Second Extinction™

Second Extinction™

Statistieken weergeven:
Some feedback
I've done most of what there is in game so far, didn't farm certain achievements as some are really tedious to do, like killing a T-Rex with a care package, it's so inconsistent and time consuming it's not even fun, as are "respawn x times" type of achievements.

There's an issue I've got with some enemies, that make the game incredibly annoying at higher difficulties or even just high danger zones. These are flatbacks, both types, due to them constantly knocking you over over ANY range, over walls or any other structure. This is not fun, not being able to do anything while being tossed around is not fun. Other big enemies and electro raptors are at the perfect spot right now, they knock you down but not as often as these guys. Same applies on overmutated raptors, these are terrible. You took regular raptor and cranked his speed and jump spam to 100. Terrible idea for a pretty cool raptor design. Maybe it's not as bad in COOP but in SP it sucks out all the fun from high danger zones.

And finally, the grind, weapons alone take crap ton of time to be upgraded with required XP for both upgrades as well as upgrade slots. Why limit the 4 "blue" tier materials to drop from enemies so freaking rare is beyond me. I've ran all 4 red zones just now in a single run, doing all the quests I could and I only found a handful of them. Yellow zone has so many electro raptors and alpha raptors but I go for hours seeing absolutely none in red zone, and that's the only zone they drop these in. Either fix the spawn rates for these things or fix the drop rates for the items, making the already tedious job just a smidge less tedious.

Forgot to mention contracts, fix the darn board. The same ones keep repeating with basically no reward as they reward you a skin you already have. Either remove them or let them drop gold chests or something.
Laatst bewerkt door Boboscus; 23 aug 2021 om 10:38
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Don't bother. They don't read any feedback around here.

Really? Threatening me with a ban for stating facts? Then when i post feedback here you give me a copy and paste lecture on where and how to post feedback. Not to mention, "the devs don't read the forum". That's what you said in my last thread.

If anyone's being disrespectful. It's certainly not me.
Laatst bewerkt door Pekmez Pita; 25 aug 2021 om 22:59
Steam forums are here for a reason, if they can't bother reading through these once a week or even month, why should I go to a platform that's not even for gaming to share my thoughts?

Pekmez Pita was right apparently.
Origineel geplaatst door jf3000:
The Feedback Team would really love your feedback using the options below. Sharing through Discord and allowing others to see your feedback is a great feeling.


The development team is actively doing everything they can to make this game better. They are taking suggestions and feedback primarily on Discord at on the feedback channel, head on over to how-to-feedback for all the details.

I once got into a passing disagreement with one of your devs. It'd be nice if you would stop patronizing people. The moment Jurgen got nerfed and you guys pretended otherwise was the shoe drop moment for me. That's when I knew you'd let us down. It was like falling in love with the wrong woman all over again.

I know you may not have much say in the game's development, but this forum post is a microcosm of why this game is failing. This is what you need to be sending your "feedback team". I came back to this game's page to see how things were going since my little "break" and I can see it's just more of the same. Devs telling us to shut up and be happy, complaints ignored, bad calls made from the top down. I know it's definitely not your fault because 9 years of military service has taught me that poor leadership reflects in every aspect of an organization. You can see it in everything from how the top brass interact with their staff, all the way down to how the maintenance forms are signed. You civillians don't really see things like that because you all have a "not my job" mentality vs. a "pieces of a whole" mentality. But I can see it even through text, because regardless of who you are or what you do, when your organization is rotting from the inside you all do and say the exact same things; everything becomes a stall for time until either someone pulls a hail mary or it's time to close up shop.

These crashing issues? C'mon it's no fluke. it's the result of bad QA. How does that happen? Folks simply not caring. Why don't they care? Because someone up top is beeing an A-hole or they're simply not being paid enough which makes the first statement even more true.

You want my feedback, as petty and sophomoric as it sounds:

You should have listened to the people who showed you the most love. The people who when they talked about your game, you could see the spark in their eyes. not the ones with high metrics. Regardless of what your plans for financial growth of the project is, your success lay with your most honest and loving gamers. If you don't take what they say seriously, you don't stand any real chance of a game surviving. Look at what you're competing against!


All of these games are highly played/anticipated because they're the culmination of player feedback. I remember playing L4D2 nearly 15 year ago and it's still top 100 on steam. They damn sure didn't get that far by deleting criticism.
Sorry *culmination of player feedback AND popular demand
Origineel geplaatst door Boboscus:
I've done most of what there is in game so far, didn't farm certain achievements as some are really tedious to do, like killing a T-Rex with a care package, it's so inconsistent and time consuming it's not even fun, as are "respawn x times" type of achievements.

There's an issue I've got with some enemies, that make the game incredibly annoying at higher difficulties or even just high danger zones. These are flatbacks, both types, due to them constantly knocking you over over ANY range, over walls or any other structure. This is not fun, not being able to do anything while being tossed around is not fun. Other big enemies and electro raptors are at the perfect spot right now, they knock you down but not as often as these guys. Same applies on overmutated raptors, these are terrible. You took regular raptor and cranked his speed and jump spam to 100. Terrible idea for a pretty cool raptor design. Maybe it's not as bad in COOP but in SP it sucks out all the fun from high danger zones.

