Ms. Splosion Man

Ms. Splosion Man

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Is this game really 1080p?
The menu screen, world select and loading screens in-game all don't look like they're 1080p. The actual game itself looks better, but still there is some kind of blur (DOF I presume) which is a shame that it cannot be removed. That, and the AA is kinda low.
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Psymon² 11 jan, 2015 @ 14:00 
I'll admit I never paid it any notice until you said.
It seems that the screens you identify are indeed less than 1920x1080, as the aliasing jumps by a few pixels at once.
As for the DOF, it can be removed by settings the graphics to low. Hardly the best answer but it works.
I think it's safe to say there is no AA.
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