Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

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LordW0mbat Dec 2, 2022 @ 3:45pm
Game Crashing on Start
I just recently got that game and when i opened it for the first time my screen stayed black and whenever I clicked on it it went white the crashed. I have tried almost every fix I can find for this including reinstalling that game, disabling my antivirus and uninstalling geforce experience, and I tried changing the renderer to OpenGL instead of Vulcan. The problem with switching to OpenGL is whenever I launch the game it reverts back to Vulcan.
user data folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/308377401/1066780/local/
starting up build version: 35049

PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1
Found 0 mods
Loaded 22 of 22 mod descriptions from disk
Update of mod descriptions: 28.594 ms
language: en
locale: en_US

Startup at Fri Dec 2 18:35:02 2022

seed: 1670024102
Saved settings to settings.lua
Requested instance extensions:
- VK_KHR_surface
- VK_KHR_win32_surface
- VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
Requested layers:
Create Vulkan instance.

__CRASHDB_CRASH__ Unexpected program termination

My most recent crash data if that helps anyone help me to a fix.
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
CKpotato Dec 8, 2022 @ 11:29am 
I have the same problem. Have you managed to fix it?
wellover-50 Dec 8, 2022 @ 2:12pm 
Does your CPU have on-board discreet graphics card?
There have been problems in the past with the game not selecting the dedicated graphics card, either Nvidia or AMD can be affected.
Grenzerkompanie Dec 9, 2022 @ 10:07am 
I have the same problem here, it ran perfectly for me up until wednesday (7-12-2022) and then it just crash
Scert283 Dec 10, 2022 @ 4:35am 
I have the same issue as well, it started when i updated my Nvidia driver in october
biglemon29 Dec 20, 2022 @ 8:21pm 
Same issue, any fix?
WaterRatje Dec 23, 2022 @ 2:56pm 
I've got the exact same problem. I have the same error message as well.

I got AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics CPU and a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060, updated all my drivers, validated game files, ran it as admin, reinstalled it and restarted my laptop and it didn't work. My task manager showed that it used roughly 20-25MB of RAM when it was black screen and when it was a white screen it showed 1-2MB of RAM usage. I don't have any audio.
Last edited by WaterRatje; Dec 23, 2022 @ 2:57pm
WaterRatje Dec 24, 2022 @ 3:11am 
I found the sollution:

Switch to a previous version:
To switch to a previous version, close the game and right click Transport Fever 2 in your Steam library and selected “Properties”. Under the “BETAS” tab you can enter the code “buildArchive” plus the number of the build you want to access, for example buildArchive29596. After that, select the build from the pulldown menu. This can be reverted anytime by switching back to testing or NONE (stable version).

Start up the game. Close it again. Revert it to the stable version.

Go to the settings.lua and open it in notepad and search for:
renderer = "OPENGL",

if it's not there, add it in there, save the file and start up the game in steam and it should be fine.
Jay50 Dec 24, 2022 @ 10:56am 
Thanks for your solution waterratje, but unfortunately it did not work for me. I opened the setting.lua file and found that renderer was already set to opengl (but it wasn't at the bottom of the file but near the top). I also tried just adding another renderer = "OPENGL", at the bottom but that also didn't work unfortunately :)

hope they fix it soon.
Last edited by Jay50; Dec 24, 2022 @ 11:45am
WaterRatje Dec 24, 2022 @ 2:45pm 
So did you install and run the older version of the game and than checked in the setting.lua file? If so, the only thing I did was update the game to the newest version, check the setting.lua file again (just in case it might have changed something, you never know) and after that ran it without problems...

I'm sorry it didn't work for you though, I hope you can find a fix as soon as possible :))
Jay50 Dec 25, 2022 @ 12:18pm 
Tried it again a few times, but can't get it to work with the current version. However, I was able to start the game using the build you mentioned so I'll just go and play that version instead until it hopefully get fixed :). Thanks again for helping!
WaterRatje Dec 26, 2022 @ 12:17am 
If you played in the older version, you can update it to the newest version and (before you start playing the new version) edit the setting.lua

But if it didn't work out, that's unfortunate ://
Laumic Dec 30, 2022 @ 5:49am 
Hello, I had the same issue, I did the change, but when I opened again the settings.lua, I couldn't find anyomore the "renderer" line, I added it on the second line and it worked. A big thank you for the tip
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Date Posted: Dec 2, 2022 @ 3:45pm
Posts: 12