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Avalanche May 21, 2022 @ 12:59am
Ending is disappointing on its own
I am trying not to ruin the ending (spoiler-wise) but does anyone else agree with me that have completed it that the ending was disappointing.

I will place it in a spoiler tag, i hope it works. lol

Well, when it was about time travel, i knew something went wrong, but the way it ended felt very predictable and therefore disappointing, i just hope a sequel is in the works, if not....very disappointing.
< >
Showing 1-15 of 27 comments
9214 May 21, 2022 @ 1:12am 
What ending, specifically? I 100%-ed the game and found it top-notch, both story- and gameplay-wise; cathartic, even, once you've learned about housemates' personal issues and managed to resolve them.

The final plot twist flips the whole thing on its head, leaving you questioning the nature of time-travel experiment you participate in — just enough to warrant a sequel.

Agent 1 from future's future turns out to be the missing tenant, who kickstarted the whole chain of events in the first place — by, well, disappearing and not paying rent... which prompted Linda to move in, which affected Tom, Ian, Raquele... basically everyone in the house.
Last edited by 9214; May 21, 2022 @ 1:47am
Velorien May 21, 2022 @ 3:35am 
I agree entirely. While the main game is fantastic, the ending leaves you with a bunch of last-minute questions which will not be answered except by DLC or a sequel, and since there's no guarantee of either (especially given the apparent lack of sales so far), that's just frustrating. A game should be able to stand alone in terms of providing a satisfying narrative.

This is in addition to the fact that the other part of the ending, the final event, is a damp squib, just a bunch of people coughing in a backyard while a fireman briefly talks to them. All your closure comes from the bios. Even then, the best versions of those will be staggered over the end of your playthrough as you unlock or stumble across them one by one, which ends up as more "Oh, that's cool" than "Yes, I saved the day!"

(I also don't like the fact that so many of the best endings rely on somebody else also being alive, as it leaves me going, "But I solved this person's problem; why aren't they happy?!", or "This change shouldn't affect them at all; why are they suddenly not happy?" only to find out that the missing condition has nothing to do with them.)
Avalanche May 21, 2022 @ 6:29am 
Originally posted by Velorien:
I agree entirely. While the main game is fantastic, the ending leaves you with a bunch of last-minute questions which will not be answered except by DLC or a sequel, and since there's no guarantee of either (especially given the apparent lack of sales so far), that's just frustrating. A game should be able to stand alone in terms of providing a satisfying narrative.

This is in addition to the fact that the other part of the ending, the final event, is a damp squib, just a bunch of people coughing in a backyard while a fireman briefly talks to them. All your closure comes from the bios. Even then, the best versions of those will be staggered over the end of your playthrough as you unlock or stumble across them one by one, which ends up as more "Oh, that's cool" than "Yes, I saved the day!"

(I also don't like the fact that so many of the best endings rely on somebody else also being alive, as it leaves me going, "But I solved this person's problem; why aren't they happy?!", or "This change shouldn't affect them at all; why are they suddenly not happy?" only to find out that the missing condition has nothing to do with them.)

Either way, this game is indeed a play once and move on.
Avalanche May 21, 2022 @ 6:33am 
Originally posted by 9214:
What ending, specifically? I 100%-ed the game and found it top-notch, both story- and gameplay-wise; cathartic, even, once you've learned about housemates' personal issues and managed to resolve them.

The final plot twist flips the whole thing on its head, leaving you questioning the nature of time-travel experiment you participate in — just enough to warrant a sequel.

Agent 1 from future's future turns out to be the missing tenant, who kickstarted the whole chain of events in the first place — by, well, disappearing and not paying rent... which prompted Linda to move in, which affected Tom, Ian, Raquele... basically everyone in the house.

For me, the success of a game is the story and the ending and for me, it ended poorly, just like say, Mass Effect 3 ended poorly, 2 endings results in Shepard dying, the 3rd ending results in rendering half of your choices as pointless, it is disappointing.

Sure, there is a new Mass Effect game in development that takes place after a 'destroy' option, which means no more Geth, Edi or any AI at all....not sure what can be interesting at that point.....but time will tell.

Now if this game was a trilogy from the beginning or something, then i will just wait for the sequel, but there is no hint of it at all, so i am left with the feeling of a incomplete game since the player doesn't return home after a successful mission.
RobOda May 28, 2022 @ 6:11am 
I have no idea what the whole 'ending reveal' was supposed to even be.

