Trials of Fire
Story book displays very dark when it's night time
Will you please fix the bug where the story book comes up at night time, and it's very dark and difficult to read? This is so annoying.
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I would like to see this changed as well. While I appreciate the ambient lightning changes, when it is bright red at dusk and dark at night makes it difficult to read the text. I need to lean it close to my monitor and squint. I can see this being a bigger issue especially for people who have visual issues.
Hi Developer - will you ever fix this, please? You have never even responded to this issue, and you continue to not fix it.

Please respond and let us know your thoughts about this bug.
Psycho  [Разработчик] 20 апр. 2020 г. в 3:30 
Hi FroBodine.

The book ambient lighting has been increased since you first posted this issue. Are you still having a problem reading the text?
I personally think the book is still too dark at night.
Yep, agreed. It's still too dark and hard to read at night. I would strongly prefer to not even have the lighting dim when reading the book. Just let us read it like it's day time. We can have the darker lighting for the rest of the game, just not when we're trying to read huge amounts of text.
I share this sentiment as well. Is it possible to have like a 'gamma' setting slider so we can adjust the brightness in this game ourselves? Currently having a hard time reading when playing the game during the day.

(I know, what proper gamer has his screen near a window, but hey. :demonsheep:)
I have the same problem, thought the brightness was bust on my laptop!
AGREED! Everything gets too dark at night.
Psycho  [Разработчик] 10 апр. 2021 г. в 5:04 
We will be adding a setting for this in the next update.
Yay! At long last. Looking forward to this!
Doesn't really bother me any but cool you guys are providing the option.
The main issue I have with the book lighting at night is that equipment can look grayed out to me. There have been quite a few times I've chosen a legendary, then had a mini-panic thinking I couldn't equip it on the character I picked it for.
Автор сообщения: Psycho
We will be adding a setting for this in the next update.

Thanks a lot! I have been having a blast, but readability was quite problematic.

A different suggestion to further enhance this solution. Other than the slider would be to have like a 'candle'-like lightsource at night illuminating the book when you open it.

This would fit the theme still. But would also avoid needing to switch between gamma settings between cycles. Providing two thorough means of solving this.

Either way, thank you for making this game, and listening!
Отредактировано CombatHermit; 11 апр. 2021 г. в 0:19
Автор сообщения: CombatHermit
Автор сообщения: Psycho
We will be adding a setting for this in the next update.
A different suggestion to further enhance this solution. Other than the slider would be to have like a 'candle'-like lightsource at night illuminating the book when you open it.
I was thinking this too! I think that would look fantastic and be a thematically-appropriate solution. It's mostly flavor and inconsequential in the long run, but I really dig this idea if it's easy to implement.
I'm sorry to bump a 2-years old topic, but has this issue been solved? Despite the developer claiming a setting would be added, the only brightness setting is the night mode one, which effectively makes everything even more yellowish.

I absolutely love this game, but it physically hurts my eyes playing it. The ambient color filter which overlays everything is simply too bright during dawn. You can actually see yourself how much effect it has by simply return to the Main Menu while playing - the filter resets momentarily --

Actual colors[]

Is there a way to decrease/adjust the brightness/contrast/gamma/whatever? I thought this might be an issue with my PC, but I tested a bunch of other games and no, absolutely no issues. 800+ games over 10+ years on Steam and this is the only one which literally physically hurts my eyes.
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