And finally, the grind, weapons alone take crap ton of time to be upgraded with required XP for both upgrades as well as upgrade slots. Why limit the 4 "blue" tier materials to drop from enemies so freaking rare is beyond me. I've ran all 4 red zones just now in a single run, doing all the quests I could and I only found a handful of them. Yellow zone has so many electro raptors and alpha raptors but I go for hours seeing absolutely none in red zone, and that's the only zone they drop these in. Either fix the spawn rates for these things or fix the drop rates for the items, making the already tedious job just a smidge less tedious.

Forgot to mention contracts, fix the darn board. The same ones keep repeating with basically no reward as they reward you a skin you already have. Either remove them or let them drop gold chests or something.

Origineel geplaatst door Pekmez Pita:
Don't bother. They don't read any feedback around here.

Really? Threatening me with a ban for stating facts? Then when i post feedback here you give me a copy and paste lecture on where and how to post feedback. Not to mention, "the devs don't read the forum". That's what you said in my last thread.

If anyone's being disrespectful. It's certainly not me.

We actually do read all posts on here, but being a small team we have an easier time getting an overview of what the community thinks if it's posted in the discord server since players vote and agree or disagree with other's posts and feedback. As you know, not all players agree - some think the game is too easy, others too hard - getting players votes on posts makes it a lot easier to see what the majority thinks than trying to collect and keep track of how many think one way vs. the other. Not every post or opinion is brought to the team because many are contradictory, which is why the feedback needs to be collected and analyzed. Having players vote/react on posts they agree with is one of the simplest ways to do this. Because of the size of our team, we need to find ways to optimize pipelines, and this is the way we've chosen to optimize feedback.

Thanks for the feedback Boboscus, it has been noted. When it comes to the contracts the team would appreciate knowing which contracts are reappearing with the same skins. If you remember or see it again please send in a report to our support team at so they can have a look and fix it ASAP. Thank you!
Origineel geplaatst door TheBlasterMaster™:
Origineel geplaatst door Anais:

We actually do read all posts on here, but being a small team we have an easier time getting an overview of what the community thinks if it's posted in the discord server since players vote and agree or disagree with other's posts and feedback. As you know, not all players agree - some think the game is too easy, others too hard - getting players votes on posts makes it a lot easier to see what the majority thinks than trying to collect and keep track of how many think one way vs. the other. Not every post or opinion is brought to the team because many are contradictory, which is why the feedback needs to be collected and analyzed. Having players vote/react on posts they agree with is one of the simplest ways to do this. Because of the size of our team, we need to find ways to optimize pipelines, and this is the way we've chosen to optimize feedback.

Thanks for the feedback Boboscus, it has been noted. When it comes to the contracts the team would appreciate knowing which contracts are reappearing with the same skins. If you remember or see it again please send in a report to our support team at so they can have a look and fix it ASAP. Thank you!

A couple of issues with the Discord votes is 1) many issues never come to a vote, and 2) the Discord channel has a somewhat small VERY dedicated group that seems to live there. Their votes are heavily weighted. What this group likes or wants, seems to be the direction of the game. Other casual visitors like me, miss the vote taking.

Why not have a vote: Do you want solo play better supported? Or do you want the game difficulty scaled by the number of players?

I'm not talking about the polls. The feedback gets thumbs up and down from people that agree or disagree. If you don't vote that's up to you. I'm just letting you know how our feedback pipeline works.
I'll just say one thing, majority of people don't bother with third party stuff like Discord for game feedback and other game related stuff. This is Steam, Steam has forums which are supported by Valve, why in the hell would you not use it? People from consoles and other ♥♥♥♥♥♥ storefronts(Epic) come to Steam forums just to discuss game, so why would YOU, someone who sells something on this store, avoid it? That's just plain stupid.
Origineel geplaatst door Boboscus:
I'll just say one thing, majority of people don't bother with third party stuff like Discord for game feedback and other game related stuff. This is Steam, Steam has forums which are supported by Valve, why in the hell would you not use it? People from consoles and other ♥♥♥♥♥♥ storefronts(Epic) come to Steam forums just to discuss game, so why would YOU, someone who sells something on this store, avoid it? That's just plain stupid.

Since the community team for the game only consists of me when it comes to gathering feedback I don't have time to check-in and answer everyone, everywhere. So I've had to make a plan how to gather as much info as efficiently as possible. Discord has become the base of our community because players from multiple platforms can gather there, there are bots and applications that make it easy to get a grasp of what the community thinks as a whole and not just individual wants, challenges and giveaways are easily held, and there's a search function that can make it easy to find answers to questions already answered, just to mention a few reasons. It was also a natural choice since until the coming update there aren't in-game communications in our game so it became an obvious choice since that platform could do the most for our game and community.

I have not said I avoid Steam - I check in here and report the issues lifted here to the team every week, but I don't have time to engage with every discussion. The Steam forum guidelines even recommend not answer and intervene on every topic but say: "Don't respond to everything. Crafting deliberate and thoughtful communication takes time and always comes with risks of reducing future options or spurring further argument. Let your community answer each others' questions."

The players are welcome to communicate here, and what you write will be heard, but if you want to ask the team something or give direct feedback to us the discord is the best way to do so for the reasons stated above.
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Geplaatst op: 23 aug 2021 om 10:37
Aantal berichten: 8