The rescue and restoration of the timeline was fine. The addition 'twist' was just, whatever and completely took the shine off the game.
liessahl May 28, 2022 @ 3:54pm 
Yeah, I don't like cliffhanger endings in games. It's one thing if you know a sequel is arriving quickly (i.e. within the next few months); quite another when it's likely to take 2+ years, if it ever happens at all. It's fine to set things up for a sequel, and the game was clearly doing that with the 'temporal anomaly' revelations, but you shouldn't throw a massive plot twist / life-or-death cliffhanger into the last few seconds of the game.
Avalanche May 28, 2022 @ 4:12pm 
Originally posted by liessahl:
Yeah, I don't like cliffhanger endings in games. It's one thing if you know a sequel is arriving quickly (i.e. within the next few months); quite another when it's likely to take 2+ years, if it ever happens at all. It's fine to set things up for a sequel, and the game was clearly doing that with the 'temporal anomaly' revelations, but you shouldn't throw a massive plot twist / life-or-death cliffhanger into the last few seconds of the game.

I agree.
Caputino May 30, 2022 @ 1:26pm 
The main thing here is that the ending being bad or good is pure value judgment, that is, it's really a personal opinion and everyone will have its own. That being said, in my opinion, I actually liked it. Of course is very very sad when a game ends with a cliffhanger and simply doesn't have a sequel, but to be honest, it's not like the developers could see the whole timeline and know that the game won't sell that much to be able (and affordable) to make a sequel, if that happens. And they also won't be able to change the timeline lol.

Something that I will agree beforehand, is that the best endings are definitelly a pain to complete, but not because "somebody else needs to be alive for that person to be happy", because to be honest, if I were Tom and somebody died in the fire, I would also blame myself for the rest of my life, and it's even worse given that they were all friends. And I would also be devasted if the love of my life died on the same conditions. The problem that I had was having 2 very different best endings for a character (Neil), so I couldn't get the best ending for everybody because it would show that Neil had his "best ending", but he didn't. That, and also some really small choices meaning a lot and some very big choices not changing anything.

And about the scene where they are all coughing outside, I would love to see some cutscene or anything showing their future instead of being forced to read the endings individually. It would, in my opinion, make it a better ending, with some more depth. The way it is, it does fell like these characters really don't matter, wheter you save them or not, you don't feel the consequence. It really makes me feel like the whole game was just some really nice and well made , but long, backstory, just to show you that ending with agent 1, that there are some problems bigger than saving 6 people from a house fire. All your efforts were almost completely pointless.

Now, about the cliffhanger ending, if we take that ending off, then we won't end with a cliffhanger, sure, but we will also end up with a very nice puzzle simulator only, so any sequels or DLCs would only add other people to be save under other conditions. That would also be a nice game (for me at least, I like puzzle games and simulation games), but having some story behind it, like the ending showed us, that there is some depth into this whole thing, is on another level.

When I finished the game, before seeing the ending, I was just like "well, another puzzle game, very nice concept, hopefully I'll have another case as 43 to save some other people, see some secrets and that kind of stuff". But after I saw the ending, that definitelly changed, the game had more depth than I thought it would have. It was bigger and better than I expected. It was not as simple as I thought.

That being said, I sure hope we see another game or some DLC to continue seeing the story, but if that doesn't happen, it's sad to be let on a cliffhanger, but the game still made me happy, and I'm glad the developers gave all they could and made a game with that depth, without the fear of the game not selling well and not having a sequel. They just foccused on bringing their idea to life.
Last edited by Caputino; May 30, 2022 @ 1:32pm
Velorien May 30, 2022 @ 6:33pm 
Originally posted by Caputino:
Now, about the cliffhanger ending, if we take that ending off, then we won't end with a cliffhanger, sure, but we will also end up with a very nice puzzle simulator only, so any sequels or DLCs would only add other people to be save under other conditions. That would also be a nice game (for me at least, I like puzzle games and simulation games), but having some story behind it, like the ending showed us, that there is some depth into this whole thing, is on another level.

When I finished the game, before seeing the ending, I was just like "well, another puzzle game, very nice concept, hopefully I'll have another case as 43 to save some other people, see some secrets and that kind of stuff". But after I saw the ending, that definitelly changed, the game had more depth than I thought it would have. It was bigger and better than I expected. It was not as simple as I thought.
I don't think this is true. They could just as easily start a new game by making you think you were doing a new version of the same puzzle, and then swerve sideways with a twist that recontextualised everything you thought you knew (just like this one). Sure, they'd lose out on the Brian part, but in return they'd be guaranteeing two satisfying experiences. As things stand, they could make a second game, and the start would be meaningless to anyone who hasn't played the first one (and making a sequel that's inaccessible to new players is shooting themselves in the foot financially, which we do not want).
Caputino May 30, 2022 @ 9:00pm 
Originally posted by Velorien:
I don't think this is true. They could just as easily start a new game by making you think you were doing a new version of the same puzzle, and then swerve sideways with a twist that recontextualised everything you thought you knew (just like this one). Sure, they'd lose out on the Brian part, but in return they'd be guaranteeing two satisfying experiences. As things stand, they could make a second game, and the start would be meaningless to anyone who hasn't played the first one (and making a sequel that's inaccessible to new players is shooting themselves in the foot financially, which we do not want).

