', '2347', '3037', '3038', '3039', '3250', '3257', '3259', '3260', '3264', '3265', '3274', '3282', '3283', '3286', '5074', '5080', '6503', '6539', '7003', '7004', '7007', '7027', '7035', '7070', '7081', '7083', '7085', '7086', '7089', '7111']

Using Python, one can take care of these files.
Última alteração por Wok; 17 jun. 2021 às 13:59
Wok 17 jun. 2021 às 14:03 
There is another error after fixing the files above.

2021-06-17@23.02,07 COMPILATION ERROR [GameBox::EntityInfoLibraryServiceImpl::readEntityInfoLibrary@48] Error(s) while reading entity with id 94 from json: 2021-06-17@23.02,07 ERROR [logError@66] Received unhandled parse exception with code 0x00000000: 0x0000000c: Semantic Error - Could not find getter 'bearer' on type 'entity<creature>' - Candidates are: cardId tags cardType id gameId zone zone(string) owner controller hasVar(string) intVar(string) floatVar(string) boolVar(string) stringVar(string) entityVar(string) dynamicNumber(string) age hasProtection isDead statusZone status life startingLife maxLife killer power vulnerability block position lastIntent heroType line 2: if (castToDeckCard( == this.bearer.heroType) INDENT ^ |/code]
Neyreyan_Youtube 17 jun. 2021 às 15:08 
for me the game crashed after the final boss once i moved a little in the next area
h1pnotic 18 jun. 2021 às 6:45 
I moved game to different SSD and it fixed it..
O autor deste tópico indicou que este post é a melhor resposta ao primeiro post.
HeliosAFlame 18 jun. 2021 às 6:56 
Hey, Dev here. The error seems to be caused by steam losing track of files, leading to duplicates with the same ids.
The fix is to either move it to a different drive or to manually delete the folder and then reinstall.

Scabclan 18 jun. 2021 às 12:38 
Hello, I have only 1 drive. what do you mean by deleting the folder? I deleted the folder of the game manually and didn't seem to help
Scabclan 18 jun. 2021 às 13:09 
opened new drive, still the same problem
Wok 18 jun. 2021 às 13:36 
Right, it is a hiccup from Steam. With a bit of tweaking, it behaves nicely. :ok_hand:
Scabclan 19 jun. 2021 às 4:05 
Originalmente postado por Wok:
Right, it is a hiccup from Steam. With a bit of tweaking, it behaves nicely. :ok_hand:

I tried what you suggested with the steam console, and copied the files from the content files into the game file, and it didn't seem to work :(
is there anything else to do?
Wok 19 jun. 2021 às 6:08 
Did you delete the game folder first?

I notice that I was not clear when I wrote that you would have to copy "steamapps\content\app_1076200\depot_1076201" to "steamapps\common\Roguebook". In fact, there should not be anything in the destination folder before you copy the files.

So the correct procedure is to:
1) rename "Roguebook" to "Roguebook_old"
2) move "depot_1076201" to the place where "Roguebook" was
3) rename "depot_1076201" to "Roguebook"
Scabclan 19 jun. 2021 às 7:02 
Originalmente postado por Wok:
Did you delete the game folder first?

I notice that I was not clear when I wrote that you would have to copy "steamapps\content\app_1076200\depot_1076201" to "steamapps\common\Roguebook". In fact, there should not be anything in the destination folder before you copy the files.

So the correct procedure is to:
1) rename "Roguebook" to "Roguebook_old"
2) move "depot_1076201" to the place where "Roguebook" was
3) rename "depot_1076201" to "Roguebook"
the depot folder didn't include the full game so I had to verify file integrity in order to be able to launch the game. Did I miss anything? I appreciate all the help so far, Thank you!
Última alteração por Scabclan; 19 jun. 2021 às 7:04
Wok 19 jun. 2021 às 8:02 
Are you sure that you have waited for the download to complete? For me, the full game is in the depot folder.

Moreover, if you verify file integrity, then Steam will replace the depot files with the Roguebook files, hence why the issue is not solved: it is as if you did not download the depot.
Última alteração por Wok; 19 jun. 2021 às 8:03
Scabclan 19 jun. 2021 às 10:54 
now I checked its completed, but still same problem. Thanks for the effort anyway man.
Wok 19 jun. 2021 às 11:26 
I realize now that you have a different exception in your post (#2).
Exception DllNotFoundException: Frogue Zenject.InitializableManager.Initialize () (at <a519c35b29824a258afc1ea93a6a9790>:0) Rethrow as ZenjectException: Error occurred while initializing IInitializable with type 'GameboxEngineService'
I don't know what that is. Sorry!

My solution was for this error:

Error 20:59:49,769 ERROR GameboxEngineService:0 - Could not initialize GameBox (-4): check logs in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Abrakam Entertainment SA\Roguebook\gamebox_logs
Última alteração por Wok; 19 jun. 2021 às 11:28
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Postado a: 17 jun. 2021 às 11:00
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