Author Clicker
Custom Content
Is it possible to add additional pictures to go along with your word list? Adding additional pictures will make the difference between this software being just ok, or being a really excellent program for its price.
Last edited by Phil_D_Snutts; Apr 9, 2021 @ 5:32pm
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
sunshineovercast Apr 16, 2021 @ 6:11am 
Originally posted by Phil_D_Snutts:
Is it possible to add additional pictures to go along with your word list? Adding additional pictures will make the difference between this software being just ok, or being a really excellent program for its price.

I could add a limited feature like that to see how it works. Probably only support png files and maybe no more than 8 custom images until it can be tested. Would you try a beta version of the game to test this feature if/when added?
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 17, 2021 @ 2:34am 
Absolutely. That sounds like a great start.
sunshineovercast Apr 17, 2021 @ 5:03am 
Originally posted by Phil_D_Snutts:
Absolutely. That sounds like a great start.

The beta build is available now. Be sure to switch to the beta line in Steam settings before downloading the update.

The images must be in the png image format and have a filename starting with ac. These images need to be copied to the SunshineOvercast folder in your Documents folder. The program expects the images to be in standard 16:9 ratio or else will be skewed. Actual size of images shouldn't matter as they are resized when displayed (unless they are too large for memory).

Let me know if you encounter any bugs!
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 17, 2021 @ 8:27am 
That is totally awesome. I'll definitely give some feedback after I try it out.
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 17, 2021 @ 10:50am 
Based on the reviews and comments I've read, I enjoy this game and see its potential more than most people. I kind of look at it as Magnetic Poetry on steroids. I am a writer so I see its inherent value as a creativity tool, and I have a few other uses in mind. So please take my criticisms in a positive light. Here's what I've got for you so far:

1) Firstly, I think it is fair to say this game doesn't come with a whole lot of instructions or explanation. I probably should have played with it more before suggesting modifications. I only just now discovered the screen where you spend points to unlock additional word tiles. I'd only accumulated about 600pts so far, so I could only pick one of the smaller choices. It seems like it unlocks more pictures as well. Is that true? You should add a guide, instructions, or discussion thread that explains some of this a bit better. [I'd be willing to help with that for a small compensation of some kind.]

2) I created eight PNG files to use according to the parameters you explained above. For no particular reason I chose a "Sexy Therapist" theme. The simple apps I used for the models don't have many options so that was the best I could come up with for now. It seemed to fit the existential mood the game's existing starter phrases and artwork create. I added "ac" and a space in front of each file name. [ex.= "ac DOCTOR TEST"; "ac 2021-04-17_121955"]. Only the file that comes first alphabetically in the folder appeared. However, I only tried it out for a few minutes. It is possible more of the customs would have shown up later, but I got the feeling that they weren't going to appear. That is why I decided to stop. I'll try it again later.

3) I don't know if this would be easy or difficult to implement as an update, but you should consider adding keyboard controls. At least for the 3 arrow buttons that navigate the word tile options. I feel like this would improve the flow of the game and make it faster and more fun to use. Crossing the entire screen with the mouse to choose between the Up Arrow Button, to select a new set of word choices, and the Right Arrow Button to confirm your next choice is very tedious and slows down the game. Being able to use the directional keys on the keyboard would streamline game play.

4) When I closed the program after trying out this mod, it froze pretty badly. On the normal exit screen where it asks if you're sure you want to exit I chose yes, that button turned white and the game froze. At first I didn't think that was odd, it's closed slowly like that before. But even after I hit the Windows Key and "Exed Out" the program from the task bar the game screen persisted for almost a minute after the program had gone from the task bar. There was also a brief and very small error message in a tiny box that said something like "access not allowed" or "permission not granted". Because I had already closed the program before I saw the tiny error message box, I only had a second to look at it before it vanished, but I know it was for AC because it said Author Clicker in the top bar of the error message window. If it happens again, I'll try to get a screen shot.

I hope some of that was helpful and not too long winded. I'll try it out again later and let you know how it goes. Thanks for offering the option to try out this idea. I wasn't even expecting a reply. Like most end users, usually when I suggest a feature it isn't something that can be done, or it'd be too much work for the dev relative to the sales it would generate. I'm very excited and appreciative that this customization option is feasible and that you took the time to try it out.
Last edited by Phil_D_Snutts; Apr 17, 2021 @ 10:52am
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 18, 2021 @ 12:31am 

-I didn't change any files since my last start up.
-It crashed a couple of times and did that "lagging close".
-The error message is "File access denied," [Screenshot it this time]
-The same singular image out of 8 that I added appeared twice.

Nothing else to add at this time. I'm sorry for the people who didn't like this game, I think it is really fun. Even when I put no thought into choosing word tiles because I was cycling as fast as possible to see if the custom images would appear, it still effortlessly creates reasonably coherent poetry.

