Rick Henderson
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Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Feb 2, 2019 @ 2:01pm
Bug reports
You can post encountered bugs here
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Showing 1-15 of 112 comments
J_C Mar 15, 2019 @ 2:12am 
Hi. Some small bugs I found:
- when I cycle through the resolutions, I can cycle infinitely when I cycle to the left, but it stops at the hightest resolutions when I go to the right. And sometimes when I cycle to the left or fight, it skips certain resolutions.
- Fullscreen is not working (yet?);
- I don't know if it is intended to work like this, but I can hold down all the fire buttons and fire all the weapons at once. :D But after I do this, the weapons keep firing even when I let go of the fire key. I have to press them again to stop the weapons from firing.
- Control remap option not working, although it could be that it is just not implemented yet.
- I don't know if you can improve this, or is it just on my righ, but the loading time before the mission is a bit too long. Maybe you can do some optimization.

But the graphics and the music are just amazing, and the gameplay is fun.
Last edited by J_C; Mar 15, 2019 @ 2:14am
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Mar 15, 2019 @ 3:31am 
Hello and thanks for the report!

I'll check the issue with fullscreen and resolution cycling ASAP. Firing all weapons should not be possible, i'll see what's going on.

Controls button is a placeholder, i'll remove it for now probably to avoid confusion since it's not yet possible to remap controls.

Loading time IS too long, i'll see if the async loading is working fine, should be a lot faster.
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Mar 15, 2019 @ 11:58am 
Fullscreen is not working (yet?); - FIXED

I don't know if it is intended to work like this, but I can hold down all the fire buttons and fire all the weapons at once. :D But after I do this, the weapons keep firing even when I let go of the fire key. I have to press them again to stop the weapons from firing. - FIXED
cali Mar 16, 2019 @ 1:29pm 
- Mission loading screen is static, so I am not sure if the game crashed or not. A simple loading animation would help people be less concerned
- Restarting a mission after dying in a boss fight brought be straight to the boss. Not sure if this is intended? Also, I could not fire my weapons after I restarted after dying in a boss fight.

Keep up the great work, mate!
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Mar 16, 2019 @ 1:51pm 
I'll put a loading animation or bar at least. As for the boss, i'll check it out.
Goldpaw Mar 16, 2019 @ 1:58pm 
Hi! I'm trying the demo on Linux through Steam Play, and it's working fine. Get it to fullscreen, keyboard controls all good, reacts to my xbox 360 gamepad... except I can't fire any weapons with any of the keys, triggers or sticks on it. And I'm not pro enough to both play with the gamepad and fire with my keyboard at the same time, so it turned into a pure keyboard game for me. Still highly addictive, though! ;)

is the gamepad issue because of Steam Play you think, or is it an actual issue? Anyway, reported!

And awesome work, man! This just gave me that good old R-Type and Project-X feeling right away! Took me straight back to 1992!
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Mar 17, 2019 @ 2:38am 
Hi Goldpaw,

sorry for not making the demo run natively on linux, i'm having some issues in the build. Controller support is not available in the demo, tho there's some natively enabled controller support which doesn't work the way it is intended since i'm not using default keys. I'm working on it though, it should be available very soon.

Thanks for the support, glad you like it!
Goldpaw Mar 17, 2019 @ 7:59am 
Ah, good to hear. Nothing wrong, then, it's just not implemented fully yet. Got it! Guess I'll have to learn how to play with keys again, then. It was just too much fun trying this demo not to! ;)
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Mar 21, 2019 @ 2:26pm 
Gamepad support has been implemented!

A few caveats:

You still can't use controller in the menu
Still no remapping the keyboard and gamepad controls.
Basically, stay clear of the controls menu, it exists and can be accessed but it's still semi functional.

I'm working on all of those to make everything functional in a day or two.

If you are experiencing troubles with your gamepad, let me know which model you're using to throw in a map for it.

I'd also like your opinion on what button on the keypad do you usually use for pause?

There's some testing too, few shmup enthusiasts recommended me to ditch the inertia, let me know how it feels.
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Mar 24, 2019 @ 12:49pm 
New update is up, some bug fixes and loading time improvement.
Last edited by Fat Pug Studio; Mar 25, 2019 @ 1:59am
cali Mar 31, 2019 @ 5:26am 
Ran the demo again (much faster loading time, great job!), got what looks like a meteor storm level. Got no points for shooting meteors, gave up after a while because there didn't seem to be an end to the level. Just asteroids. Forever.

On second thought, that sounds like a realistic space sim mode. You should make that a feature :D
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Apr 1, 2019 @ 6:37am 
I just uploaded the fix for that. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Apr 11, 2019 @ 12:46pm 
Cycling through resolutions and fullscreen now work properly
Settings are saved when exiting the game
Soy Rat Jun 17, 2019 @ 12:06am 
great job on the game, but i found a bug. when the boss cutscene starts you cant move, and there was a meteor right in my way, i couldnt move away so when the boss fight started i died.
Fat Pug Studio  [developer] Jun 17, 2019 @ 9:04pm 
Player collider should have been shut off so that doesn't happen. I'll look into it and fix it so it doesn't happen anymore. Thanks for reporting!
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