Crime Scene Cleaner

Crime Scene Cleaner

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kabutor Oct 6, 2024 @ 12:58am
Remove the skill that lets you walk freely
There is a skill on the tree that allows you to walk freely through the map without leaving marks on the floor then the game changes from carefully walking around to freely walking running and jumping and not caring about it.

That takes away a lot of fun in the game, please remove it
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Cursed Hawkins Oct 6, 2024 @ 6:13am 
With or without that skill makes very little difference! Plus not all of the water sources are within reach of the starting area, something I suspect you didn't get to yet!
Truth_X_ile Oct 6, 2024 @ 8:13am 
Pro Tip
Just don't get the skill, then you don't have to worry about it, why do you want it removed for others if simply you don't want it, just don't get it, problem solved

Should They Remove Careful Cleaner Also?
The skill that allows the Sponge & Mop to not leave any blood stains

What I Did
I literally just kept replaying the tutorial area over & over at the beginning grinding XP without progressing the story & unlocked the skill :tongue:

I Don't Recommend the Removal of the Skill
It just allows someone to focus on other areas at their own pace & explore without the hassle of creating bloody footprints, if you want a challenge mode, ask for it, they've probably already have it planned, but you can list ideas of what they could add, I don't think suggesting to remove something in a current single player game

Toggle the Skill On/Off
Now if they add a toggle feature for co-op later, you could do that instead to disable the feature in question, so that if one person would have it unlocked & playing in co-op that it wouldn't work, therefore you can enjoy your game making bloody footprints allow you or others to troll their friends purposefully, that's the only thing I can see it being used for, where footprints are sometimes harder to see than splotches, even though if someone were to troll, they'd just smack their mop on every surface, but again, footprints are harder to see usually

My Favorite Person on Steam, Just Don't Tell Anyone

Good Luck & Have Fun :smiling:
Malkav0 Oct 6, 2024 @ 9:38am 
Just don't take it instead of trying to affect others' game instead of only yours
imemba Oct 6, 2024 @ 11:06am 
cry about it ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
archmag Oct 7, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
I never worry about footprints anyway. Even after going through a full pool of blood you leave at most 2 footprints which are easily cleaned later when you start cleaning the blood. So it's not like the skill changes much. If you try to avoid blood when there is very little penalty you can continue to avoid it when there is none.
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Date Posted: Oct 6, 2024 @ 12:58am
Posts: 5