If you make a All Ages version of this game you could probably sell it to a lot of teachers. I used to teach grades 9-12 and adult ed, so I know the audience. I think this could help a lot of students of all ages who are hesitant to write gain confidence and realize they can do it.
sunshineovercast Apr 18, 2021 @ 5:54pm 
There's a new beta build available. I added limited support for the arrow keys for browsing previous pages. And the up arrow will go to the unlocks page. Let me know if it still crashes on exit. It should load up to 8 images but their filenames must all start with ac and be png image files.
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 19, 2021 @ 1:07am 
I only had time to play with it for a few minutes, but I did run it twice.

1) It had two updates. One regular, one in Beta. I had to leave beta, do the regular update, then go back to the beta branch for that update button to appear.

2) Exiting it still gives that error message. It didn't freeze on the first exit, but did on the second. Error message both times.

3) More of my pictures appeared in the rotation. I hadn't changed the file names or anything since the first install, so that seems to work fine. When I get a chance to sit here and grind out the points to unlock the 6400pt "romance" word set I'll see if they all pop up. They were possibly too similar visually. Maybe I'll make a new set for testing.

4) The directional arrow keys worked for UP, and for scrolling BACK to read your progress. And you could go forward when you were in the back/forth mode (where you have L/R arrows at the top left of the screen). However the FORWARD arrow didn't work for moving from the screen where you have selected your word choice to the next "Select Your Image" screen. That is the one you want the most.

5) And, Dude... "There is no spoon". "Now for something completely different". "It's full of stars!" You're killing me, that is hilarious. Now I'm going to be stuck thinking about John Cleese, Keanu Reeves, and HAL 9000 when that chick is getting frisky in her bathroom. "Of course you realize, this means war." Once this expanded feature gets ironed out, I'm going to have to add slides of HAL 9000. Maybe even photoshop his interface panel into her shower. It'll be the best buddy show since The Odd Couple.
Last edited by Phil_D_Snutts; Apr 19, 2021 @ 1:22am
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 19, 2021 @ 7:05am 

It looks like my custom images are all appearing intermittently like they should.

The game is still doing a hard freeze on close, with the same error message. I have to hit the WIndows key and use the task bar to get to the desktop and close the error message, then do it again to get the "are you sure you want to exit the game" screen to disappear.
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 19, 2021 @ 4:06pm 

Totally awesome. Everything runs smooth.

When I got ready to play a little while ago there were 3 updates waiting. One on the regular tab, two for beta.

The forward arrow works. No closing crash. Everything seems to be running smoothly. Great work! I already liked this program before, but now I think it is amazing.

Last edited by Phil_D_Snutts; Apr 19, 2021 @ 4:07pm
sunshineovercast Apr 20, 2021 @ 7:34am 
Originally posted by Phil_D_Snutts:

Totally awesome. Everything runs smooth.

When I got ready to play a little while ago there were 3 updates waiting. One on the regular tab, two for beta.

The forward arrow works. No closing crash. Everything seems to be running smoothly. Great work! I already liked this program before, but now I think it is amazing.

I updated the main build with the new improvements. Thanks for the suggestions and beta testing!
Phil_D_Snutts Apr 20, 2021 @ 6:43pm 
It was my pleasure. You did all the work. All I did was suggest a couple of small tweaks that made something good even better. Thank you, for the consideration and effort.

I'll be sure to post some screenshots and such of whatever shenanigans I create with this to the community hub. I admit, this game takes minute to get used to. I haven't fully got the hang of it yet myself. But more people should give it a chance, and I figure the best way to promote it is to just have fun with it and show off what it can do.

Thanks again. You rock. There are a lot of Devs and publishers on Steam that wouldn't have even replied to my post. I don't take that for granted.
Phil_D_Snutts May 4, 2021 @ 7:56am 
I had posted here last night that custom pictures seemed to have stopped working. Nevermind. It's fine. I forgot that they needed to be .PNG not JPEG.
sunshineovercast May 6, 2021 @ 8:48am 
Jpegs would have to be converted at runtime and there's more chances of incompatibilities. Probably limit it to PNGs for now.

There's a new beta version you're welcome to test. I don't know if you own any of the DLCs, but the maximum number of custom images is raised by 4 per DLC installed plus the 8 already included. (For a total of 24 custom images if all 4 DLCs are installed.)
Phil_D_Snutts May 6, 2021 @ 3:43pm 
Originally posted by sunshineovercast:
Jpegs would have to be converted at runtime and there's more chances of incompatibilities. Probably limit it to PNGs for now.

There's a new beta version you're welcome to test. I don't know if you own any of the DLCs, but the maximum number of custom images is raised by 4 per DLC installed plus the 8 already included. (For a total of 24 custom images if all 4 DLCs are installed.)

That is awesome! I do have all the DLCs. Good to know I can stretch out with more custom content. I would have already made some more but I need to practice with GIMP a little more. Did you see the screenshots I posted on the community hub? I want to put HAL9000 panels around the character's apartment, but I have to "tilt" the cut & paste so it fits in the background.

I wouldn't worry about opening up the custom mod to using JPEGS. I just forgot to make sure I was using PNG.
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