Pandora Saga: Weapons of Balance

Pandora Saga: Weapons of Balance

Why is this game in my steam library?
Never installed or looked at this game before, it's in my steam library. Anyone know whats up?
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115/54 megjegyzés mutatása
Same here..
Same here. Says 2 hours played and I have never heard of it.
wondering that as well
says 2 minutes played, when i've played for at least an hour.

that was on a previous computer. and now it randomly appears in my library again.

free to play games are meant to vanish from libraries when not installed from what i understood =\
Did you guys pre-order Foul Play?
Kenesu387 eredeti hozzászólása:
Did you guys pre-order Foul Play?

Nope. And as op said, he's never looked or installed this game, so i'd guess he'll say no too
Same here.. played the game last year, now it's in my library and i dind't bought anything recently
Never played or looked at it, but apparently I got the Beginners package and Golden cloak for whatever reason. So now its sitting there in my library being useless.
just a bug in how steam does free things probably
Shet man,this annoying.
I hate MMO Games,and i dont want see this in my library!
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Etienne; 2013. aug. 30., 7:17
Very strange indeed.....
Heh, same here. I've never even heard of this game.

These things happen sometimes (like when everyone who owned Rage got Auditorium in their library instead of the mod tools), they'll probably fix it soon enough.
I don't want this crap in my library. hope it gets fixed soon
i got hat crap also at libary i dont want that to be there ....
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