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Boartexy Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:00pm
Last edited by Boartexy; Sep 4, 2022 @ 9:32am
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Caliđa Myriad Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:16pm 
Palliadum IS a real resource, but not in the sense it is in game.

Palladium is a chemical element with symbol Pd and atomic number 46. It is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston. He named it after the asteroid Pallas, which was itself named after the epithet of the Greek goddess Athena, acquired by her when she slew Pallas. Palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium form a group of elements referred to as the platinum group metals (PGMs). These have similar chemical properties, but palladium has the lowest melting point and is the least dense of them.

But good thread!
Last edited by Caliđa Myriad; Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:16pm
Luux Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:23pm 
That's a mighty wall of text. So i consider myself reasonably literate for not simply skipping to the bottom.

I wonder why the devs implemented an alternate set of ores anyway? To add more rng to the worlds? Or just to add a few more types of brick for builders to play with?
Caliđa Myriad Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:25pm 
Originally posted by Luux:
That's a mighty wall of text. So i consider myself reasonably literate for not simply skipping to the bottom.

I wonder why the devs implemented an alternate set of ores anyway? To add more rng to the worlds? Or just to add a few more types of brick for builders to play with?

Probably both.

then again Those Adamantite beams look terrible if bundled together.
concrete boner Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:33pm 
Your wrote 1282 words for fun
If you have ever failed an assignment at school or work
please rethink your schedule
Caliđa Myriad Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:40pm 
Originally posted by VeritableDross28:
Originally posted by Tasman:
Your wrote 1282 words for fun
If you have ever failed an assignment at school or work
please rethink your schedule

Do you think someone who writes this much for a post that I have doubt many will even read all the way through would have trouble when it comes to an assignment that I have an actual reason to write?
It's useful information non-the-less You could probably create a guide about this.
「OnTheCouch」 Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:48pm 
you are right and this one already discussed way more back at their first launch.
prpl_mage Apr 30, 2017 @ 1:14am 
Good post.

However, one thing that classic hardmode ores have over the new ones is the different set bonuses based on the helm.

Both cobalt, mythril and adamantite have a 20-25% chance to not consume ammo with a range helm. + Other stuff

Same as above also have a 14-19% reduced mana cost with magic helm

Melee helms are meh and can easily be changed with alternative ore, They do give overall better boosts to movement speed, attack speed and such but the difference isn't that big.
Originally posted by VeritableDross28:
Tin Vs Copper - Tin Wins.

Lead Vs Iron - Lead Wins It should be noted that a lead broadsword is identical in stats to that of one made of silver, despite being a tier below.
One thing - in my opinion the Iron Door looks nicer than the Lead Door. That's all I've got to add for this.

The tungesten tools all have +5% more tool power than the silver tools which is more noticable than the previous differences. The Tungesten Pickaxe is actually worse when it comes to mining stone than a Lead or a Silver pickaxe, because although it will take one less hit to break the block, the Tungesten Pickaxe has a slower use time. Tungesten Pickaxes are still however faster when mining anything else. Tungesten weapons still have the standard +1 damage over silver, and the armour has 15 defence rather than silver's 12.
A Tungsten Pickaxe can mine Meteorite whereas a Silver pickaxe cannot - further saying Tunsten is better.

The precious metals that I seriously doubt would be effective as weapons or tools, the blingiest of the pre-hardmode metals, gold and platinum, are where things are really noticably different. The Platinum tools have 4% more tool power over gold, except for the axe which has 5%. The Platinum Broadsword has 2 more damage than a golden one, with the staves and bows mimicing this bonus. Platinum armour has 4 more defence than the golden armour, making it much better.
Nothing to add here. Good job finding this all out :P

Mystical metals that aren't real, twisted by the evils of your world; presenting to you, Crimtane and Demonite, ores that are obsolete because of fishing. Crimtane and Demonite equipment goes back to being similar in stats at first glance, but they have clear differences. The Crimtane Pickaxe is faster and stronger than the Demonite one in all cases, while the axes and hammers are identical in stats as tools. The Blood Butcher and Light's Bane are different, the Blood Butcher gives increased damage and range with a slower speed, while the Light's Bane is shorter range, lower damage, but attacks quicker, meaning it's up to one's preferance. Crimson and Shadow armour have the same defence (19), which is worse than platinum, but they trade this for helpful set bonuses. Shadow armour gives a 15% boost to movement speed, as well as each piece giving +7% melee attack speed (giving a total of 21% extra). The Crimson armour gives greatly increased life regen, which will regen life at a different speed depending on if the player has taken recent damage and is standing still. Each piece gives a +2% boost to weapon damage, giving you 6% more damage while wearing the whole set. It's also up to personal preference for these two, as they favor different ways of playing.
I'd argue that Shadow Armor is basically a melee build and Crimson is anything else - it's good for anything as extra regen is always nice, but melee speed only affects... well... melee.

