Dungeon Scavenger

Dungeon Scavenger

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shmullster Apr 4, 2022 @ 6:29am
The eternal teleport
Frozen in a bubble of time. Lost between moments. Never to...

No, it's not an episode of Doctor Who, it's my unfortunate experience with that most nefarious of Dungeon Scavenger mystery traps - The Eternal Teleport.

Not more than three rooms away from grabbing the dragon scales on level 6, I stepped into a ? room and was forced to teleport randomly.

Or that's what the game WANTED me to think.

In fact, the trap was far more insidious, leaving me in the room to endlessly press the "T" key and yet go nowhere. BUT WAIT! There's more!

Nothing could excavate me from this scenario. Not the escape key nor any other letter or function key. My only recourse was the dreaded force close.

(Drum roll please) Upon restarting the game, the "Resume" function took me back to my frozen room, the trap now gone and my character restored to his previously beaten up self, still clutching those precious dragon scales.

Funny, but in all my hours on this game, I've not come across a bug (or maybe just never recognized one as such). This, I'm sure, qualifies.

Random info: PC, windowed mode, highest resolution and blah blah. If you need any other info or this has been reported before then...d'oh, so sorry you had to read ALL that just to shake your head.

Still love the game after coming back from a long time away.
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vidamasoftware  [developer] May 1, 2022 @ 1:33am 
Thanks for the love! Sorry about that bug. In DS2 the event are better set up, this issues should not appear.
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