Nightmare Reaper

Nightmare Reaper

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Opinion: Disavowed Town 4 is too difficult
Up until now, the game was a really smooth and stable climb and felt really natural. I'm stuck on this level now and it just feels completely unfair to have such a large level packed full of exploding enemies and bullet sponges only to get to the end and have the boss destroy you so quickly with the fire attacks. I realize a large portion of the game is supposed to be about grinding the skills but when you don't get the level complete bonuses and weapon sale gold, it feels like it's going to be quite a grind of the same level over and over.

Just some thoughts. Really enjoy the game so far. Thanks for all the hard work.
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
ItBurn  [developer] Jul 17, 2019 @ 12:31pm 
It's definitely one of the hardest, if not the hardest part of the game, but I'm sure if you get more lucky and get a nice level 2 weapon, you can overcome it. I'll look into what I can do to make it easier while still keeping it challenging.
Mila Marie Rose Jul 17, 2019 @ 2:51pm 
I really think it's the combination of the challenging level with the challenging boss at the end. Either one on their own would be fine but having to slog through the level just to lose progress by dying at the boss is what is making it rough for me.

Again, I realize it's supposed to be a rogue lite and the grind is important, I just think this level is quite the wall imo. I of course don't know what the rest of the game is like after this point so if the rest of the game is this challenging then I suppose it will not feel that out of place.
ItBurn  [developer] Jul 17, 2019 @ 2:59pm 
Originally posted by Will The Hatter:
I really think it's the combination of the challenging level with the challenging boss at the end. Either one on their own would be fine but having to slog through the level just to lose progress by dying at the boss is what is making it rough for me.

Again, I realize it's supposed to be a rogue lite and the grind is important, I just think this level is quite the wall imo. I of course don't know what the rest of the game is like after this point so if the rest of the game is this challenging then I suppose it will not feel that out of place.
Actually, I don't want players to grind. I don't consider the game to be a rogue-lite personally. Mostly because you don't have to restart the whole game when you die, just the level.
bound 2 Jul 18, 2019 @ 9:34pm 
A bit late here but....
If that boss is the one that ether shoots fireballs or does a AOE fire spin attack, I found that hiding behind a pillar and peeking out to shoot made the boss fight trivial. I am not sure if this weakness was intended at all, but the fight went from challenging to cheesy in an instant.
RockerFox Jul 18, 2019 @ 11:09pm 
I found the boss kind of difficult (took 2 attempts) but once you figure out the pattern and keep dodging it's not too bad.

The main thing came down to making sure that you had some form of cover between you and the boss for their big AOE fire attack and to never stop moving for everything else.The fire attack does seem to have a max range as well but i found solid cover was the best solution. I also noticed that if you had something like explosives and got them behind a pillar you could really do some damage without explosing yourself too much.

In general for a lot of the tough encounters i tried to keep at least 1 explosive weapon since bomb spam in the right place can deal with large hordes or soften up tougher enemies while being able to maintain a healthy distance.
Originally posted by Will The Hatter:
Up until now, the game was a really smooth and stable climb and felt really natural. I'm stuck on this level now and it just feels completely unfair to have such a large level packed full of exploding enemies and bullet sponges only to get to the end and have the boss destroy you so quickly with the fire attacks. I realize a large portion of the game is supposed to be about grinding the skills but when you don't get the level complete bonuses and weapon sale gold, it feels like it's going to be quite a grind of the same level over and over.

Just some thoughts. Really enjoy the game so far. Thanks for all the hard work.

i cheesed thru it with legenrary pistol

But this is problem with how game is , leme explain

When you get stuck on a map you cant "replay last map" to maybe change your main weapon , you have to play "current map" and hope you get something decent(becouse when you die you die and your stuck with that 1 weapon with no option to change till you beat new map)

I was stuck on 1 map too becouse i chosen bad weapon(stats looked better on paper) and died 4-5 times before i got good gun early on

this can be also frustrating on "boss maps" where if you did chose terrible gun and have to rely on RNG of drops game becomes more frustrating

Function to replay "last" map would be welcome as you could take "other weapon" for boss/lv who is hard for you
Last edited by Varenvel The Festive Dinosaur; Jul 19, 2019 @ 1:01am
Mila Marie Rose Jul 19, 2019 @ 2:54am 
Originally posted by Varenvel The Mildly Grumpy Dino:

I was stuck on 1 map too becouse i chosen bad weapon(stats looked better on paper) and died 4-5 times before i got good gun early on

this can be also frustrating on "boss maps" where if you did chose terrible gun and have to rely on RNG of drops game becomes more frustrating

Function to replay "last" map would be welcome as you could take "other weapon" for boss/lv who is hard for you

Yep, I thought about that too. Either adding a way to explore previous levels for loot and weapons or some sort of randomly generated shop where you can spend coins on weapons could be cool.
Mazikeen Jul 28, 2019 @ 2:52am 
Just putting in my 2 cents, I've been playing the game all night and this boss was the first thing I can't stand. I'm stuck and got so frustrated because I have to run the entire level again just to get to it that I quit.
Mila Marie Rose Jul 28, 2019 @ 5:35am 
Originally posted by Final7even:
Just putting in my 2 cents, I've been playing the game all night and this boss was the first thing I can't stand. I'm stuck and got so frustrated because I have to run the entire level again just to get to it that I quit.