I wonder if I could just throw in a paragraph that has nothing to do with the rest of the text and have anyone notice. Considering the literacy rates of the Terraria community, I have doubts many will even make it this far before having a mental breakdown from all the words. Congratulations to the few that even read this, regardless of if you read anything else, you're special. Here's a bunch of random♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Becquerel radiation seventeen Terraria ore and methodically knocking people's hats off Undertale whale dolphins Rapture.
That's a really good point. I hadn't thought of it like that. Really interesting point... I'll rememmber that when I hunt for my Hellopper ore and wonder whether Shadimson is worth getting, or whether I should skip that tier entirely and go straight to Molecro. That said, I don't think you need either of those to beat the King of Flesh nor the Eye of Queen, so I'd say you can just bypass these tiers and this nonsensical garbage I'm writing oh hey I actually managed to make a self-referential joke.
I'll have to think about this further - really good point.

The starting hardmode ores, that are bright colours they aren't in real life, Cobalt and Palladium. Palladium gives a higher defence bonus with all of it's helmets, and has better boosts to your stats offered by the armour. Set boosts offered by Cobalt are just generic boosts to your stats, while Palladium gives you a unique bonus; after hitting an enemy, for five seconds, you'll get an additional 3 health regen every second, which isn't the best regen, but is certainly better than nothing. Palladium pickaxe's have a whopping 20% higher mining power than a Cobalt pickaxe. The Palladium sword has slightly higher damage and knockback than the Cobalt sword, the Palladium Repeater is slightly higher in damage, has a slight firerate increase, and has slightly increased velocity for it's projectiles. The Palladium Pike is also slightly better than the Cobalt Naginata.
Palladium's better. Huh. I'd argue that Cobalt is basically worse than Hellstone because it's so much more difficult to acquire.

Orichalcum and Mythril, the two fantasy metals, are a similar story. Orichalcum gives overall better bonuses to stats from individual pieces, but the Mythril set-bonus gives a stat boost. Orichalcum armour gives the set bonus of shooting a petal at enemies while you attack them. This is a great boost to damage, even though it has a ~1 second cooldown. This petal is also very useful against the Destroyer because it can pierce infinetly, giving it a chance of hitting a lot of segments at once. Orichalcum pickaxes have a 15% higher mining power than Mythril Pickaxes, while the axe has 5% higher than mythril. The weapons of Orichalcum are also ever so slightly stronger than Mythril ones, once again making the 1.2 ore better than the ore of old.
I'm rather miffed that Mithril [sic] is just a shoddy ore no-one cares about, rather than some ultra-tank melee build. Good ol' LoTR...

Adamantite and Titanium equipment changes things up a little. Titanium still has more desirable stat boosts, but Adamantite armour gives higher defence overall, although only slightly. Adamantite still has generic stat boosts for set bonuses, while Titanium gives an interesting effect. It gives you the "Shadow Dodge" buff, which is applied after striking an enemy, and lasts for 30 seconds. During the time of the buff, the first time you take damage will be completely negated, and make you invulnerable for 2 seconds. This buff has a cooldown of 30 seconds after it gets applied, meaning you'd have to wait until the time that it would have worn off if you hadn't got hit. The Titanium pickaxe has 10% higher mining power than the Adamantite one, and the Titanium Axe has 5% higher axe power. The weapons again repeat what has happened before; Titanium weapons having slightly higher stats than Adamant weapons.
Better Terrarians than I am say Titanium's set bonus is phenomonally powerful if you can dodge four in five attacks.

Tin, Lead, Tungesten, Platinum, Palladium, Orichalcum and Titanium are better than Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Mythril and Adamantite.

I would like to point out that it's Tungsten - you've stuffed an e where you shouldn't.

Interesting information - I'd highly reccomend writing this up on some form in the Terraria wiki (even if it's only a footnote at the bottom of Lead Bars saying "Lead is always better than Iron").

EDIT: Fixed the quote tags.
Last edited by Ruinae Retroque Rursus; Apr 30, 2017 @ 1:25am
Originally posted by VeritableDross28:
Originally posted by aidenpons:

One thing - in my opinion the Iron Door looks nicer than the Lead Door. That's all I've got to add for this.

A Tungsten Pickaxe can mine Meteorite whereas a Silver pickaxe cannot - further saying Tunsten is better.

