Second Extinction™

Second Extinction™

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Suggestion - On Respawn & Red Zones
When you respawn shouldn't you respawn with fully loaded weapons and all your ammo maxed out, because I assume you were respawned from the dropoff/supply ship and its kinda something you would do.

Also Im not getting the vibrancy of the colours like it shows in the art work, if you go into a red zone you have that green haze everywhere which sucks the colour out of everything and makes it kinda bland looking. Could be my settings idk, but I would prefer the colour vibrancy of the artwork ingame. When i go into a red zone, I know I'm in a red zone do I need green haze everywhere to tell me that.

Just used the Thumper for the first time and boy does that thing need nerfing. By the time its runs out you can spawn another, dinos dont even know your there.
Terakhir diedit oleh Phatplanet; 8 Jan 2021 @ 5:04pm
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Drennon 12 Jan 2021 @ 12:11am 

Thank you very much for the feedback and suggestions.

If you have any feedback, please put it in our #game-feedback channel on our discord server, so we don't miss it.

If you don't have Discord you're welcome to share your feedback here:
Phatplanet 12 Jan 2021 @ 1:20am 
Or you could just add a feedback section to Steam Forums.

Solo, Expedition, using controller.
Was going to add another one to this, When you respawn with an empty weapon and you land on the platform, first thing I do is press the button to reload the weapon as you land but sometimes you are very close to and facing the extract console which is the same button as reload weapon therefore you can un-intentionally activate extraction, which is abit annoying. Either auto reload the weapon as suggested above or have the drop pod face away from the console when it lands.

Also when you start a new mission and have picked an insertion point on the map and the game finishes the 5 second countdown, you then get a short loading screen sequence of seconds and then the game waits for another button press, why does it do this, why can't it just load you straight onto the dropship.
Terakhir diedit oleh Phatplanet; 12 Jan 2021 @ 8:16am
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Tanggal Diposting: 8 Jan 2021 @ 11:18am
Postingan: 2