Between this level that I really hate and can't beat and the performance issues. I have ended up shelving the game for a bit while I wait for improvements.
PS2orDie Jul 28, 2019 @ 4:57pm 
Originally posted by Varenvel The Mildly Grumpy Dino:
Originally posted by Will The Hatter:
Up until now, the game was a really smooth and stable climb and felt really natural. I'm stuck on this level now and it just feels completely unfair to have such a large level packed full of exploding enemies and bullet sponges only to get to the end and have the boss destroy you so quickly with the fire attacks. I realize a large portion of the game is supposed to be about grinding the skills but when you don't get the level complete bonuses and weapon sale gold, it feels like it's going to be quite a grind of the same level over and over.

Just some thoughts. Really enjoy the game so far. Thanks for all the hard work.

i cheesed thru it with legenrary pistol

But this is problem with how game is , leme explain

When you get stuck on a map you cant "replay last map" to maybe change your main weapon , you have to play "current map" and hope you get something decent(becouse when you die you die and your stuck with that 1 weapon with no option to change till you beat new map)

I was stuck on 1 map too becouse i chosen bad weapon(stats looked better on paper) and died 4-5 times before i got good gun early on

this can be also frustrating on "boss maps" where if you did chose terrible gun and have to rely on RNG of drops game becomes more frustrating

Function to replay "last" map would be welcome as you could take "other weapon" for boss/lv who is hard for you

I've been causually speedrunning the game since it came out and to be honest, the boss is difficult but doable with any weapon, even melee. Also, no skill tree. I know it's hard, but practice makes perfect.
Cosgar Jul 30, 2019 @ 7:59pm 
Yeah he's a real ball buster. I haven't beaten him yet but I can consistently get him down to ⅛ of his health before running out of ammo on a weapon not conducive to indirect damage. The trick is to exploit his pattern by dancing around the pillars, taking note of when he finishes his AoE attack. Once he teleports, take a few pot shots, hide, then rinse and repeat.
I think the absolute closest I had him to death was with an acid staff that I accidentally killed myself with.
Mila Marie Rose Jul 31, 2019 @ 3:05am 
The hiding mechanic during the fire is fine, it's when he teleports and does his rocket thing with splash damage that really grinds my gears.
Mila Marie Rose Jul 31, 2019 @ 7:24am 
I'm still finding this level game-endingly difficult. There is no reason why such a long level needs this kind of boss at the end. His movements are so unpredictable and can kill you so fast that the last 10-15 mins you spent on the level are all for nothing. I'm sick of grinding the level over and over for a measily bit of coins so I can buy one node on the skill tree and then rense and repeat.

In the great classic FPS games, the abusive difficulty was curbed by the ability to save anywhere and try a boss again and again until you get it. "Pistol Starts" were an optional challenge you could give yourself but even then, it wasn't RNG what kind of weapons you were going to find on the level. This entire game is pistol starts and that would be fine if the balancing and rng wasn't so wonky.
PS2orDie Jul 31, 2019 @ 1:34pm 
Originally posted by Will The Hatter:
I'm still finding this level game-endingly difficult. There is no reason why such a long level needs this kind of boss at the end. His movements are so unpredictable and can kill you so fast that the last 10-15 mins you spent on the level are all for nothing. I'm sick of grinding the level over and over for a measily bit of coins so I can buy one node on the skill tree and then rense and repeat.

In the great classic FPS games, the abusive difficulty was curbed by the ability to save anywhere and try a boss again and again until you get it. "Pistol Starts" were an optional challenge you could give yourself but even then, it wasn't RNG what kind of weapons you were going to find on the level. This entire game is pistol starts and that would be fine if the balancing and rng wasn't so wonky.

A common shotgun and headshots while dodging works great. Turn the music off to hear him teleport easier. Always circle a pillar to stop him from hitting you entirely. I'm still beating him in one go with no skill tree, he's possible to beat.
I'm filth. Jul 31, 2019 @ 10:13pm 
hm. i had an easy enough time beating the touhou fireball dude using a throwing mine, whenever he stopped warping around i just piled a few mines on him and let loose. explosives make it much easier, if it's too hard to hit him while running just aim rockets/nades/mines near his feet. note: i had the first (couple?) hp upgrades, was at like 60/140 after the fight.

my only problem with disavowed town was the huge performance hit in those areas.
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Date Posted: Jul 17, 2019 @ 12:20pm
Posts: 19