Hey there!
I might be wrong, but if I understood correctly, that actually sound a bit like The Room series. I don't know if you've ever played it, but the first game was more puzzle solving really, not much of a story, but on the third game they actually started telling a bit of the story on the end of every game (that is, The Room 3 and The Room 4 for now). So, the beggining and almost all gameplay are purely a puzzle game, with a little of the story on the end. And they actually were able to tie all the games, because on the first one they introduced something that you find at the end, but didn't really explained what it was or what it could do, but since it was there, everything was tied to it from the beggining. The only thing is that, if you play only the fourth game, you won't understand a lot of the ending I think, but the other 99% of the game, that is actually the gameplay itself, is 100% playable. I could be wrong, I played this game some time ago and I don't have a really good memory.

Still, I think that at some point, being on the first, second or third game, they would have to introduce the story anyway, and they could do something that they already technically do: before the main menu, you have a introduction to the story (or setting) of the game, so on the second one they could just make an introduction with the basic knowledge from the previous game that would make you have a better experience (in this case, it wouldn't be a very long introduction lol, the important story part is probably only the ending and that introduction itself).

The thing is that if you make games that don't have a story and introduce it later, you need to have in mind that people won't know that you plan on adding more depth to the game, so you would be only a puzzle game, and wouldn't really get some attention on the game's story. For instance, after I played The Room 1 and 2, it took me a long time to actually buy the third and fourth game, because there are so many puzzles out there, and I have a lot of puzzle games. I do love The Room, ever since the first one, but nothing was really tying me up to buy the other ones. But when I got the third one, finished it and saw the story, I bought the fourth on the same day and started playing it right away, because the story was actually something that I wanted to see that the other puzzle games I own don't have (obviously, the story is exclusive to the game series lol).

And yes, making a sequel that new players simply can't play is shooting themselves in the foot, so most of the games just give you an introduction with the previous game story. So, I actually think that doing something like what The Room does would work for this game, or just give some introduction on the next game (if there is one). But removing the ending (or if it was simply never there), in my opinion, for my taste, would really lower the quality of the game and the hunger (don't actually know how to describe what I want to say in english better than hunger lol) that I have for the sequel.
Dizzard Jun 30, 2022 @ 9:09am 
It definitely feels like a cliff hanger type ending. I don't necessarily think it's a terrible ending (I don't feel like it ruined what came before it because it felt disconnected to the rest of the story) but it definitely felt like the game was more about the journey than the destination.
MarsupialPancake Jul 2, 2022 @ 3:10pm 
yeah, I gotta say, I was really enjoying this game up until the end?? the the twist was very Tell, don't Show, implying that something interesting was happening rather than showing it. I know that's a big issue with a lot of small company stories (if you build up an ending enough, you end up not being able to live up to it, which I get), but I really was hoping for an actual climax to the story. 9w6;;

also the fact that Ben's Ideal Outcome apparently has nothing to do with any of his choices is more than a little tragic. :meadowfrog:

Either way, happy I bought it and played, but I'm definitely left feeling a little disappointed in the final punches!
h4mx0r Aug 20, 2022 @ 3:34am 
I finished it with the Optimal Future just now. The storytelling is great, all the way up to the end. :thumbs: :trophy:

I think my only two cents with the ending is that
- the cliffhanger ending lacks a bit of oomph because we aren't really invested in it. You likely found evidence mid-game of Agent One, which adds some mystery... and then... and then that's kind of it. It's not really brought up again until the end. I think to give this a little more oomph, they should have sprinkled in some more obvious involvement throughout the game, to really make us go "damn I wanna find out the motives behind the Traveler"

- the Backyard ending is a bit lackluster because it's really short and just the firemen walking around and talking for a line or two. I know there is a text Epilogue when you click on the portraits, but the player has probably been reading them mid-game while trying to achieve the optimal future. By the time the player finally watches the ending, you just kind of expect... some more acting or something. Like a longer cut-scene that leads into their written epilogues.

Personally, I am interested in a possible sequel. While I thought the way the ending passes the torch is weak- I thought the overall premise was very good, so I'd like to see a continuation. What's up with Agent One, who does he work for, what does he want to show me? Also I would assume, another timeline to "fix" :csdsmile:
Caliginosity Sep 30, 2022 @ 1:25pm 
Originally posted by Avalanche:
I am trying not to ruin the ending (spoiler-wise) but does anyone else agree with me that have completed it that the ending was disappointing.

I will place it in a spoiler tag, i hope it works. lol

Well, when it was about time travel, i knew something went wrong, but the way it ended felt very predictable and therefore disappointing, i just hope a sequel is in the works, if not....very disappointing.

While I hope there will be a sequel, I think that is largely dependent on how well the game does and total sales. Making posts/reviews calling the game a disappointment because you didn't like the ending isn't helping and will likely become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I for one loved the game as well as the ending, but yeah, if there is no continuation to the story it will be sad.
It really needs one after dropping a sequel-bait cliffhanger like that after all the buildup of that plot thread..
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