Nothing to add here. Good job finding this all out :P

I'd argue that Shadow Armor is basically a melee build and Crimson is anything else - it's good for anything as extra regen is always nice, but melee speed only affects... well... melee.

That's a really good point. I hadn't thought of it like that. Really interesting point... I'll rememmber that when I hunt for my Hellopper ore and wonder whether Shadimson is worth getting, or whether I should skip that tier entirely and go straight to Molecro. That said, I don't think you need either of those to beat the King of Flesh nor the Eye of Queen, so I'd say you can just bypass these tiers and this nonsensical garbage I'm writing oh hey I actually managed to make a self-referential joke.
I'll have to think about this further - really good point.

The starting hardmode ores, that are bright colours they aren't in real life, Cobalt and Palladium. Palladium gives a higher defence bonus with all of it's helmets, and has better boosts to your stats offered by the armour. Set boosts offered by Cobalt are just generic boosts to your stats, while Palladium gives you a unique bonus; after hitting an enemy, for five seconds, you'll get an additional 3 health regen every second, which isn't the best regen, but is certainly better than nothing. Palladium pickaxe's have a whopping 20% higher mining power than a Cobalt pickaxe. The Palladium sword has slightly higher damage and knockback than the Cobalt sword, the Palladium Repeater is slightly higher in damage, has a slight firerate increase, and has slightly increased velocity for it's projectiles. The Palladium Pike is also slightly better than the Cobalt Naginata.
Palladium's better. Huh. I'd argue that Cobalt is basically worse than Hellstone because it's so much more difficult to acquire.

Orichalcum and Mythril, the two fantasy metals, are a similar story. Orichalcum gives overall better bonuses to stats from individual pieces, but the Mythril set-bonus gives a stat boost. Orichalcum armour gives the set bonus of shooting a petal at enemies while you attack them. This is a great boost to damage, even though it has a ~1 second cooldown. This petal is also very useful against the Destroyer because it can pierce infinetly, giving it a chance of hitting a lot of segments at once. Orichalcum pickaxes have a 15% higher mining power than Mythril Pickaxes, while the axe has 5% higher than mythril. The weapons of Orichalcum are also ever so slightly stronger than Mythril ones, once again making the 1.2 ore better than the ore of old.
I'm rather miffed that Mithril [sic] is just a shoddy ore no-one cares about, rather than some ultra-tank melee build. Good ol' LoTR...

Adamantite and Titanium equipment changes things up a little. Titanium still has more desirable stat boosts, but Adamantite armour gives higher defence overall, although only slightly. Adamantite still has generic stat boosts for set bonuses, while Titanium gives an interesting effect. It gives you the "Shadow Dodge" buff, which is applied after striking an enemy, and lasts for 30 seconds. During the time of the buff, the first time you take damage will be completely negated, and make you invulnerable for 2 seconds. This buff has a cooldown of 30 seconds after it gets applied, meaning you'd have to wait until the time that it would have worn off if you hadn't got hit. The Titanium pickaxe has 10% higher mining power than the Adamantite one, and the Titanium Axe has 5% higher axe power. The weapons again repeat what has happened before; Titanium weapons having slightly higher stats than Adamant weapons.
Better Terrarians than I am say Titanium's set bonus is phenomonally powerful if you can dodge four in five attacks.

Tin, Lead, Tungesten, Platinum, Palladium, Orichalcum and Titanium are better than Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Mythril and Adamantite.

I would like to point out that it's Tungsten - you've stuffed an e where you shouldn't.

Interesting information - I'd highly reccomend writing this up on some form in the Terraria wiki (even if it's only a footnote at the bottom of Lead Bars saying "Lead is always better than Iron").

Did... you just read the entire thing, and then actually reply to the individual points in it? H-how could this happen? How could I have failed to make it ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and difficult to read enough that no one could do it? u.u [/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]

And I'm just laughing my head off at the fact that one broken [] in places where it shouldn't has borked your reply :P I'll edit the post for you.

And yes, I like reading walls of text because there is often quite interesting information. I am a Forum Dweller.
monitor Jun 17, 2022 @ 10:47am 
gold usually deals more damage than tungsten

gold shortswords are usually equal to tungsten broadswords
Duchess Minty Jun 17, 2022 @ 11:00am 
Originally posted by bruh:
gold usually deals more damage than tungsten
Because it's a tier above tungsten, not sure what you're trying to add to this 5 year old thread.
Spookypizza Jun 17, 2022 @ 12:04pm 
Originally posted by bruh:
gold usually deals more damage than tungsten

gold shortswords are usually equal to tungsten broadswords
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Date Posted: Apr 29, 2017 @ 10:00pm
Posts: 12