Tobe's Vertical Adventure

Tobe's Vertical Adventure

Dying all the time
Hi guys, me and my friend tried to play coop today. Completed one or two levels and then I started to die all of a sudden. I played for Toby and there's an animation playing that Toby's falling. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Looks like I'm jumping and then just die, don't remember the details, it happened several time in 1 minute and I quitted. Could it be that I am high?
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Maybe you should restart the game lol =D
This might be a glitch involving a differing number of lives between you and your co-op partner. It's kind of complicated to explain but:

If you run out of time or die to a spike wall in act 4 while -- say -- Tobe has one life left and Nana has two, the game will kill both players and act like you both ran out of lives, which means you get the game over screen where you can retry. If you retry or use level select to get back to the level, it'll begin with that "Tobe falling" animation, and you die inexplicably every twenty seconds or so.

I assume this is because Nana's lives don't properly "reset" between retries of the level, because she still technically had one left over.

I made a video about this a bit ago, it might be similar to what you were going through:
I have the same problem, just playing coop and we both die randomly (with the tobe falling animation). Even at the start of the level, before the spike wall's run...
There's still some hope to see a patch to fix this game ?
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Data di pubblicazione: 14 nov 2012, ore 12:24
Messaggi: 3